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National University of Computer and Emerging Sciences, Lahore Campus

Course Name: Object Oriented Programming Course Code: CS 1004

Program: BS (Data Science) Semester: Spring 2023
Total Marks: 100 Weight 4%
Assigned: 03/ 02/ 2023 Due 11/ 02/ 2023
Section: A, B

Discussion with your class fellows is encouraged but remember that this is an individual assignment and
plagiarism in all forms (copy someone’s code or sharing your code with others) is strictly prohibited and will
result in non-positive (negative) marks.

Safe Elastic Integer Arrays

In this assignment we are going to extend C++ by implementing a new way of creating arrays in C++.
This array like structure will be elastic in the sense that the programmer using it will be able to change
the size and dimensions of the array during program execution. Initially support will be provided for
up to 3 dimensions and hence programmer will be allowed to use an array either as a 1D, 2D or 3D
array as per need.

Programmer using these arrays will be allowed to use both non-negative and negative indices to access
the data stored in these arrays and the arrays will be safe in the sense that the programmer will be
unable to access an index that is not part of the array or in other words each integer will be mapped to
a valid index in the array.

To implement this notion we will need to keep a record of number of dimensions and size of each
dimension of the array along with the memory area reserved to store the array data. As discussed in
class, for this assignment we will keep this information in a structure/record defined using the struct
defining facility available in the language.

A proposed struct definition and some basic functions have been defined for your convenience and
your main responsibility is to complete this definition and provide definition of all necessary functions
needed to implement the notion of SAFE ELASTIC ARRAYS.

The grading rubrics will be shared by the course TA.

Department of Computer Science Page 1

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