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FYE OF THE BEHOLDER Tollow these suggestions to keep your Eye of the Beholder Game Pak in peifect operating condition, |. DO NOT subject your Game Pak to extreme temperatures, either hot or cold, Always store it at room temperature, 2, DO NOT touch the terminal connectors on your Game Pac Keep it clean ancl dust-fiee by always storing In ts protective plastic sleeve. 3. DO NOT try to disassemble your Game Pal. 4. DO NOT let your Game Pak come in contaet with thinners, solvents, benzene, alcohol, or any othe: sitong cleaning agents that can damage i. WARNPIG: PLEASE READ THE ENCLOSED CONSUMER } INFORMATION & PRECAUTIONS SOOKLET CAREFULLY BEFORE USING YOUR NINTENGO" HARDWARE SYSTEM OR GAME PAK. ‘APCOMU.S.A, Inc. Sees oe Table of Contents 'SATETY PRECAUTIONS. GETING STARTED. 4 Basic CONTROLS: ‘THE INVITATION .. ‘THE EYE OF THE BEHOLDER WORLD... Sa BUILDING A PARTY. 10-13, HOW TO PLAY EYE OF THE BEHOLDER wv sewnennn 422. AcTION’ 23.27 PLAYER REFERENCES 28-58 WARRANTY INFORMATION : 59 Getting Started Insert your EYE OF THE BEHOLDER Gaune Pak into your Super Nintenclo Entertainment System ankl turn the power ON. Watch closely as tale terror unfolds or press the START button to ship to the tite screen. When the title screen appears, you will see the Following choices: LOAD A SAVED PARTY. This option allows you to return to the maze. if you have previously expiored ‘the maze and used the SAVE GAME option. CREATE A NEW PARTY: This opilon allows you to create « party of edventute rs, Please read Section centtied"Buileing a Party” ‘en how to do ths. Select the option you wish and press the ¥ Button to begin "your jeumey inte the twisting caverns beneath Wateideep. (Once enter the tunnels of Waterdeep, you will scon find that there is no way out. I wil Be up fo you fo venture inte the heart of the evil and dispel! t forall time To end your adventure at any time, smply select the SAVE GAME option and turn your Super Nintendo Entercalament System OFF and remove your Game Pak | | Basic Controls When Making Selections on the Adventure Screen Tomoye the pointer, Press the control pad UP, DOWN, LEFT or RIGHT: To sclect an item: Move the cursor to the item ‘and press the A button. To use an Kem: Move the cursor to the item and press the B button To open the ress the X button, Equipment Screen: To select the Camp cree Press the START button, Press the ¥ bution. (To unlock, Press the ¥. bution again) To lock the pointer and use the control ad to control your Basic Controls When Making Selections on the Equipment Screen To move the pointer: To select an Hem: To use an tem: To close the Equipment Scree To select another character your party: To select the Camp Screens To lock the pointer and use the control ad to control your Press the control pad UP, DOWN, LEFT or RIGHT. Moye the cursor to the item and press the A button. Move the cursor to the em and press the B button, Press the X button, Press the Lor R buttons. Dress the START button. Dress the Y button. (To unlock, Press the ¥ button again) wn sic Controls When Using Bas Mouse. ae To move the pointer Drag the mouse in the estfed clrection, ‘To select an item: Move the cursor to the Item andl press the LEFT mouse button, To use an Kem: Move the cursor to the item and press the RIGHT ‘mouse button, Al other function in the game can be activated by moving, the pointer over the selected item and pressing the RIGHT ‘mouse button. The Invitation Prergeiron, tre chief Lora of Waterdeep, has called che party toa meeting and gives you the following letter: Piexgeiron, 1 have investigated your concerns, my fier aed Fam afraid te russ wot go More an at, iis maddening ant fasten, ret fo wa a neg and groan, Belo TUT ‘and manos of asec it by Tp In Wetec! ot sire what to bliooe arse Thace visited both Stn and Calinchan, thes vite have giv us trouble the pact. I supected that our prolons now right be tir (Going, bts I fd no eidence of My nformants ste dcr on this pow esc None hove exon cord of ture Nonater 4, Mase ces of laren fen ont Where, fut fm sh fn. prep lan? Noy mags di detect the ea, tno te sce SL of our aterspts 9 fd cause fae Bn for sag “Teeny stag we