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1900 1600-1150 1250 1200-1150 1100-750 750-500 735 733 776 725 700 700-500 725-710 650-625 670s 632 621 594 560-550 561-527 560-546 546 521-485 527-510 514 508-510 499-494 490 485-465 480-479 480 479-478 435 432 431 421 415-413 404 Minoan period First Greeks appear on mainland Mycenaean period Sack of Troy Destruction of Mycenean centers Dark Ages Major Colonization Naxos, first Grk colony in Sicily founded Syracuse founded First Olympic Games Homer Hesiod Age of Tyrants Sparta vs Messenians, First war Second Messenian War Lycurgan reforms, Sparta Cylon's attempted tyranny in Athens Draco publishes legal code at Athens Solon's Athenian reforms Sparta vs Tegea: Peloponnesian League begins Pisistratus's tyranny in Athens Croesus of Lydia conquers Asian Greeks Persians conquer Lydia (559-530 Cyrus the Great of Persia) Reign of Darius Hippias succeeds Pisistratus Harmodius/Aristogeiton murder Hipparchos Cleisthenes institutes reforms in Athens Ionian Rebellion Battle of Marathon Reign of Xerxes, of Persia Xerxes's invasion of Greece Xerxes invasion of Greece: Thermopylae, Artemisium, and Salamis Battles of Plataea and Mycale Civil war at Epidamnus Sparta declares war on Athens Peloponnesian invasion of Attica Peace of Nicias Athenian invasion of Sicily Athens surrenders

404-403 401 Persia 399 400-387 398-360 395-387 382 378 371 362 359-336 338 338 336-323 334 333 331 330 327 323 306-272

Thirty Tyrants at Athens Expedition of Cyrus, rebellious prince of Death of Socrates Spartan War vs Persia Reign of Agesilaus at Sparta Corinthian War Sparta seizes Thebes Second Athenian Confederation founded Thebans defeat Sparta at Leuctra; end of Spartan hegemony Battle of Mantinea: end of Theban Hegemony Reign of Philip II of Macedon Battle of Chaeronea: Philip conquers Greece League of Corinth founded Alexander's reign Alexander invades Asia Battle of Issus Battle of Gaugamela Fall of Persopolis Alexander to India Alexander dies in Babylon Alexander's generals, Antigonus, Ptolemy, and Seleucus assume royal titles. The Seleucids rule in Syria, Mesopotamia, and Iran; The Antigonids in Macedonia; the Ptolemies in Egypt. Hellenistic Civilization's peak First Macedonia War Rome vs Philip V Roman Seige vs Syracus Second Macedonia War Rome vs Philip V Syrian Wars. Rome vs. Antiochus III Third Macedonia War. Rome Vs Perseus Fourth Macedonia War. Macedonia reduced to Roman province. Corinth razed.

272-146 212-205 213-211 200-197 191-188 171-167 148-146

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