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Danh tit trong tiéng Anh khéng chi don thudn la dét tuong dugc nhdc dén truc tiép hay gidn tiép thuc hién hanh d6ng hay chju tac déng cia hanh d6ng trong cau ma con lién quan chat ché t6i viéc chia déng tit. Trong bai nay, ching ta sé cing hoc ciich nhéin dién danh tit, phén loai ching va van dung diing thé thitc ctia danh tit nhé. SUP C ULE + Danh tit trong tiéng Anh Ia tit ding dé chi ngutdi, vat, viée, dia diém... NO 06 nhiing chtte nang sau: 1. Lam chii ngit Her children are very obedient. Nhitng dita con ctia c6 dy rat ngoan. 2. Lam tan ngit truc tiép: Nam likes chocolate. Nam thich sécdla. 3. Lam tan ngit gidn tiép: John gave Peter a red pen. John da dua cho Peter mot cdi brit mau dé. 4. Lam bé ngit ciia chit ngit: dring sau céc d6ng ut “to be" va “become” My sister is a journalist. Chj gai t0i la mot nha bao. 5. Lam bé ngit cho tan ngit: People consider him a teacher. Moi ngudi nghi anh dy la mOt gido vien. NGU PHAP TOEIC CUR Danh tit c6 thé chia thanh 4 logi la: Danh tit chung, danh tit riéng, danh tit tritu | tutgng, va danh tit tap thé. | Ce OT TES] 1. Danh tit chung la nhing danh tit chi nguési, vige va dia diém - Vidu: dog, house, picture, compute 2. Danh tit chung c6 thé duge viét dudi hinh thie sé it hodc sé nhiéu - Vidu: A dog hoic dogs. | 3. Danh tit chung khéng viét hoa chit edi dau. PAE Oy TTT ES] | 1. Danh uit riéng la nhitng tén riéng dé goi ting su vat, déi wegng duy nhdt, cd bigt nhue tén ngudii, tén dia danh, tén cong ty. | - Vi du: Microsoft, Mr. David Green, La Thanh street, Greentown Hospital, | Town House Hotel, City Park... | | AgIHL L3ANHO AL ONOG 6 Wve 2. Chii jz danh tit riéng phai viet hoa chit cdi dé PAE EET ES eT OOS 1. M6t danh tit tritu wegng la mot danh tit chung nhéim goi ten mot g wtdng hodie mét pham chét. Cac danh tit tritu wegng thudng duge xem. ngiti. tiép | xtic hode ném khong, - Vidu: joy, peace, emotion, wisdom, beanty, courage, love, strength, character, happiness, personality. 2. Danh tit tritu aagng c6 thé 6 dang s6 it hoge sé nhieu. 3. Danh ut tritu tugng 06 thé dém duge hode khéng dém duge. RE E> Tet tayo NGU PHAP TOEIC BAIS -~ MOt danh tit tap hop goi ten mot nhém hay mot tap hgp nhiéu nguoi, noi chén, hode dé vat. - Vi du: crew, team, navy, republic, nation, federation, herd, bunch, flock, swarm, litter. ji ee aura PTET Te EL Tg Danh tit dong vai trd lam chit ngit trong citi cin dutge sc dink chin xéc 1& danh tit s6 it hay s6 nhiéu, dém duge hay khong dém dutge dé chia dong tit cho phir hgp. 1. Danh tit dém duge: La danh tit 6 thé ding dug vdi sé dém, do dé n6 c6 2 hinh thai la sé it va sé nhieu. G hinh thite sé it, né duge ding v6i a, an hay vdi the. - Vi du: a book, two books, 2. Danh tit khong dém duge: Khong diing duge vdi sé dém, do dé n6 khdng cé hinh thai sé it, sé nhiéu. Né khéng thé ding duge vdi a, an cin the chi trong mot sé trudng hop dac biét nhu: milk (sita). Ban khéng thé néi “one milk", “two milk: (Mot sé vat chat khéng dém duge cé thé duge chita trong cdc binh dung. bao bi... dém duge nhu: one glass of milk - mét céc sita). Lita §: = M people; child - children; toot 86 danh tit dém duge c6 hinh thai sé nhiéu déc bigt nhut: person — ~ teeth; foot — feet; mouse - mice . = Mot sé danh tic dém duge 06 dang 86 it/ 86 nhiéu nhuc nhau chi phan bigt baing c6 “a” vat khong c6 “a”: an