have “earned ve ta name Xanathir cars anti grave persistence. ‘Where fave we NOT coke, Paladinsen rey fieade Wher isch Cy Wek never pent? Were would YOU hide from te Which ant the Conds of Waterdeep without lacing she va teeny? T cas only tink tt eve ave oeslooking something tues oer ers mass will wtusn to te Council soot ma inesigsion kere ae carly foils. But donot wat far mere adooutres a he ois hae gyi Tay ay ke ar iets Dehap a ew olonk fo our insted fend ilbon The Eye of the Beholder World Eye of the Beholder Is an all 3-D, Legend Series role-playing. adventure based on the popular Advanced! Dungeons & Diagors, 2nd Edition game rules and an original story created fo¢ this game. The action takes plece in the sewers and cata- combs beneath the City of Waterdeep in TSR’s forgotten realins, game wer. Everything in Eye of the Beholder is from your point of view. ‘Wateh the walls pass by as you move through the sewers Deneath the ancient cry of Waterdeep. Pick up items by grab- bing them, Open doors with keys or by pressing buttons or pulling release levers. See monsters draw neater to you and ‘lose for batle. Attack by using the weapons your characters have in their hands, or cast spells by using your clerics and ‘mages spells. Those in the front cf fhe party may attack with, "weapons such as swords and maces, while characters in the rear ranks may attack with spell oF fangeci weapons Such &s bows, ‘A key to playing Eye of the Behokter Is understanding the df= ference beoween TAKE, USE, and SELECT. TAKING involves {actions such as picking up oF dropping items, USING involves factions such as attacking. monsters with weapons, oF indicating, thet a cleric or mage wishes f© east a spell. You can only Use items from she main Adventure Screen, SELECTING involves ‘choosing buttons such as spall Level Buttons or the Camp Button, or choosing from lists such as picking spells to cast or Building a Party You must generate four charac: fers to have a complete party. A good mix of races ancl cases 1S escental to completing the Adventure. Warilr classes such as Fighters, Paladins, end Rangers are needed t0 deal with the ‘many nour’ thet block your path, Chris and Mages support the Guest with the megical elites — clerics have powerful healing and protective spells, while mages attack wlth mystic force: Thieves are handy when progress Is barred by a locked gate for which the party has no key. GENERATING CHARACTERS ‘To make a character Select one of the four Character Boxes, Affer you have chosen a box, Select the new character's race tnd gender, class, alignment, and portrait. Generelly you can change your last choice by selecting the Back Button on the bottom right ofthe screen RACE ‘There are sx races, OF spectes to choose from: + Human a shale + Darl ‘Crome + Halfing Each race has unique aclvanieges and characteristics. Different races are eligible for eferent classes ancl each has unique modifiers to attributes such as strength or wisiom. For more, information see the Races section on page 28. 10 ilding a P. ullding a Party cost CLASS ‘Classes are occupations. Some races have the option of having more than one class simultaneously, but there are six basic options + Fighter + Ranger + Paladin + Mage =Clenc Thier [A varlety of classes is needted in a party to get all ofthe skils, needed fos the adventure, Paladins will not join partes with evil character. Ifyou already ave an evil party member you cantot generace {aaladin, For more information see the Cases sectlon on page 31. ALIGNMENT ‘Alignment is te philosophy by which a character ives andl ideals with the world. There are nine possible alignments although a character's class may limit the selection. Paladins, for exampte, ean only be Lawful Good. The choices are: + Lawful Good + Lawl Neutal + Lawful El = Neultal Good) True Neutral + Neutral Evi = Chaotic Good+ Chaotic Neutral Chaotic Evil Evil characters cannot join parties with paladins, Ifyou already have 4 Paladin you eannot generate an evil character. For more: Information see the Alignevent section on page 35. " Building a Party con. 4 Building a Party con PORTRAIT WHEN THE PARTY Is COMPLETE You must Select the picture, or Character