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Plan of Approach

Devin van de Laar

Graduation Internship International Business
OrderOn partner of VDL Group – Avans University of Applied Sciences


1. IB Opportunity Advice........................................................................................................................3
1.1. WHAT Problem definition................................................................................................................3
1.2. WHAT: Problem analysis..................................................................................................................3
1.3. WHICH: the end-deliverable............................................................................................................4
1.4. Objective.........................................................................................................................................4
1.5. HOW: Research design....................................................................................................................5
1.6. Topics of research...........................................................................................................................8
1.7. Models, Theories and Research questions (Theoretical framework)...............................................8
Internal research....................................................................................................................................9
1.7.1. Business Model Canvas................................................................................................................9
1.7.2. Root-Cause analysis....................................................................................................................10
1.7.3. Value proposition Canvas...........................................................................................................10
1.7.4. The triple bottom line framework..............................................................................................10
1.7.5. SWOT analysis............................................................................................................................10
1.7.6. 4P’s marketing mix analysis........................................................................................................11
External research..................................................................................................................................11
1.7.7. Value proposition Canvas...........................................................................................................11
1.7.8. 7O-Model van Kotler..................................................................................................................11
1.7.9. Porter 5 Forces...........................................................................................................................12
1.7.10. DESTEP......................................................................................................................................12
1.7.11. The culture map.......................................................................................................................13
1.7.12. Research questions...................................................................................................................13
1.8. Accountability research methods..................................................................................................16
1.8.1. Reliability....................................................................................................................................16
1.8.2. Validity........................................................................................................................................16
1.9. Lack of knowledge.........................................................................................................................17
2.0 Internal Analysis.............................................................................................................................17
2.1. Mission and vision.........................................................................................................................17
Semester planning & Business coaching vouchers...............................................................................18

This plan of approach document has been created to serve as a basis for everything that has to be
done during the graduation internship for OrderOn. OrderOn is a subsidiary of the VDL group.
OrderOn was created by the VDL group to continue innovating in the metalworking sector. OrderOn
is in fact an online platform in which you can load a technical drawing within the blink of an eye and
then receive a customized quotation. This removes many links in the VDL Group's business chain,
making operations more efficient. The traditional way of requesting quotations is thus disappearing,
which used to involve a customer making a request via the website, then someone from sales would
look at this request after which it would go to work preparation. These assess the request and
eventually give a quotation. This traditional process often takes at least 1 week. With the new
OrderOn on-demand platform it removes many links in the VDL Group's business chain, making
operations more efficient. According to (Van der Staak, Personal communication, 6 February, 2023) is
adapting to the innovating metalworking industry a crucial factor to remain competitive within the
metalworking industry.

OrderOn is a Dutch metalworking platform, part of the VDL Group. The VDL Group, headquartered in
Eindhoven, the Netherlands, is an international family-owned industrial company with more than
100 companies spread over 19 countries and more than 15,000 employees. The VDL companies are
divided into the four divisions: Supplies, Automotive Assembly, Buses and Finished Products (VDL
Groep, n.d.). Out of the VDL Group's vision to further innovate, OrderOn was founded in 2022.
OrderOn is an online on-demand platform used in the metalworking industry. OrderOn's short term
vision is to become the best on-demand platform in the Benelux in the coming years.

1. IB Opportunity Advice
1.1. WHAT Problem definition
At all times during the research and analysis that accompanies it, one question is central. This
question is formulated below. This question forms a central thread through the research, around this
are the sub questions built. This provides a clear structure.

Research objective: (Market research/approach).

“In what way can OrderOn successfully enter the Belgium metalworking market?”