aircrafi/ aircraft; a sheep/ sheep; a fish/ fish. = M6t sé cic danh tit khong dém dude nhu food, meat, money, sand, water déi khi duge ding nhue cdc danh ut sé nhiéu dé chi edie dang. logi khdc nhau cia vat ligu dé. - This is one of the foods that my doctor wants me to eat. = Danh tit “time” néu diing vdi nghia la “thoi gian” la khéng dém duge nhung khi ding vdi nghia la “thé dai” hay “sé lan” la danh tit dém duge. _ + You have spent too much time on that homework. (Thdi gian, khong dém duge - [have seen that movie three times before. (S6 lan, dém dutdc) X IHL 13ANHM ALONOG ‘61s 7 NGU PHAP TOEIC Bang sau la cée dinh ngit diing duge vi cée danh tit dém duge va khong dém duge. Danh tir dém duge 7 Danh tir khong dém durge a(n), the, some, any the, some, any this, that, these, those this, that none, one, two, three, none many much (thuémg ding trong cau phi dinh, cau hoi) a lot of alot of a [large / great] number of a large amount of (a) few (a) little fewer... than less... than more... than more... than Mot s6 danh ti? khong dém ditge cin ghi nhé: sand money information physics food news air mathematics meat measles (bénh séi) mumps (bénh quai bi) _ politics water soap ‘economics homework Lita ¥: a “Advertising” la danh te khong dém duge nhung “Advertisement” ler danh te dém duge, chi mét quéing cdo cu thé néw dé. - There are too many advertisements during TV shows, ® Cac danh tit tap hop c6 thé lei sé it hode sé nhieu. Ching thuemg di vdi cée dong tit sé it bai nhém nay hoat dong cting nhau dudi hinh thite lee mot dan vj. M6t danh ut tap hyp di vdi mot dong tit sé nhiéu khi thanh phn cia nhom hogt dong dudi dang ting e& nan, - Our team is prac ig three nights a week. (Doi cia ching tdi luys dutdi tut céch 1a mot dan vi tap ba dém m6t tuin) => Ddi dang hoat dong - The team were talking among themselves (Doi dang uf ndi ve ho) hinh thite 1a nhieu ca nhan. > Cée thanh vien ctta ho dang hoat dong ditai ae Tit luy@ruNGU PHAP TOEIC CIB Question k A place where people cook. A. Bathroom - B. Kitchen fa C. Dining room ‘Question 2: There are five___in the picture. A. sheep B. sheeps We C. sheepes / Question 3; Please give me that i ‘A. book — B. books: C. books: Question 4: Please keep your hands and ___ inside the car. A. feet B. foots C. foot we D. foes Vee Question 5: The ___ stood on boxes to see the parade. A. child B. childs C. children. D. childrens Question 6: You should place the ___ and spoons to the left of the plates. A. knifes knives B. . knife Woe D. knifes Yu NGU PHAP TOEIC | Question 7: Are the __ chasing the other farm animals? A. geese B. gooses C. goose D. gooses All birds are very good at building their___. A. nestes B. nest, C. nests D. nestoes ae te Question 9: Donna and Doug are planning to sell all their possessions and move to Maui in order to become beach ___. A. bumes B. bums Cc. bum D. bumoes Question 10: We ate both __. A. apple B. appleoes C. apples D. applese Question ft Enter is a/an. A. person thing roo® idea place ‘not noun Question [2: Sunflower is a/an... A. person B. thing ©. idea D. place E, not noun feed Fee layer. NGU PHAP TOEIC Question I3: Freedom is... A. a proper noun i B. an abstract noun / Question 14: London is... A. an abstract noun a 0 pie a Question 15: Law is... A. an abstract noun 7 B. a proper noun / Question 16: Forgiveness is a/an... A. person B. thing C. idea