Portrat, that rence ‘When you have generated cur sents the character in the game. During the game the positon characters that you are happy {of the portrait on the sereen indicates Ifa character is in the ‘with select the Play Button below font or rear ranke of the party. Select the portiat to examine the Character Forcats 0 begin characters’ Equipment Screens the game. Select the artows to cisplay seis of portals, al then Select ‘your character's Portia ABILITY SCORES (CHARACTERS THAT JOIN YOUR PARTY iNFC3) Ability scores are generated for the character after you Select —=—_Imaddition to the four regular chavactets, up to two mote non: the Character Portalt. These are sumary of the character's player characters (NPCs) may join the party at atime. As you natural ablities and faculties. Each character has the following, adventure these characters may ask fo join your characters. scores: Ifyou accept, they jein and act as any other characters under edi eager ‘your control. Occasionally NPCs offer advice or give you ‘information, NPCs may leave your party cr you may drop eae ene one ee ae “Consntution + Charisma ‘These scores can be modified or generated again after you Sciect a portrait for the character. Fer mote information see the Ability Scores section beginning on page 36. Arter attribute scores are generated options to keep of modify your character ae displayed. REROLL generates a new set of ability scores for the character. 4 KEEP Accepts the character into the party. Name your character after selecting KEEP and the new character will join the adventuring party. 12 13, How to Play Eye of the Beholder View Window This is your window to the wor. Here you can, see the area around your party, items hing in the dungeon, nd attacking monsters. 1. GATE Gates occasionally block your path. Each gate may be diferent. For example, some you can open simply by pulling a lever or pressing a button, others may requle a key of lockoick, 2, BUTTON Buttons and levers can be found on the walls near some gates. 43. ITEM Treasure, food, weapons, and other items can be found throughout the dungeon. 4. MOVEMENT BUTTONS These move and turn che pany 14 How to Play Eye of the Beholdercon. 5, COMPASS This indicaces the party's heading. Use the Compass to maintain your orientation en co map the ower ievels. The compass Is replaced by the Spell Menu when characters cast spells 6. FRONT RANK CHARACTERS These (vo characters ar ‘only ones that cat attack with melee weapons (words, ‘maces, etc OF certain short range spells. 7. REAR RANK CHARACTERS These characters are away from the front line risks and can only attack monsters with ranged vreapons (bows, das, ete.) and spells. Rear rank ‘characters can only be hit by monsters’ melee attocs ifthe Creatures are attacking from the sides or rear ofthe party 8. CHARACTER PORTRAIT Select this to choose a character for view his equipment. IFthe Character Portal is grayed, the character unconscious. IFit is replaced by 2 skull, the chavacter is dead. 9. SPELL EFFECT BOX,A colored line around a character shows that the characteris affected by a spell. A dashed Tine shows that the characteris affected by two types of spele. The color of the indicator describes the type of spell 10. NAME BAR Use this 1o exchange postions of party mem bers, Use one Name Bar and then another. The two many members wil trade places PRIMARY HAND Generally a character caries a weapon in hie primary hand. The character can hold anything in his Primaty Hand that he cat hold in his Secondary Hana. Use in-hane weapons fo attack monstes, 15 How to Play Eye of the Beholdereo. How to Play Eye of the Beholdercon. 2. SECONDARY HAND Generally a character carries a shiel, Secondary weapon, spell book, grail symbol oF miscella neous item in his secondary hand. Only fighters. paladins and raiigets can use a secondary weapon enc! even they Suffer < penaly In combat. Use spell book icons or rel SymbOs © cast Spells. 13, WEAPON Use in-hand weapons to attack monsters. This is Identical for both melee and ranged weapons 14, SPELL BOOK Use this con to cast memorized mage spell. When you Use a spell book the compass is replaced by the Spell Menu, When the menus displayed Select « Level Button and then the spell. 