1.2. WHAT: Problem analysis

OrderOn is a digital platform created from within the VDL Group. In today's laser cutting industry, it is
important for people to be able to quickly order their materials digitally and not have to wait a long
time for a quotation. OrderOn removes the traditional process for ordering a product in the
metalworking industry, in which you need to upload your STEP file where then a work planner will
look at it to be able to give a price indication. In the traditional way this process takes at least 5
business days. "With our digital platform, we are responding to an increasing demand for simplicity
in the ordering process of quality products with timely delivery." (VDL Groep bv, n.d.) Now with the
online platform, the customer can request a digital quotation of their desired product within 5
minutes. The problem that OrderOn currently is facing is that they want to expand to Belgium but
they do not have any clue how, and besides that they simply do not have the knowledge about the
Belgium metalworking industry. When this is researched intensively, it opens up a lot of
opportunities for OrderOn in the Belgian market (Van der Staak, Personal communication, 6
February, 2023). Because according to (Van der Avert, 2022) metal and steel production in Belgium is
expected to grow 2.1% in 2022, following a 2.5% contraction last year.

1.3. WHICH: the end-deliverable
The final advice and implementation plan will be formulated in an combined marketing and sales
plan with an accompanying presentation at the end of the internship. This advice plan provides an
answer on the main question with the associated sub-questions.

OrderOn can expect final advice plan on Friday, June 9, 2023. The presentation of the advice plan will
be scheduled in consultation with OrderOn and will be given to Hans Sanders (Managing director VDL
Technics) and operational manager OrderOn Bart van der Staak (company mentor).

1.4. Objective
In order to create as clear a thread and overview as possible during the thesis research, 3 different
objectives have been established to answer the research questions.
- Research, analyse and, formulate the most appropriate sales and/or marketing strategy to
enter the Belgian market.
o Answers the main advice.
- Investigate, analyse and, cure the underlying deeper business problems that jeopardize the
chances of entering the Belgian market.
o Answers the sub advice
- Create an implementation plan that is appropriate and supports OrderOn's corporate
o Responds to the implementation plan

1.5. HOW: Research design

What Topics Purpose
Internal analysis Internal analysis with focus on A thorough internal view of the
marketing and sales. current situation of OrderOn.
Specific within marketing and
sales. This will be done by
conducting desk research
(online data, already existing
presentations / document
within OrderOn) and by Field
External analysis Belgium market research research (Interviews and
In this, the marketing and sales
analysis is important. In
addition, if necessary, the
larger parent company VDL is
also examined.

Gain insight into the Belgian

market. Where is the
competition who is the target
group etc.
Analysed sales and marketing Analysed suitable sales and or With the knowledge of the
strategy marketing strategy for the internal and external analysis,
Belgium market it is important to realize a
suitable sales and marketing
plan for this. This will look at
different possibilities.

Eventually, based on the

various analyses, the most
Proposed solution for the appropriate way for OrderOn
Belgium market to enter the Belgian
metalworking market will be

With the implementation of

this new concept and the
accompanying analyses,
Organizational impact analysis OrderOn need to look at the
impact it will have on OrderOn.
This will be mainly focussed on
the DMU and their
stakeholders (subcontractors,
IT, suppliers, and coworkers).
Account implementation Advice and implementation To realize the implementation
cost which results from the advice,
OrderOn has to make costs.
The implementation has costs
and within this part it is

research and analysed what
kind of costs do they have to
make, and how is this
profitable for OrderOn. This
makes sure that there is a
complete overview which is
also relevant for the
stakeholders of OrderOn.

The study is going to consist of 4 different phases. Namely: Internal analysis, external analysis, the
analysed sales and marketing strategy, and the account implementation.
Internal analysis involves the models: BMC, value proposition canvas, 4Ps, SWOT, triple bottom and
root-cause are used. This allows for a comprehensive analysis of how the company does its business
and where the strengths and weaknesses lie here. In this phase, it is important to do as much
research as possible using desk and field research on the company itself. Desk research will be used
for things that can be found mainly online and this information will be cross-checked to ensure that it
is actually relevant and reliable (for explanation of validity and reliability see sections 1.8.1 and
1.8.2). Insights that cannot be done through desk research are held through personal interviews with
different people within OrderOn. This also ensures the reliability of the research.

In the external research, desk and field research are used for the market and competition research.
In the desk research part, the relevant insights within the market and competition will be made
visible and this research will therefore be mainly quantitative. To identify the target group, a survey
is used. In this survey we look at why the target group buys something, what they find important and
where they are located in Belgium. In addition, interviews with competitor companies provide better
insights into the Belgian metalworking industry. The ultimate goal in this phase of the research is to
get the best possible picture of the Belgian metalworking market.