D. place a E. not noun es Question 7: Three__ swam in the river. A. fish B. fishs 7 C. fishes fe D. fishes Question 18: Marbles is a/an. person thing idea place not noun / Question 19; Weather is... A. a countable noun y B. an uncountable noun / Question 20: Woman is... y ‘A. a.common noun Ss B. a proper noun rPoopP g 2 3 5 ‘X NGU PHAP TOEIC Mao tit ding dé gidt thigu mét danh tit. Trong tiéng Anh c6 2 logi mao tit chinh. Trong a6, “a, an” lx mao tit khong xc dinh; “the” la mao tit xdc dinh. Sau day chiing ta hay ciung tim hiéu cich sit dung ctia céc mao tit nay nhé. 1. Ditng “a” hode “an” trude mét danh tit sé it dém duge. Chiing e6 nghia la mot. Ching duge ding trong cau c6 tinh khai quat hodc dé cap dén mot chi thé chua duge dé cap tit trudc ~ A ball is round. (Nghia chung, khii quat, chi tit ca eae quai bong) - I saw a boy in the street. (Ching ta khong biét cau bé nao, chita duge dé cAp trutde d6) 2. Mao tit “an” duge diing trudc cdc tit bat déu bang nguyén dm (trong céch phat dm, chit khong phai trong cach viét). Bao gdm: ® Cac tit bat dau bang céc nguyén am “a, ¢. i. 0 Vi du: an aireraft, an empty glass, an object,... = Mot sé tit bat déu bang “uw Vi du: an uncle, an umbrella... = Mt 86 tit bat déu bang “h” cam: ‘du: an heir, half an hour,... Cac tit mé dau béing moe chit vide tét Vi du: an $.0.S/an M.P EE > Tet ayo NGU PHAP TOEIC 3. Ding “a” trude: = Cae tit bat dau bang mét phu dm. Ching bao gém cac chit edi con lai var mot sé trudng hgp bat dau bang “u, y. h" Vi dy: a house, a university, a home party, a heavy load, a uniform, a union, a year income,, = Ditng truée mét danh tit md dau béng “uni...” vd" eu” / Vi du: a university/ uniform/ universal/ union, Europe, eulogy (Idi ca |, euphemism (16i néi gidm, ndi tinh), eucalyptus (cay khuynh digp) = Dang trong cdc thank ngit chi sé lugng nhdt dink nlue: a lot off a great deal off a couple off a dozen of. = Ding trude nhitng sé dém nhét dinh thudng la hang ngan, hang tram nhw: a/ one hundred ~ a/ one thousand. = Ding trude “half” (mot ntta) khi né theo sau mot don vi nguyen ven: a kilo hay a half, hay khi nd di ghép vdi mOt danh tit khdc dé chi nia phan (khi viet cé ddu gach néi): a half - share, a half ~ holiday (ngay 1é chi nghi nita ngay). Ding vdi cde don vi phan sé nhu: 1/8 (a/one - third), 1/5 (a/one - fifth). = Dang trong céc thanh ngit chi gid ca, téc do, Ui l¢: a dollar, a kilometer, an hour, 4 times a day. prow sive Tee Dat Ti 1. Dang “the” trude mot danh tit da duge xdc dinh cu thé vé mét tinh chat, diém, vi tri hode da duge dé cap dén truée dé, hode nhitng khai ni¢m fing biét. - The boy in the corner is my friend. (Ca ngufdi néi va ngutdi nghe déu biét do 1a cau bé nao) - The earth is round. (Chi c6 mot trai dat, ai cing biét) 2. Vai danh tit khong dém duge, ding “the” néu néi dén mot vat cu thé, khéng ding “the” néu néi chung. - Sugar is sweet. (Chi céc loai du’ ndi chung) - The sugar on the table is from Cuba. (Cu thé la loai dung 6 trén ban) 3. Véi danh tit dém duge sé nhiéu, khi ching cé nghia dai dién chung cho mét ldp cdc vat cting logi thi cting khong ding “the”. - Oranges are green until they ripen. (Cam néi chung) = Athletes should follow a well-balanced diet. (Van dong vién ndi chung) os 4. M6t sé truimg hgp thong dung diing “The theo quy td trén: a The + danh tit + gidi tit + danh tie: - The girl in blue (cé gai do