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3 B’s Workout - Backs, Biceps & Bench Hops

You can adjust the bench hops as needed.  If heart rate is staying
too high, skip them for as many rounds as needed, if you want
more of a challenge, increase the number of bench hops

Circuit One (repeat 3 sets)
1. Alternating Bicep Curl 10-12 • Do each set of
exercises 1-3
2. Lat Pullovers 10-12 
3. Bench Hops 20-30 • Repeat each
circuit 3 times

• Move to next
Circuit Two (repeat 3 sets) circuit

1. Hammer Curls 10-12

• Take breaks as
2. Reverse Flies  needed
3. Bench Hops 20-30

• Dumbbells
Circuit Three (repeat 3 sets)
1. Seated Row w/Pulley or Bands 10-12 (if no • Pulley System
pulley or bands available, do one arm or Resistance
rows with dumbbells)
2. Concentration Curl 10-12
3. Bench Hops 20-30

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