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Annunciation (Luke 1:26-38)

- Angel Gabriel was sent from above to announce the to Virgin Mary that she conceived a son
by the power of the Holy Spirit as to be named Jesus. In that moment indicates the
incarnation of Jesus Christ and that the Son of God became the son of the Virgin.
- In this, I reflect this as my mother knowing that she is pregnant with me. At first, she’s
horrified since my older brother is just a year old and they are just young to have as both.
But with the faith and guidance of the people around them they eventually accept that we
are a blessing from above with full of love and care.
2. The Birth Of Jesus (Luke 2:1-20)
- The city of Bethlehem was a small village about five miles southwest of Jerusalem. While in
Bethlehem, Jesus was born of the Virgin Mary. This indicates the Holy Spirit anointed Jesus,
the beginning of his human life. The child would be born to her and she was to name him
Jesus, for he would be the son of God and rule over Israel forever.
- In this, I reflect this as me welcoming the warmth love of the people around me. All the
people are born with a purpose that only God plan for us to live. It’s about the starting not
just about ourselves but about how to connect with God first
3. The Epiphany (Mt. 2:1-12)
- The Epiphany is about revelation, this is a Christian revelation commemorating the birth of
Jesus Christ to the people and to recognize Jesus as the savior of people. How the star
guided the Magi to visit the new born Jesus Christ.
- In this, I reflect that my life was guided by my faith to God. It takes time to fully conquer
every challenges but God knows that those challenges are to make you strong and be what
God wants you be.
4. The Escape to Egypt (Mt. 2:13-180
- As soon after Magi visited to Bethlehem, an angel visited Joseph in his dream that they need
to runaway and go to Egypt as what the evil plan of King Harold to kill Jesus
- In this, I reflect that every part of our lives there are unfortunate events that comes to our
lives. Just like Joseph and Mary did escape, escaping from those events and try to continue
living the life that God gave to us this opportunity.
5. The Finding of Jesus In The Temple (Luke 2:49)
- This is the consecration of Jesus that his mission to the human race. Jesus’ is the God’s son
and the chosen one as whom the savior.
- In this, I reflect that finding our mission in this world and how God will provide its people the
savior of our own. As growing I still don’t think my mission in this world is already to known
but I believe that the more we connect ourselves with God the more we know ourselves and
the mission he wants us to do to his beautiful creation in this world. But I dream to be a
successful servant that serves the people of the world that needs help to find also their
mission to this world.

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