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The word "revolution" alone has several meanings at different times. People have
different interpretation of the meaning of revolution. We can learn about the word's
history and discover that it indicates the way in which human society and the natural
world are developing. Revolution’s origin comes from Latin. Marx and Engels, the
founders of Marxism, emphasized the “workers taking power” was revolution, which
was the purpose of revolution. As for whether to use violence or peaceful means, that
is the means used to achieve the purpose of revolution. It is not only a mistake to
regard the revolutionary means used for the purpose of the revolution as the revolution
itself, but also to make the appearance of the revolution cover up the essence of the
revolution, which is easy to lead people into the misunderstanding. In order to establish
new relations of production, the social revolution changed the relations of production
and superstructure which hindered the development of productive forces through
violence or non-violence, liberated and developed productive forces, and promoted the
development of human society. Therefore, revolution is to get rid of the old and bring
forth the new by thoroughly overcoming and solving the basic contradictions in specific
fields. Self-revolution and social revolution are in a common historical process. To
embrace and carry out such a revolution means to promote the self-revolution and
social revolution in a scientific and realistic manner. In the New Era, it is necessary to
maintain a heart of preparedness, to find problems and then to solve them. The article
argues that revolution is a philosophical concept with progressive significance that
represents the direction of the development of human society and nature. This
interpretation is supported by Marxist theory, which views revolution as a necessary
step towards social progress. Marx believed that capitalism created a society in which
a small group of wealthy individuals held power and exploited the labor of the working
class. The article also stated the misconceptions and worry of revolution are the result
of people's limited understanding of the concept, which has been limited to the political
and military fields. People's understanding of revolution has been shaped by historical
events, such as the French Revolution and the Russian Revolution, which have been
associated with violence and upheaval. However, people's misunderstandings and
worry about revolution just reflect their preference for peace and advancement. The
article "A Simple View on Revolution in the New Era" attempts to clarify the concept of
revolution and its relevance in contemporary times. While the article provides an
insightful analysis of the topic, there are opposing views and theories that should also
be taken into consideration.The author stated that this article is to make some initial
analysis of the word “revolution” from the perspective of theory in the present. When
the time is right, in the future it will also conduct some field study among young people,
particularly among those who were born in the new century, to further examine how the
word "revolution" is recognized by people. The article concludes by suggesting that
further research is needed to explore young people's perceptions of revolution.
Therefore, understanding young people's perceptions of revolution is essential in
understanding how they might engage in social and political change.

Although, there are criticisms of Marxist theory and its interpretation of revolution.
One of the most common criticisms is that Marxism is overly simplistic and idealistic.
Critics argue that Marxism fails to take into account the complexities of human nature
and the fact that power structures are not just based on economic factors. Other
theories, such as postmodernism, argue that revolution is no longer a viable option for
social change. Postmodernism posits that power structures are not fixed and that social
change can be achieved through small-scale actions and interventions that challenge
existing power structures. However, there are also opposing views to social
constructionism, such as essentialism. Essentialism argues that there is a fixed and
inherent meaning to concepts and that meanings are not constructed through social
processes. Essentialists argue that people have an innate understanding of the
meaning of words, which is shaped by their experiences and interactions with the world.
In this sense, people's understanding of revolution is not solely constructed through
social processes but is also influenced by their individual experiences and
In conclusion, the article "A Simple View on Revolution in the New Era" provides an
insightful analysis of the concept of revolution and its relevance in contemporary times.
However, it is important to consider opposing views and theories, when examining the
meaning and significance of revolution. By taking a more comprehensive approach to
the study of revolution, we can gain a more nuanced understanding of this important
concept and its potential for social and political change.

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