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SERTIFIKAT PROFESI Certificate Of Profession Nomor : 4050141590120210272 Number of Certificate : 4050141590120210272 Diberikan Kepa This is to Certify that Nama Lengkap KRISTIN SURYA SUMINAR Full Name ‘Tempat, Tanggal Lahir : SUKOHARJO, 21 September 1998 Place, Date of Birth Nomor Induk Mahasiswa 40501415901P27224020394 ‘Student ID Number Nama Perguruan Tinggi Poltekkes Kemenkes Surakarta Name of Institution Jenis dan No. Keputusan Pendirian Perguruan Tinggi : Pendidikan Tinggi Profesi dan 450/KPT/1/2016 Under the law of Vocational School in Higher Education 450/KPT/1/2016 Program Studi : Program Studi Profesi Bidan Major Professional Midwifery Program Dinyatakan telah LULUS UJI KOMPETENSI PROGRAM STUDI PROFESI BIDAN Has passed the Competency Test of Professional Midwrifery Program Berdasarkan Keputusan Panitia Uji Kompetensi Nasional Program Profesi Bidan Nomor 1119/KOM-Kes/X/2021 Based on the decision of the National Committee for the Competency Test of Midwife Profession Education Program, Number 1119/KOM-Kes/X/2021 Diterbtkan di Surakarta, 01 Oktober 2021 Iss Surhorta. 1 (Doe) 10 (Mant 2021 (Yor) Peogurs Psat Hata Bian Indonesia Indonsier Midutves Asoc = Cena! Board Keswa Umm ‘Present * EMI NURJASMI Daftar Kompetens! Lalusan Pendidikan Profes\ idan Competences of Professonal Graduate in Midwifery Program ‘Aiea Kompeieasd ‘KompeensiLalwsan Pendidikan Protest Bian ‘Competencies Ana Competencies of Profesinal Graduate In Midwifery Program 1 Bak Legal dan Reselamaa Pass 2. Kominikas Be 5. Pengembangen "ini dan Proesenalsme 4LandasanLimigh Paki Keb 5. Kompetnsi Klinis Kebidanan Essasial yang rmetipt ‘© eterampilan — Daser rok Klinik, b Athan Kebidaran Prana at Pra sekola hh Perolongan Pestana Kegnvnidaruatan Maternal Newt, i Pelayaman Kelas Asan Kebidanan pad Kesehatan Reprod Perempuan, ko Asta Kebidman omits 6. Promos Kesehatan dan Konseling 7. Nnajeren an Kepemimpinan a. as. 6. erpeiaca pofesonal, menrapkan pimp cak, moral dan aspek pal alan pra tk keidanan yang beroictas pods kesclamatan bu, bay bara lai. Bey anak alta anak pra seklah, Kesehatan reprodusiperempusn, dan lrg terencana dalam onteks Keharp dan masyarkat Mampu chain “Ketrampilan kins dalam memberkan asuhan ‘bd socara bolistk, Konprebeui’ den berkesimambungan dengan ‘endelatan mangjemen Kebidanan pod masa prankah dan prakonses, ‘etumian, persainan,mifas,tayi baru Inte. boy, anak bala, anak ‘rmscholh, Nesbatanreproduks: perempusn dan Kehuarga herencana sr ‘Schan kebidanan Kommmias berdaarkan evidence hosed practice dan ‘esol Kins seu stndar dan hewerungan dengan menaniatan IPTEK. Mazopa mengclla pertlongan persian sormal alas tagging jawed) sendin som sandar Mapa membust epuien secre tepat dalam asuban kebidanan enlatckan erin kali, gi, dn iow Mampamendeleksi seca knits penvimpangavtelainan pada. kasis ‘nah dan pakonscpa, Kabul, prsalinn fas, ba bars bi. by, ‘Suk bulta,anuk prosoluh Keshutan repodukst perempuan (ema, ‘rempun sa subur dan perimenopause) dan eluaga Deensant ‘Marnpa melakakan Kors, Kolaboas dan tala laksa rjukan. Manpu melakukan penanganan aval kgawatdrurtan maternal osonsta sesut standard Kewenangan beresarkan aturan perundang -ndangan Mampa melakuian pelayaran Konsasepl alsmiah, sedethana, hormonal, ‘dn Jenga pajang (pemasangan dan pencbutan AKDR dan AKBK) dan {sin Lor ety dr gn menptan ap vt sterel ‘Mampumelicikan asihan kebidanan pala Kesehatan repro psempuan (female, perepuan usa subur dan perimenopause) dalam Kae prometif dan prevent. Mampumelakikan mangjenen pengslolan pencegsban infeisi dan eselamatanPasien (paren! safety) “Mam melankan upaya Bannan Hidup Dasar Manu melakukan penlokimentasan shan dan pepo pelayanan biden sos sandr yang beta “Mampt melakuian Komunikas, memberkaninformas,edukas, promos