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-NE- Confederacy

1. Informations concerning the account

Account name :


Rase (Roman/Teuton/Gaul) : ......................................................................................

Type of play (defensive/ofensive/mixt/hammer) : .......................................................
Main village coordonates (future capital if u did not chenged it yet) : (

Oasis in ur 7x7 that u want for your main village:


Main village (ex: 4-4-4-6, 3-3-3-9, 1-1-1-15) : ............................................................

Do you use gold? : ..........................
If yes how offen do you charge? (ex : 600 per month) ...............................................
Do you have near players from the ally ? : ..............................
If yes, who are
they : ...............................................................................................................................
Do you have other player in your near that we have ally or NAP (NonAgression-Pact) : .................
If yes, who are
they : ...............................................................................................................................
Do you have coplayers [duals] ?: ...................................
If yes, how many ? : ....................................
Is your account a multiaccount ?: .......................................................
If yes who is your main account ? : .......................................................
Do you plan playing together with ur ally [participating in offensive, defensive
actions] or by urself :
Do you use scripts/ bots ? : ........................................................................
If yes what are u
using : ..............................................................................................................................


2. Personal informations
(for every coplayer [dual] in particular)
Nationality : .................................................................................
Skype : ...............................................................................................
Yahoo : ..............................................................................................
MSN : ...............................................................................................
Age : ...................................
Location [Where do u live now/ Where are you originally] :
For how long you are playing travian ?
(aproximatively) : ..............................................................................................
Personal experience in travian (lider, co-lider, person in charge with
offensive/defensive actions, ww-keeper, anything else that can be relievable here
also your server, and ranking [top population/ ofensive/
defensive]): .....................................................................................................................
Time alocated playing travian (number of hours per day): ......................................
Time hours that you are on (around what time u can be
found): ............................................................................................................................
Who are your sitters if you have any and your personal relation with them:

(ex : 1. XXXXX we know ourselfs for around 3 servers and played together, or
we know each other in personal life, and so on)
1. ..............................................................................................................................
2. ..............................................................................................................................

Do you wanna take part in the alliance conference ?: ...............................

(for now only skype conference is the option)
Do you wanna learn more about travian/ you are opened to new ideeas or
concepts that can help you or your account, as well as your
ally?: ....................................................................
Do u think seriouslly finishing this server ? (even if u have school/ work/ and so
on) : ...................................................................................
Which are your accomplishments in
travian? : ........................................................................................................................
What expectations do you have from NE-D and also on the meta confederancy
NE- ? :
Do you have any aspect that you have dont like at your liders or any other NEconfederacy [inactivity, lack of respect,not being there when you needed their
help or did not get any answer to your

questions]? : ...................................................................................................................
Other things that your ally liders should
know : .............................................................................................................................
Other players that you played with and got themselfs a name in travian, they can
be your referrer around [ ally liders/ mentors / people that helped you or people
that helped you doing your first steps in travian - for foreign servers as
well] : ..............................................................................................................................

Beeing serios and answering honestly to each questions above can help you and
your ally evolve and get a better view of the team. If u dont have a sitter in a
specific timeline we can use this forms to help you, and maybe you can help as
well. If your account is a multiaccount we can understand more things and can
close our eyes in one or more situations, so long if we are notified of this. This
informations will be confidential and only the high liders will get to know what is
here written so please be honest when answering, we are not your enemys, we
just wanna help! With this forms we can raise our professional ratings of the ally
and get a better overview of the ally! By the way, if there was any NE- reference
we where referring to the meta alliance NE- that is the largest till now on phx.

Thanks for your time, it will not take long to complete this, and it will be the first
step in a better ingame and outside the game relationship. All NE- allys are
equal and we wanna solve any problems, so please come to our alliance liders for
any problems.
Best regards,
/ -NE- Confederacy Leadership

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