15, SYMBOL Lise this to cast cleic spells. To cast cletle spells LUSE a symbol and the compass i replace by the Spell ‘Menu. When the meni is cisplayed SELECT a level button and then a spell, Paladin Invoke their natural healing, ability as they would a cleric spel. 16, HIT POINT BAR This displays the character's current condition. Color changes indicate the characters status. To tlcplay hit points as a numeric value Select Bar Craphs (ON/OFF from the Preferences Menu under the Camp options. 17, CAMP BUTTON Select thls to rest the party. memorize” spells, end heal the party. The camp menu also allows you fo save the current game, quit, of make adjustments t ‘game sounds and so on. See the Camp section on page 413 for more information. 19. 20. 21 22, 23. 24, 25, wis 19 (CHARACTER PORTRAIT Select this to return to the Adventure Scieen. HIT POINT BAR Displays the character's current condition, FOOD BAR When 4 chalectet has jun out of food he loses UP per 24 hours ancl cannot memorize spells. See Eating, In the Actions section. FOOD PACKET Food can be found in the dungeon. PLATE Take food and Select iton the plate to have & character eat. [NEXT/PREVIOUS CHARACTER BUTTONS Select these to view other characters! equipment BACKPACK [reins caited lin the character's beckpack ere shown here, QUIVER Indicates any avrows the character has. Select arrows over the quiver to flit 17 How to Play Eye of the Beholdercon. 26. BODY PARTS (To1so, Wilsts, Fingers, Head, Neck and Feet) Place items fo be worn on the apropriate box. For exem= ple, rings are placed on Fingers, armor on the Torso, etc 27. PRIMARY HAND Shows what the character has in his primary or ‘weapon’ hand. Secondary Hane! Shows What the character has in his seconclary hand. 28, BELT POUCH Up to three items can be carried in the character's belt pouch. If the character heers spare throwing type weapons in the pouch, replacements ace automatically transferred fo the character's hand a¢ ‘weapons are spent in combat. 29, OTHER PAGE BUTTON Select this to see the Character Scien. 30. CHARACTER PORTRAIT Scicc: this to retuim to the Adventure Screen. 18 How to Play Eye of the Beholdercou 31. HIT POINT BAR Displays the chatacter’s current condition, 32, NEXT/PREVIOUS CHARACTER BUTTONS Select these to View other characters’ equipment. 33. CLASS This Is the character's occupation (or occupations IF the chazecter is mult-clessed) 34, ALIGNMENT Describes the character's ethics and how he Jinteracts with the world 35, ABILITY SCORES Represent the character's natural abiltles, and strengths, 36, CURRENT EXPERIENCE Represents how much the character hhas learned throughout the adventure. When the character {gains suficient experience, his level inceaces, 37. CURRENT LEVEL How far the character has advanced Inhis class 38. OTHER PAGE BUTTON Select this to return to the Equipment Screen, 19 low to Play Eye of the Beholdercon. y! How to Play Eye of the Beholdercon. REST PARTY Select to have the party est, heal, ancl memorize spells. When you choose this option, you will be asked if you, ‘want to have healers cure the party. If you Select the Yes Button characters with cure spells automatically cast them on ‘wounded characters and rememorize these spell, and any others chosen, while the party resting. Uniess you choose new spells, characters will rememorize the same spells as before, The amount of time the party rests is based! on the highest number and level of spells being memorized. ‘A party's rest may be internupted by wandering monsters ‘Characters who have a blank Food Bar cannot regain spells until they eat. (MEMORIZE SPELLS Select (0 choose oF examine the set of spells the mage will earn when he rests. The Spells Avaliable menu will appear when you Select this option. Select spells (© 20 memorize. The numbers to the right of the spell names are the umber of each type of spell the character will have when he finishes resting, Highlighted numbers are unmemorized spells. Select the Clear Button to blank any unmemorzed spell chotc- fs or a Level Button to choose spells of another level. Select fhe Exit Buran fo end choices for that characcer. PETITION