eshatan dan Koning eran Kescatan repro perempan pda mah ‘eagja, perempuan use subur, praikah dan prkonseps, kehaman, alin, rafts, beyi bar lait. tay, ak tia, nak prasholah, Kesehatan reprogust prempusn seria Kehugs beencana ses dengan eta dan memanasthan ek oly ‘ebat, perencansan Klug, persapan menodi orang tt dan pengasuhan ‘nak, pment tk tam rans, headin dan Kesctaraan ponder, seria pemberdayaan peers ‘Mampu melakukan pengelolin pelayanan kebiansn Kerns terns ‘pave neposas, avokas, dan Koluboresiinerproesional dalam wpays ‘meningcatkan stats Kesehatan bu dan anak "Manip mengeiapesyanen kesehstan Uususrva pelayanan kebidanan di emus ataran pelaanan hese Tiel legal and patio safety tse “Elective Communication, Sal Development and Professionalism ‘Scientia of Midwifery Practice Essential Midwifery Clinical Skills wich ince: i k Basie Skills of Clinical Practice, PreManital Cae ‘Ante Natl Care, Ina Natal Cre, Post Natal Cre, ‘Newbom apd Infant Care Caden Under Age Five sn Pr-Sshool Heath Care, ‘Maternal and Neonatal Emergency Cas, Family Panning Services, Women Reprective Health Care ‘Community Midwifery Care Health Promotion end ce “ameling ‘Management en Leadership. Conds Professional Behavior, Apply elical, weal ad gal ‘cpt principles in midi proce Ut oriented to safety of ‘thomateral care, newbor, infant cide underage five andl re- schol, women reproductive hell and family planning services in family and community etext, ‘Capable to cay out cial sil in hoi, comprehensive, and sudainable Midwifery Care with midwifery management ppreches in proconccption, pregnancy, labor en delivery, ‘Nomen reproductive feat and family plmmng and Community midwifery care based on evidence based practice and clical ‘tomalization according to siandards and aubonty by uilang ‘lence and technology 4 Capable fo manage noml delivery on their own resposiility scconing to standards 4 Capable to rake clinical decisions in midwifery care based on geal, rtcal thought and imovative Capable to detect abnormalities condition a period of premarital dan preconception, anima, labor and delivery and poststal, newborn, infant, children under age five and pre-school, women rejroductive hei, ee family planing 6 Capable to cary out consllation, collaboration and refer ‘management 7 Capable to cary ut ently emergency maternal and neonatal care sppropnet o ara and regulations Capable to provide natral contaception, simple contraception, omonal conrwcepdon, and Long-Acting Reversible 9 Capable to carry oix women reproductive health ear Cincuding ‘dolescent, women at product period ad perimenopause) in Promotve and preventive context. 10 Capable to cary out management of infection prevention and putea fen 11, Capable to cary out Basic Life Suppor 12 Capable to documenting miter care appropri to stands. 13 Capable to" carry out heal promotion, communication, {information and. eveation, and Women health reprdixtive councaing which red to adelescence, women of eildbearing ‘gs, pre marial snd pre-soncopton, astental, labor and delivery, osintal noworn infant, children user ag fve und preschool ‘women reproduetve ealth and family planning accordance with thai need by uiieng available and appropiate technologies 1M, Capable to communicate, provide infomation, ebuction, and Tealth promotion about healthy tames,ameng others, healthy reproductive bolvier,famly planing. preparten for parenthood fant childcare, fufimem of human vights, justice and gender ‘Skit, ar! women empowerment 15, Capable to manage conimunity midwifery services inluling ‘fons to nepotinte sv ovate nd terproessional collaboration ‘selfs to prove maternal and child ealth sats 16, Capable 1 manage bealth services, especially midwifery services| ‘a all al service stings

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