xanh), the Gulf of Mexico (Vinh Mexico). - The only way (céch duy nhat), the best day (ngay t6t lanh nhat). = Diing cho nhitng khodng thoi gian xée dinh (théip nién): | - In the 1990s (nhiing nam 1990) = The + danh tit + dai te quan hé + ménh dé phu: - The man to whom you have just spoken is the chairman. (Ngudi dan Ong ban vita néi chuyén la gidm déc). \ = Diing tude nhitng tinh tit so sénh béc nhdt hode only: @ The + danh tit s6 it eegng trung cho mot nhém thit vét hogic dé va: - The whale = whales (loai ca voi), the deep-freeze (thite an dong lanh) = Déi vdi “man” khi mang nghia “loai nguddi” tuyét adi khong dude ding “the” - Since man lived on the earth ... (ké tit khi loai ngu0i sinh s6ng trén trai dit nay) m= Diung trude mét dank tit s6 tt dé chi trong xa hoi - The small shopkeeper (Gidi chit tigm nh), The top official (Gidi quan chite cao cp). / = The + ads: Tuyng tring cho mpt nhém nou. ching khong bao gts dude nLow itive nhém, mot hang ngudi nhéie dinh Phép 0 sé nhiéu nhung duge xem lic cde dank tit 36 nhiéu. Do vay dong tit va dai tit di cting véi chiing phai d ngoi thit 3 36 nhieu: - The old = The old people (The old are ofien very hard in their moving — Naud gia thug rit kh6 khan trong van dong) = The + tén goi cdc déi hgp xudng/ dan nhac cé dién/ ban nhac phé thong: - The Back Choir/The Philharmonique Philadelphia Orchestra/ The Beatles. = The + tén goi cdc te bao (khdng phai tap chi)/ teu bién! khinh khi ctu: - The Times/ The Titanic/ The Hindenberg = The + ho ctia mot gia dinh d sé nhiéu = gia dinh nha: + The Smiths = Mr. Smith, Mrs. Smith and their children Thong thueng khong dang “the” trude ten riéng tri truimg hop c6 nhieu ngui hodic vat ciing tén va ngudi ndi mudn dm chi mot ngudi cu thé trong sé do. - There are three Sunsan Parkers in the telephone directory. The Sunsan Parker that [ know lives on the First Avenue. (Trong danh ba dign thoai c6 3 ngui ten Sunsan Parkers. Ong Sunsan Parkers ti biet sing ¢ Dai I6 s6 1), = Twang ug, khdng ding “the” trude bita an: breakfast, lunch, dinner - We ate breakfast at 8 a.m this morning, (Sang nay chring toi an sing lic Sh) Fit luygeyGU PHAP TOEIC ‘Trit khi mudn ém chi mot bita dn cu thé: - The dinner that you invited me last week was delicious. (Bita t6i ban mi 16i tudn tritde rat ngon). = Khdng ding “the” truée danh tit nhu: home, bed, church, court, jail, prison, hospital, school, class, college, university v.v... khi né di vdi cdc déng tit va gidi tit chi chuyén dong chi di dén dé la muc dich chinh hode ra kh6i d6 ciing vi myc dich chinh - Students go to school everyday. (Ting ngay hoc sinh (i tritdng) - The patient was released from hospital. (Bénh nhan da ditge xuat vign) = Nhung néu dén dé hodc ra khéi dé khong vi mue dich chinh thi ding “the” = Students go to the school for a class party. (Sinh vien t6i tring dé tham gia ién hoan) - The doctor left the hospital for lunch, (Béc si da rvi bénh vién di an trita) 5. Bang sit dung “the” vai khong sitdung C6 “The” 1. Dang trudc tén céic dai dueang. ngoi, bién, vinh va céic cum hd (sb. nhieu) - The Red Sea, the Atlantic Ocean, the Persian Gulf, the Great Lakes 2. Trude tén cdc day nui: - The Rocky Mountains 3. Trude tén nhitng vat thé duy nhdt trong vit tru hode trén thé gidi: - The earth, the moon Is, colleges, univers ties + of + danh tit riéng ~ The University of Florida 5. The + sé thit te + danh tit - The third chapter. 