Select to choose or examine the set of ceric spells the character will learn when he rests, The Spells Available ‘menu will appear when you zelect this option. Select spelis to ‘memorize. The numbers fo the right of the spell names are the number of each type of spell the character wil have when. he finishes resting, Highlighted numbers are unmemorized spells. Select the Clear Button to blank ary unmemorized spell choicss or 4 Level Button to choose spells of another level. Select the Exit Button to end chowes for that character SCRIBE SCROLLS Transfers spells fom a serail toa spell book. ‘After Selecting Scribe alist of spells on scrolls is displayed, PREFERENCES MENU Select to contol game finetions such as sounds and display, Preferences Menu ‘Tunes are ON/OFF Sounds are ON/OFF Bar Graphs are ON/OFF Control's A/B a How to Play Eye of the Beholdercon. += Tunes This tums background music on and off + Sounds This turns sound effects on and of. + Bar Graphs This changes between displaying hit points as a ber graph or numeric value. + Control. This changes the button configuration, GAME OPTIONS Select to display a menu with options for saving the current game or loading 4 previously saved one, GAME OPTIONS MENU Load Game Save Game Drop NPC. + Load Game reiieves the stored game. + Save Game stores the current game to the game pale Saving regularly Iss good idea, Drop NFC allons you to order an NPC (a Nor-Player Character who hes joined the party during the adventure) (0 leave the petty 22 ACTIONS ‘The following section describes how to perform mest actions in the game. The basic parts of each action are the Take, Use, and Select functions. These are described BASIC CONTROLS section, “In-hand!” refers to items in either the primary or secondary Ihand. You can only Use items from the Adventure Screen, ATTACK MONSTER To attack monsters Use a chavacter’s in-barel weapons. Only the front rank characters caf! attack with melee vreapons (ewords, maces, etc), and the monster must be visible In the 3-D Window. Characters in the rear ranks can attack with ranged weapons [bows, darts, etc). After you have attacked ‘with a weapon i ¢ grayed until itis ready) again. CAMP SELECT ‘The Camp Button on the bottom right side of the screen. Camp _gives you options to save the game, tum sounds on and off, have spel-casters memorize spells, and more. CAST CLERIC SPELL LUse the chatacters in-hand Grad symbol. The Grad symbol can be in the character's secondary hand. Select the spell Level Button from the Spell Menu and then the spall to cast. Select target characters for any spel that affects members of the patty. Attack spells can only be launched at monsters that are visible in the 3-D Window. CAST MAGIC USER SPELL Use the character's in-tand spell book icon. The spell book can be m the mage’s secondary hand. Select the spell Level Button from the Spell Menu and then the spell to cast. Select target characters for any spell that affects members of the party 23 ACTIONS Attack spells can only be launched at monsters that are Visible in the 3:D Window. CAST A CLERIC SCROLL SPELL Use an in-hand scroll. The scroll is consumed when the spell is released, and lost forever. CAST A MAGE SCROLL SPELL Use an in-hand Scie. The PLRATION OF WARRANTY. Ie Par dbweos ant ser he ay Narany eto. you may eon re ‘Capcom Cons Sono Burner att hora mantener. Ee Soto afeisn dusouan naar You saphena are ee ne pacha ofthe Gotacte PAK areata he Slee PAK Hai eps te capa, ancchnds ack: worey or or Ste arabe te CARO LSA tre: Caper nt tt ose sta a secon ator ep fe Passe Wa Sse epate a eeacaren ARS oe ro BvtaDe, te Ewe PAR ‘ie erst a te $4950 yan rues ‘ANY APPLICABLE MPUED WARRANTIES, NO.UEING WANARITIES OF EXGHANTASLITY AND HINSS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOS" AEE HERERY tae fo niTy Dave row Tc CATE OF PUASHAGE ANG ARE GUBIEGT ‘TOTr= GonoiTions SEI Fos HEREIN NO EVEN? SHALL CAPCOM 3 ABLE Fon Constcuewria oa WCIDENTAL BAUKGES RECULTRIG HOM THE SNEACH oF A0y EXFFESS On IMPLIED WARRANTIES, Te eau ffi waranty ee veld nthe Untea Seen on So sate dor! Slow mason ow ng en ngog wares wl or excacre of eroeuert Pores

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