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default n.默认程序; 缺陷 v.


deposition n.沉积(deposit 存款) n.罢免;发誓作证

depression n.萧条; 抑郁 n.低(气)压

desert n.沙漠 v.擅离职守

devour v.吞食 v.挥霍

discriminate v.歧视(贬义) v.区别, 区分(中性; 同differentiate)

discursive adj. 散漫的,离题的 adj. 争论的

But despite her formidable gifts as a polemical and discursive writer, and for all her reputation as an
intellectual who sacrificed feeling to intelligence, what powers McCarthy’s best essays are her fictional
rather than strictly intellectual gifts.

divert v.转移 v.使

dock n.码头 n.草本植物; v.扣工资(dock the check)

dog n. 狗 n.犬科动物

down adj.向下的 n.沙丘; 绒毛

draft n.草稿 v.征兵 adj.(啤酒等)人工酿造的

draft v.1起草 2 招募,选秀 n.(尤指房间、烟囱、炉子等供暖系统中的)(小股)气流

drain v.排水 n.下水道

draw v.画画 v.取钱; 平局

drill n.(体育或者军事)训练 v.钻孔

drive v.开车 n.冲劲

duty n.1责任,2关税 n.尊敬

Pascal believes that we owe different duties to different qualities. So we might say that infatuation is

the proper response to charm, and awe the proper response to strength.

eat v.吃饭 v.腐蚀

eclipse n.(日,月等天体)蚀 v.使...黯然失色

elaborate adj.精致的 v.详细说明(+on)

element n.元素 n.暴风雨; 自然力

elevate v.提高 n.选修课(上课是为了提升) adj.选举人的(选举也是寻求更高位置的一个活动)

estimable adj.可估计的 adj.值得尊敬的(估价师能够估计,是一个令人尊重的行业)

exceptionable adj.值得反对的(请注意与exceptional"杰出的"区别)

exocrine n.外分泌 Adj. 外分泌的

exploit v.剥削 n.功绩(对劳动人民的剥削,成就了资本家们的勋章)
exponent n.指数,冥 n. 典型代表; 倡导者(相当于advocate)

factor n.因素 v.发挥作用 n.因数(数学概念)

第 3 页,共 10 页

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