6. Trude tén cde cudc chién tranh khu vuc vdi diéu kién tén khu vyuc dé phai duge tinh tit hoa ~The Korean War, The Vietnamese War? eae “the” trong mot sé trudng hgp dién hinh Khong “The” | 1. Trude tén mot hd - Lake Geneva 2. Trude tén mot ngon niii ~ Mount Vesuvius 3. Trtéc tén céc hank tinh hogic ede chom sao ~ Venus, Mars 4. Trude tén céc trudng nay néu trutéc né la mot tén riéng - Stetson University 5. Trude céc danh tit di cing véi mot sé dém - Chapter three, Word War One 6, Trude tén cae nude chi c6 mot tit: ~ China, France, Venezuela, Vietnam 7. Trude tén cdc nude mé déu bing New, mOt tinh tit chi hutdng: ~ New Zealand, North Korean, North Africa 2 3 é NGU PHAP TOEIC 7. The tén cae nutée 6 hai tit td ten (ngoai trit Great Britain) - The United States, The Central African Republic 8. Trude tén cic nude duage coi lar mot qudn déo hogie mt quén déo - The Philippines, The Virgin Islands, The Hawaii 9. Trude tén céc tai lieu hode ste kign lich sit © ~The Constitution, The Magna Carta 2 10. Trude tén etic nhém dain toe thidu sé 5 - The Indians 11. Trude tén ete mén hoc cy thé - The Solid matter Physics 12, Trude tén céie nhac cu khi dé ctip dén cdc nhac cy dé n6i chung hoge khi choi cic nhac eu dé. - The violin is difficult to play. - Who is that on the piano? % Cra Question I: umbrella. A | > n Question 2; European. B. An RZ 8. Trude tén ede ue dja, tinh, tidu bang, thanh phd, quan, huyen: - Europe, Florida 9. Trude tén bat ki mén thé thao néw ~ baseball, basketball 10. Tride ote danh tit trite wang (trie mot sé trudng hyp dae biey): - freedom, happiness 11. Trude tén ede mon hoe n6i chung - Mathematies 12, Trude tén edie ngery Ié, té - Christmas, Thanksgiving 13. Trude tén cae logi hinh nhac eu trong cée hinh thite dm nhac cu thé (Jazz, Rock, classical music...) ~ To perform jazz on trumpet and piano Fi ayjgr.1vGU PHAP TOEIC Question 3: I read __great book today. Aa B. an Question 4: antis___insect. A. A/an / B. An/an C. The/ an D.o Question 5: The Nile is __ long river. Aa B. an C. the Do Question 6: Can you tell me how to get to__ bank from here? Aja B. an ©. the va Te Do Question 7: I can’t believe I failed __ yesterday's test! Aa B. an C. the Do Question 8: apple a day keeps __ doctor away. A. A/the B. An/the on C. The/a Vek Question 9: You should evaluate equipment and make sure fitness machines are modern and in working order. Aa B, an Vf C. the / nLow ive NGU PHAP TOEIC Question 10; Harold A. the B. an Ga — most obnoxious person I know. Question I: Diana is very nice person. A. the B.a Cc. an ‘Question 12: I'd like to invite him to dinner next week, if that’s OK with you. A. the Boa —— Cc. an y Do ALOWW Live Question 13: I saw ___man going into the office. Idon’t know who ____ man was. A. the/a B. a/ the Cc. ala Question 14: The greatest invention of the 20" century is computer. A. the: Ba Can / Question 15: A volcano has erupted in Philippines recently. Ava B. the Cc. an D. many Question 16: city museum is closed today. AA B. An C. The Do RRR «>> Fee luyor NGU PHAP TOEIC Question 17: I've noticed that__ Spanish eat a lot of vegetables, A. an Boa C. the Question 18: When you come out the lift, you'll see two doors, red one and / blue one. My dooris red one. A. the/ the/ a B. a/a/the Cc. aa/a = D. the/ the/ the fm Question 19: Could you close door, please? It’s