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TOWN OF ADAMS FY2024 BUDGET PRESENTATION CAPITAL OUTLAY FOR INFRASTRUCTURE AND EQUIPMENT FROM ESTIMATED FREE CASH PROPOSED CAPITAL OUTLAY FROM ESTIMATED FREE CASH |S: s 550,000.00 TO FUND INFRASTRUCTURE AND EQUIPMENT OUTLAY FUNDED BY ESTIMATED FREE CASH FOR NO IMPACT TO THE TAX RATE: Cemetery, Parks & Grounds - Replacement of small mobile equipment Community Development - Road and sidewalk condition assessment & SAM IS pavement management software Community Development - Building demolition DPW Equipment - 2023 one ton Ford F-350 pick up truck with Fisher HD 9-foot plow DPW Equipment - 2017 Volvo L70H Front End Bucket Loader DPW Equipment - Sandblast, metal repair, and paint for ashphalt hot box Facilities - Small mobile equipment & tools Library - Various small buildings repairs Police - 2023 Ford Explorer OR 2023 Chevrolet Tahoe Police Cruiser Police - External and internal security system replacement ‘Town Administrator - Capital building, maintenance, & engineering projects reserve 10,000 50,000 70,000 60,000 100,000 5,000 3,500 13,500 65,000 13,000 460,000 550,000

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