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Few people come into our lives and make everything shine, but you're one of those

rare and splendid jewels who makes the whole world bright. When I was sad, you made
me smile.
When I was alone and blue, you were there for me, and you made me feel strong enoug
to accomplish anything. Because I appreciate the many things you do, more than
words could say, I'm sending you the Candle of Love, and hoping you receive many
blessings from above.

One has only to open their eyes to see the endless beauty around them.. Vibrant
flower gardens in bloom and colorful Monarchs... Humming Birds and flowering
trees... Pansies and lots of sunshine... And, of course, friendship. There's
nothing in life more beautiful to me than having a friend like you, and I want you
to know that I appreciate you.

My dear love, I don't know how to begin to express my appreciation for you. You
mean so much to me-- more than you could possibly know. I can't imagine not having
you in my life. Our lives have become so entwined, that we simply can't exist
separately anymore. We need each other like springtime blossoms need rain and
sunshine. We've laughed together, cried together and through it all we've grown.
All along, I've known that there's a special quality about you. You have a magical
way of reaching inside me and filling my heart with hope and happiness. You make me
feel like I can accomplish anything. Thank you, friend. I couldn't get by without

I've been thinking about you. And I know I don't say it often enough, but I
appreciate all you do. I've never known anyone as giving as you. You always go that
extra mile to inspire and encourage me. You make me want to try harder; you make me
want to succeed.
You've made me believe in me. For this and so much more, I'm sending good wishes to
your door.

We met on the internet, but I hold you no less dear than the friends I see every
day, the friends who live near. You entered my life via an email letter, but in
your own special way you made my whole world better. Now I'm happy, and, at last, I
feel whole, because I found the precious blossom that was missing from my soul. I
yearn to chat with you every day, because only you have the power to chase my blues

This is an angel fountain, the place where on earth angels dwell. The angel
fountain holds the goodness and light from heaven, which will shine upon you and
make your whole world bright. Just stare into the angel fountain and say a prayer,
and soon you'll forget all your cares. The heavenly warmth and love will touch your
soul, leaving behind a lasting feeling of happiness and hope, and your prayers will
be answered.

You're my greatest passion; I can't stop thinking about you. Every sunset, and
every song
reminds me of you and the last time i hear your voice. You're forever in my heart
like an eternal flame. I'm a starved soul, always hungry for the precious love that
only you can give me. There's never a time when I don't want to be with you. You
make me come alive.
Life would be meaningless without you and I'd be lost to sorrow and heartache. Say
you'll wrap me in your loving arms, and prove that you love me as much as I love
you. We'll share a night of sensual passion that could inspire poetry. Afterward, I
just want to hold you in my arms and savor being with you.

I have an important message for you! But telling you how I feel is so difficult to
do! I'm doing my best to show it, because I want you to know it There's just
something special about you! Your smile cuts as deep as the sharpest knife,because
you're the apple of my life! You really make the grade, When you entered my life,
you touched my heart with a happiness that will never fade.

I just wanted to send you a cheery hello, touched with a little bit of sunshine, to
let you know that you're in my thoughts. I hope all is going well in your flower
garden, and that you have a bright, and sunny day!

A unicorn represents a pure heart overflowing with love, innocence, kindness,

charity, justice, sensitivity, truth, loyalty, beauty, and all things good. I'm
sending you this unicorn greeting, because I see all of these special qualities in
you. You're a magical spark in a world that sometimes seems dark. Your light never
fails totouch my heart and soul leaving behind a feeling of peace and an assurance
that goodness truly exist in the world. Thank you for being you.

Yes, I Love You A Red Rose Our Song Across the Miles Blue Without You True Love
Old-Fashioned Love Dream Cottage for Two One and Only Love and Adore You To My True
Love Beautiful Love Most Romantic Kind Eden in You Love Is Love's Journey.

If we avow fond emotion, A heart's devotion to beget, The summer's fiery kiss would
melt The ice-blue whispers of regret. If we proclaim our endless love With silver
starlit eyes aglow, Fall's lease would never bear a trace Of late December's ice
and snow. If we seek the carlet passion, Our wicked kindred souls to tame, The
winter's frigid breath would wane Beneath a satin lover's flame. If we express deep
affection Amid bright violets in bloom, Spring rains would mercifully cleanse Our
tarnished souls of wistful gloom.

I want us to celebrate all the wonderful weekends we've spent together. I want us
to celebrate the happiness we've shared. I want to celebrate, because we found each
other, and because we have our own song. I want to celebrate the nights that we
snuggled in bed, and the mornings we awoke in each other's arms. I want to
celebrate the hugs, the smiles, the kisses, and the evenings we spent together over
a romantic dinner. I want to celebrate today, because we're together, and I want to
celebrate tomorrow, because I look forward to the days ahead with a wonderful
person like you.

In the past, strong winds knocked me down; life kicked me around, but should foul
weather come my way now, I'll get right back up and try again I'll stand my ground,
because now I have the strength of your love. And with your love, anything is
possible-- no dream is out of reach,
no star too distant. I'm certain that you were sent from above, and I would never
push you away or lock you out of my heart. If you sought the door, I would get on
my knees and beg you to stay. I know what I want. I know what I need. I must
believe that you'll always be here for me...
just as I'll always be here for you.
I want you to hold tell me you love meI want you to put no one else above
me.In a sea of hearts there's only you and me. You're the only one who touches
me... the only one who moves me. You're my fondest wish of what the future could
be. I may hold the lock, but you have the key
to the garden that blooms deep inside of me. I'll be your servant, whatever you
want me to be... If you'll just say you love me.

There's no best friend like a pet. A pet is always there for you, warm, friendly,
dedicated to duty, and always ready to cuddle up next to you when it's cold
outside. When God calls such a special friend home, you suddenly feel lost. You
feel like something wonderful is missing from your life. For so long your pet
watched over you, always guiding you and protecting you like a guardian angel. And
indeed like an angel
your best friend was sent to you from God. But even when God feels it's time for
your pet to rest, your best friend is never really gone.
The bond of friendship you created will live in your heart forever. And after the
grief subsides the memories of the good times you spent
with your beloved friend will again make you smile and give you comfort. And in the
way of a guardian angel, your pet will always be watching over you from above,
sending you its warmth and love.

While we're apart, I want you to keep me with you always, and think about me when
you hear the wind sing and to imagine the warmth of my touch
when the sun glows upon your cheeks. I want you to dream about us when you take in
the serenity nof the sea and to imagine us strolling the shore together each time
your feet touch the warm sand. I want you tonyearn for the day nwe'll be together
each time the sun goes down, and to hold me close in your dreams each time the
stars light up the sky. I want our love to flourish with unrequited fire and
passion while we're apart,so that we can remain close in heart and soul.

Be an angel on earth by sharing your kindness with others. Create your own
miracles, by making a difference in someone's life. Be a friend, a loyal friend, a
true friend. Send a friend or family member some sunshine by letting them know how
much you care about them. Take an interest in someone's life and be there when
you're needed. Help others by reaching out to those who need you. Never close the
door and walk away. Forget the wrongs done to you in the past and forgive the way
that God would. Do something special for someone who's feeling down. Remind them
not to give up hope. Try your best to understand others. Don't judge. Instead,
offer direction to the best of your ability.And most of all, encourage others to be
all that they can be.

Hold me close and never let me go, because I want you, and I need you so much

Goodnight.nSleep tight. Just keep me dear in your dreams when the stars shine

my woman
Simone Marinho Maciel

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