really cold. A. an Boa C. the a nLoww sive Question 20: She has been playing __ flute for ten years. Aa B. an C. the Do NGU PHAP TOEIC Dai tit ding dé thay thé danh tit nhém tranh lap lai danh tit. Trong tiéng Anh C6 mét 56° loai dai tie vot cic chute nding sit dung khéc mhau: dai tit nhan xung (personal), so hite (possessive), phan thdn (reflexive), chi dinh (demonstrative), bat dinh (indefinite), quan hé (relative), nghi vain (interrogative). Thém dé, dai tit cing déng vai tr chu tc, gidt tie via bé ngit trong cfu. Ching ta hdy ciung tim hiéu chi tiét nhé. PU cng A. Bai tif nhan xung (Personal pronouns) Chit ngir | ‘Tan ng ngéi thir nhat 1 me Séit ngoi thir hai you you ngoi thir ba he/shevit hinvher/it ng6i thir nhat we us, S6 nhigu— ng6i thir hai you you they them Fee luysre ved PHAP TOEIC 1. "I. you. it, he, she, we, they” c6 thé la chit ngit ctia dong tit: - They have lived here for 3 years. (Ho da séng 6 day dutge 3 nam ri.) 2. “Me, you, him, her, us, them” c6 thé la tan ngit truc tiép ctia dong tit. ~ These flowers are really nice. ‘Tom likes them. (Nhitng bong hoa nay that dep. ‘Tom thich ching) 3. “Me. you. him. her, us, them” 6 thé la tan ngit gidn tiép eia d6ng ue - Kate gives some money to me. (Kate dita cho toi it tién.) 4. “Me, you. him, her, us, them” c6 thé la tan ngit cia gidi tit: = We could do it without them. (Kh6ng cé ho, ching t6i vin c6 thé lam dutge vige 46). B. Dai tiy bat dinh (indefinite pronouns) 1. Gom: Nhém két hyp vdi some: something, someone, somebody. Nhom két hyp vdi any: anything, anyone, anybody. . . = Nhom két hyp di every: everything, everyone, everybody. = Nhom két hgp vdi no: nothing, no one, nobody. . Nhom déc lip gém cde tt: all, one, none, other, another, much, less, (a) few, (a) little, enough, each, either, neither. 2. Mot sé trong cde dai tit én déy cting c6 thé duge ding nhu tinh tit. Khi dy ngudi ta goi ching la tinh tit bat dinh (indefinite adjectives). Dé la cac ut any, some, every, no, all, one, none, other, another, much, less, (a) few, (a) little, enough, each, either, neither. C. Bai tif sé hifu (Possessive pronouns) 1. Gém: mine, yours, hers, his, its, ours, yours, theirs 2. Dai tit sé hitu = tinh tit sé hitu + danh tit. our room = this is ours. (Day 1a phong cia chting t6i) (ot my pen. Where’s yours? (Bgn vita chm bat cla td. Bat etia ban dau roi?) TD onc | 72 NGU PHAP TOEIC DR PEE SR OTC] 1. Gom: myself, yourself, himself, herself, itself, ourselves, yourselves, themselves Chai §: ourselves, yourselves, themselves la hinh thite s6 nhieu 2. Chite nang: 2.1. Lam tan ngit ctia dong tit khi chit ngit va tan ngit la cing mot ngues - Tom and Ann blamed themselves for the accident, (Tom va Ann da ty trich minh vé vu tai nan) 2.2. Duge sit dung nh trudng hyp trén sau dong tit + gidi tit: - He spoke to himself, (Anh iy tug nha) 2.3. Duge sit dung nhu céc dai tit nhan manh danh tit hode dai tit: - The King himself gave her the medal. (Chinh Quéc vitong da trao huy clntang cho c6 ay) = Chiing thudng nhdn manh chic ngit cia cau va duge déit sau né - Ann herself opened the door. (Tit Ann da mé cita) = Khichtng nhéin manh céc danh tit khdc, ching duge dat ngay sau danh tie dé: - I saw Tom himself, (Ti da nhin thy dich thj 1a Tom) 2.4, Duge sit dung nhu cdc tan ngit sau gidi tit - [bought it by myself, (Tie toi da mua n6) a RCE ECTS E Te COTTE} 1. Gom: who, whom, which, that, whose. 