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l. Describe a person who had a great impact on you.

There have been a lot of people who have made an impact in my life including
my friends but the person who had a great or the best impact on me is my family
and they are my greatest mentor also. The way they influenced and motivated me
in different stages in my life to become a better version of me. My family is the
reason that I am the person that I am today. The way my family handles all the
problems and the closeness I have with them that has really impact me and my
life. My family inspired me to do better in life and never give up no matter how
many times I failed, and how difficult were the circumstances around me. I know
my family from the very first day of my life. The way I attached to my family in my
childhood shaped my psychological development. My family is very kind and
beautiful inside and out, I have learned a lot of valuable lessons in life from my
family, in particular, they are hardworking, intelligence and most of all,
selflessness. The two people that had been a great impact on me would be my
parents. My mother is very kind and a hardworking mother however she can still
be strict. Regardless she always cares for us and supports us. My father on the
other hand is quite a jokester but he can be a very serious person when it comes
time for it. The other people in my family that have impacted me more than I ever
would have wanted them to would be my siblings. I have 3 siblings two boys and
one girl they’re always supported me and help me even though I am stubborn
sometimes. I Love my family I know I would be in a very different place in my life
if it wasn’t for my family. Family is different for everyone and mine is truly the
best people for me. Words are not simply enough to describe my admiration and
my love for my family. My family showed me the value of getting a good
education and also thought me that there isn’t a single thing I could not achieve in
life if I put my mind and my heart to it and they are not only thought me to
become a better person but also a real person which I believe is more important. I
am very thankful and blessed because God gave me a wonderful family that value
my worth as a sibling, daughter and also as a person. The values that my family
thought me will always be my guiding light as I grow up and face the real world.

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