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driticism Ut l ne ~tor,11 J-\1 ,u

Stress Theory

Wh ile the sto rm and stress the ory rem ain s

influential, some psychologists argue tha t not eve
adolescent goes thro ugh such a dis rup tive phase.
Ma ny people have peaceable teenage years free


Con tem por ary psychologists ofte n call for

ory .
a modified aRQroach to the sto rm and stress the
These professionals emphasize tha t alth oug h ma
young people experience a turb ule nt adolescenc
many oth ers have the opp osi te experience. It
ulti ma tely depends on an ind ivid ual 's tem per am
external circumstances, and experiences thro ugh
adolescence and you ng adu ltho od.

The ste reo typ e of a mo ody, con flic t-pr one tee nag
rs are
does have some tru th to it, but the tee nag e yea
not an unavoidable sentence of irra tion al,
unpredictable beh avio r. Young peo ple ma y
experience slig htly dis rup ted mo ods, new con flict
and new pot ent iall y risk y experiences, but the y
usually emerge into adu ltho od rela tive ly uns cat

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