2. Chite nang: 2.1. Who, that, which lam chi ngit - The man who robbed has been arrested. (Ngutéi dan ong fin trom vita bi biit) 2.2 Lam tan ngit ctia d6ng uit: ap bio - The man whom I met told me to come back today. (Nguoi dan 6 t6i tré lai vao ngay hom nay) 2.3. Theo sau gidi tit - The ladder on which you were standing began to slip. (Ch ding da bat din tudt xuéng) thang ma ban dang Fee lun. NG PHAP TOEIC Tuy nhién, gidi tic cing c6 thé chuyén xudng cudi ménh dé: - The ladder which you were standing on began to slip. 2.4, Hinh thite so hitu (whose + danh tit): - The film is about a spy whose wife betrays him. (BO phim noi vé 1 digp vién, nguéi vo da phén boi anh ta). Cha ¥: = when =in/on which = where = in/at which = why = for which - The day on which they arrived. (Ngay ma ho da dén) E Dai tif chi dinh (Demonstrative pronouns) 1. Gom: this, that, these, those 2. Chite néing: 2.1. Tinh tit chi dinh (demonstrative adjectives) “this, that” va sé nhiéu ctia chting la “these, those” duge ding truée danh tit nhdm xdc dinh vt wri cia danh tit dy doi vdi ngudi no Khi nhitng tinh tee nay duge diang dc lap. khong c6 danh tit theo sau, n6 tré thanh dinh (demonstrative pronouns). 2.2. Ngoai vige thay thé cho mét danh tit, dai tit chi dinh con cho ngudi nghe khai niém gan han hay xa hon vé thei gian hode khodng each = Could you give me that book, please? (Lam dn léy cho t6i quyén sch d6 voi?) G. Bai ti nghi van (interrogative pronouns) I. Gam: who, whom, whose, what, which 2. Chite néing 2.1. Lam chit ngit - Who keeps the keys? (Ai da clm chim chia khéa?) 2.2, Lam tan ngit eta dong tie - Who did you see? (Ban da trong thay EB 00 ono ED NGU PHAP TOEIC Question k She cooks for___ every day. A. myself B. herself C. himself Question 2: (Sue and Simon) are twins. A. We B. They Cc. It Question 3: My mother - A. She B. He Cit Question 4: We want to see Peggy and (she) family next winter. A. their B. her C. his Question 5: My uncle works in a factory. __say' A. He! him B. Her it C. Helit is a noisy place. Question 6: You must learn your lesson __. Nobody can do it for you. A. herself B. himself C. yourself / Question 7: The teacher said to the class, “When ___ finish your work, please pass___up to me.” A. you! him B. you it C. helt EN Fie luygrvNvGd PHAP TOEIC Question 8: Ba goes and hides _ behind the curtain. A. herself B. himself C. yourself Question 9: The window -___- They She It He 7 poop Question 10: Please don’t tell about. A. her/ me B. her/I C. she/I Question tl: books are here. are there. A. Ours/ Their B. Their/ Ours Question 12: They are our pencils. 5 A. They are theirs. B, They are ours. C. They are yours. Question 13: I don’t like _ new boyfriend of yours. A. that B. those ‘Question 14: books belong to him. A. These B. This WY) Question 15: We would like to buy a house __ overlooks West lake. A. who B. whose C. where D. which / Gen ears, ‘\ NGU PHAP TOEIC Question 16: I don’t believe the story __she told me. A. that B. who C. whom Question 17: Ann, ___ father is my teacher, is very beautiful A. who B. whom C. whose Question 18: Peter comes from Witney __ is near Oxford. A. that B. which C. who Question 19: color would you like? A. Why B. What C. How Question 20: _ car did you drive here? When Who Whose why sawp

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