In the 3rd phase of the research, all results will be compared and the data analysed. From the
internal and external analysis, conclusions are then drawn from which different scenarios are
formulated. Herein, the best scenarios are ranked from the most accessible to the least accessible to
enter the Belgian metalworking industry. In addition, in this phase of the research, the most
accessible scenario that OrderOn can respond to is considered. In this, the trade-offs are made on
the impact it will have on OrderOn, but also on their stakeholders.

In the 4th and final phase, we examine the financial impact it will have on OrderOn when OrderOn
wants to enter the Belgian market. This will eventually be included in the advice that will be given to
the management of OrderOn and VDL Technics including: Bart van der Staak (Company mentor) and
Hans Sanders (Managing director VDL Technics).

1.6. Topics of research
Several internal and external topics of OrderOn will be researched and analysed to paint a clear
picture of the internal and external situation of OrderOn. These topics are specifically made for
OrderOn. The following topics will be analysed:

Theme 1: Internal analysis

Theme 2: The platform OrderOn
Theme 3: Market & developments
Theme 4: Competition
Theme 5: Target group
Theme 6: Sustainability
Theme 7: Finance

1.7. Models, Theories and Research questions (Theoretical framework)

Theme 1: Internal analysis
- What is OrderOn's current short- and long-term vision?
- How does OrderOn manage its internal and external investments?
- What is OrderOn's current value proposition?
- What is OrderOn's current marketing strategy?
- What is the cultural aspect within OrderOn?
- What sales strategy does OrderOn currently employ?
- What pain points does OrderOn currently have?

Theme 2: The OrderOn platform

- How do Belgian business customers currently find OrderOn online?
- What changes are needed to adapt the platform to the Belgian market?
- What do the barriers to using the OrderOn online platform look like for the target audience?

Theme 3: Market & developments

- Where are opportunities in the Belgian metalworking sector to increase sales?
- What are the most important meso trends and developments in Belgium?
- What are the most important macro trends and development in Belgium?
- What does the Belgian metalworking market current look like?
- What are the most common offline channels used in Belgium?
- What are the most common online channels used in Belgium?
- What is the current ordering culture in Belgium?
- How can OrderOn response to this Belgian order culture?
- What are the relevant trends and developments in online convenience platforms useful for in 2023?
- What are the biggest cultural differences between the Netherlands and Belgium?
- How can OrderOn correctly manage each cultural difference?
- What is the impact of each identified cultural difference?

Theme 4: Competition
- What are OrderOn's USPs?
- What is the current value proposition of OrderOn?
- Who are the competitors in Belgium?
- Do all the competitors have a digital on-demand platform?
- What is the current marketing strategy of direct competitors?
- What is the current sales strategy of direct competitors?
- What online channels do the competitors use to promote their product?

- What offline channels do the competitors use to promote their product?
- How do competitors attract the target audience to their platform?

Theme 5: Target group

- Who is the assumed target group that OrderOn wants to reach with its products?
- How can OrderOn reach the target group in Belgium?
- How do Belgian consumers currently order their products?
- What are the pains and gains of Belgian companies?
- What are the needs of the Belgian companies?

Theme 6: Sustainability
- To what SDG’s does OrderOn currently contributing to?
- Is the product/production process/supply chain harmful to the
planet/environment in any way? (damage to the environment, use of
renewable resources, recycling, sustainable transportation)
- How does OrderOn currently contribute to the 3Ps (People, Planet and Profit)?
- Does the product/production process/supply chain improve the

Theme 7: Finance
- How does OrderOn finance internal investments?
- What was the solvency ratio of OrderOn/VDL Technics between 2021 - 2022?
- Is OrderOn financially sustainable (enough profit to be SUSTAINABLE?)?
- What was the liquidity ratio of OrderOn/VDL Technics between 2021 – 2022?

Internal research
The internal research is used to gain a better knowledge of the OrderOn company. In addition, this
internal research is done to develop a structured picture for OrderOn where schematically their key
topics are formulated. The first part of the internal research examines the company itself, the second
part looks at opportunities, threats and development in the OrderOn company.

