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CHARTS OF THE MINOR PROPHETS i { Sylvia Penny Dating taken mainly from the New Bible Commentary ~ varies a lot between commentaries Minor prophet Bible order BC Major Event/Prophet 5 760 Jonah 3 760 Amos 6 740 Micah Isaiah prophesied (740-722) 1__730 Hosea Prophesied to: Nineveh Northern Kingdom Northern Kingdom Northern Kingdom, Fall of Northern Kingdom to Assyria (722 BC) 722 Isaiah stopped (740-722) 9 630 Zephaniah 626 Jeremiah prophesied (626-587) 7 620 Nahum Nineveh destroyed; 612 Daniel born around this time 8 600 Habakkuk Ezekiel prophesied for 7 years up to the fall of the Southern Kingdom 2__s90 Joel (593-587) Into captivity Southern Kingdom. Nineveh Southern Kingdom Southern Kingdom Fall of Southern kingdom to Babylon - destruction of temple (587 BC) 587 4 580 Obadiah 540 Jeremiah stopped (626-587) Into captivity Edom End of captivity Persia took over Babylon (539 BC) - Cyrus issued decree -Jews could return to the land and rebuild temple Rebuilding of temple started; 536 Daniel died (about 80 yrs old) Ezra, Nehemiah, (and also Esther) 10 520 Haggai written after return from captivity Prophesied to exiles returned from captivity Prophesied to exiles returned from captivity Is known he lived after rebuilding of Prophesied to exiles returned 11520 Zechariah Little known of the Jews during this 515 period oi Dating of Malachi is difficult - but it 12 460? Malachi temple from captivity Dating taken mainly from the New Bible Commentary - varies a lot between commentaries Bible Minor order 8¢ prophet Major Event/Prophet Prophesed to: Prophesed about: Prophesed to Gentiles in Asian cy of Nineveh, 5760 Jonah Nineveh ‘Thay repented, and asted unl 612 8¢ (ee below). Concerned wth exesv ln, sindlgence ard 3760 Amos Northern Kingdom oppcession ofthe por. Concerned wth oppression ofthe poor. Samaras 5 740 Miah [siah prophesied (740-72) __NorthernKngdom doom prophesied, and dah’ not far behind Hosea was atfl husband (depicting God) and 1720 Hosea Northen Kingdom _ Gomer was anunathful wife depicting sae. fallof Northern Kingdom to Asia 72280) 72 Isai topped (40-722) Ito eapy I Warring about the coming "Day ofthe Lord and | 620 Zephaniah Souther Kingdom judgement on Judah GG [Jeremiah prophesied (626587) Prophesied that Babylon would completely destroy Nineveh 5 they ha returned idlatrous ways 7620 Nahum Nineveh since time of lonah over 10 yeas eae. Nineveh destroyed | ow ane born around this time "The Just shal iv by faith. God was going to use 8 ooo Habaltuk Seuthem Kingdom oians to chasis his people in sudo. Ezekiel prophesied for7 year up feof cust nuda foreshadows the "Day tothe fllofthe Southern ofthe Lord. Quoted by Paulin ts 2. (Some dat 2 S00 oo! __Kingdom_ (583-587) Scuthern Kingdom tis much erie at 835 8C) Falof Southern kingdom to Babylon destruction of temple (587 BC) 587 Jeremiah stopped (626587) Into captivity Prophesied total destruction of Edom for their ‘treatment of Judah. (= Esau vs Jacob) 4580 Obadiah dom (Much earlier date of 850 BC possible) jj 540, End of captivity Persia took over Babylon (539.8C)- Cyrus issued decree Jews could return to the land and rebuild temple Rebuilding of temple started; Danie ied (about 80 yrs old) Ezra, Nehemiah, (and also Esther] writen after return from returned from 536 10 | 520 Haggai captivity captivity Prophesied to exes returned from 11 | 520 Zechariah captivity itl known of the Jews during S15 this period [ating of Malachiisdficut- Prophesied to exes lout itis known he lived after returned from 12460? Malachi [rebuilding of temple captivity Prophesie toexies Work on temple had stopped - God wanted them to finish it “Temple had tobe finished; Retum of Christ othe Mount of Olives s prophesied Prophesied during Nehemiah’ time. ‘The people were corrupt and condernned by Gad 400 years of sence from God followed, unti NT. Allthe minor prophets are referred to in the New Testament [Minor prophet Referred to in the New |Who made the F Details of the reference reference [Testament reference? nah 1:17 ate 1230-41 ord esus Jonah 3 days and 3 nights in belly of is amos 5:25:27 cts 740,43 stephen eterstoidolaty JAmos 11-12 acts 5:16:18 lames refersto Chris's etum Micah 5:2 mate 26 chet ists cts tobe bor in Bethiehem Hosea 1:10 hom 9:26 pal Nou are not my people Hey willbe called "Sons ofthe ving Hosea 2.28 Roms25 Paul oa" Hosea 6:6 bat 9:13; 12:7 Lord Jesus desire mery not sacrifice Hosea 111 ate 215, Matthew land out of Egypt called my son aay of darkness & loom; a day of couds and blackness; (sun darkened, Zephaniah 1:15 velled ref) |Matt 24:29; Mark 13:24 Lord Jesus |moon gives no light) Nahum 1:35 Rom 10:15 pau the Feet of one whe brings good news | Habakkuk 2:4 |Rom 1:17; Heb 10:37,38 Paul [the just shall live by faith Loe 2:28 acts 217 peter inthe last days everyone who callsonthe ame ofthe lice 2:32 Rom 10:13 pau Lord willbe saved lObadiah 29 (veiled ref) Rev 11:15 Tth angel Kingdom will be the Lord's will once more shake the heavers and Haggai 26 Heb 12:26 paul the earth aechariah 165 ate 16.27; matt25:31_—_|Lorddesus son of Man wll come with allhis angel Malachi 1.2.3, Rom 9:13, Paul Have loved Jacob but hated Eau wit send my messenger Malachi: bark 1:2 Mark ie. John the Baptist) [Malachi 4:5 [luke 1:17 Luke [sending the prophet Elijah More on the Minor Prophets Hosea: Prophet to Israel By Charles Ozanne The Day of the Locust: Joel and The Day of the Lord By Charles Ozanne Joe!’s Prophecy: Past and Future By Michael Penny Amos: The Lion has Roared By Charles Ozanne Notes on Jonah By Robert Brown What about Jonah? By Roger Barnett Who is like the Lord? The meaning of Micah By Charles Ozanne Nahum’s Vision Concerning Nineveh By Charles Ozanne Malachi: The Lord’s Messenger By Charles Ozanne For details of these books please visit Copies are available from that website and from The Open Bible Trust, Fordland Mount, Upper Basildon, Reading RG8 8LU, UK. To pay by card, please order from ‘These books are also available as eBooks from Amazon and Apple, and as KDP paperbacks from Amazon.

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