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A swirl of words surrounds me

Flakes of letters all around

Falling sometimes in a flurry
Melting sometimes in thin air
So delicate - so dainty
Yet when they fall just right
So powerful and potent
Showing all their might

Syllables and consonants

Drifting up and down
Sometimes making sentences
Sometimes not a sound
Torrents of letters
Falling endlessly from up high
Punctuation everywhere
Filling up the sky

These thoughts of mine are incomplete

Still waiting to be born
Fingers, toes and other parts
Are starting to take shape
Awaiting Dr. Frankenstein to shock them into life
But do I really want to know what form that they will take?
For I am scared the body parts
Some monstrous beast will make

When moments are forever

And time drags on and on
The letters swarm inside my head
Like leaves blown in a storm
And thunder resonates in that dark space
And lightning strikes the ground
And one can never use those words
That sometimes there are found

So stimulus and stimuli

When encountered everyday
Must first be weighed and measured
Before we stumble and do fall
And tumbling down a rocky slope
Is not something I will do
Cause the only falling that interests me
Is falling in love with you

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