1.7.1. Business Model Canvas

The Business Model Canvas is a strategic management tool that lets you visualize and assess your
business idea or concept. It’s a one-page document containing nine boxes that represent different
fundamental elements of a business.

The business model canvas beats the traditional business plan that spans across several pages, by
offering a much easier way to understand the different core elements of a business.

The right side of the canvas focuses on the customer or the market (external factors that are not
under your control) while the left side of the canvas focuses on the business (internal factors that are
mostly under your control). In the middle, you get the value propositions that represent the
exchange of value between your business and your customers (Athuraliya, 2022).

Why this model?

The BMC is used during the research to get a better understanding of how the OrderOn company is
currently structured. This creates good insights into OrderOn's key partners but also, for example,
the key activities, the value proposition, key resources and the customer segments. These insights
create a fundamental basis for further research.

1.7.2. Root-Cause analysis
Why this model?
Root-cause analysis is used to uncover an organization's underlying problems. So that this can then
be taken into account in further advice. This is also what Root-cause analysis will be used for in this
research. When an observation reveals a problem, the Root-cause analysis is used to further dissect
the problem. This allows for the formulation of well-founded advice.

1.7.3. Value proposition Canvas

The Value Proposition Canvas is a framework which can help ensure that a product or service is
positioned around what the customer values and needs.

The Value Proposition Canvas was initially developed by Dr Alexander Osterwalder as a framework to
ensure that there is a fit between the product and market. It is a detailed tool for modelling the
relationship between two parts of the Osterwalder’s broader Business Model Canvas; customer
segments and value propositions (B2B International, 2022).

The Value Proposition Canvas can be used when there is need to refine an existing product or service
offering or where a new offering is being developed from scratch.

Why this model?

It is important that OrderOn knows what their value proposition is, what is the product or service,
and what pain relievers and gain creators OrderOn offers. The value proposition part belongs to the
internal analysis. Once the external analysis has clarified what the customer job is and the associated
pains and gains of the companies OrderOn does business with, this knowledge can then be applied to
OrderOn's value proposition.

1.7.4. The triple bottom line framework

Why this model?

The triple bottom line is a business concept that posits firms should commit to measuring their social
and environmental impact in addition to their financial performance rather than solely focusing on
generating profit, or the standard “bottom line.” It can be broken down into “three Ps”: profit,
people, and the planet (Miller, 2020).

The triple bottom line framework is selected as it helps to exactly measure OrderOn’s level of
contribution to people, planet, and profit. Besides that it also measures the level of contribution to
the different kind of SDG’s.

1.7.5. SWOT analysis

SWOT (strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats) analysis is a framework used to evaluate a
company's competitive position and to develop strategic planning. SWOT analysis assesses internal
and external factors, as well as current and future potential.

A SWOT analysis is designed to facilitate a realistic, fact-based, data-driven look at the strengths and
weaknesses of an organization, initiatives, or within its industry (SWOT Analysis: How to With Table
and Example, 2022).

Why this model?

It is important as an OrderOn to know where the internal strengths and weaknesses lie. By making a
SWOT analysis, this is shown systematically so that a good overview can be created. In addition, the
SWOT model provides insights into the opportunities and chances within OrderOn.

1.7.6. 4P’s marketing mix analysis
The four Ps are the key considerations that must be thoughtfully reviewed and wisely implemented
in order to successfully market a product or service. They are product, price, place, and promotion.

The four Ps are often referred to as the marketing mix. They encompass a range of factors that are
considered when marketing a product, including what consumers want, how the product or service
meets or fails to meet those wants, how the product or service is perceived in the world, how it
stands out from the competition, and how the company that produces it interacts with its customers
(The 4 Ps of Marketing and How to Use Them in Your Strategy, 2022). The marketing mix consists of:
- Product
- Price
- Place
- Promotion

Why this model?

It is important to know and map OrderOn's current marketing mix. It is important that OrderOn need
to look at how OrderOn is currently doing business and where the opportunities and threats lie.
During the research the 4P model will be used in combination with the SWOT analysis to get a
concrete marketing and sales analysis. In combination with the market research and the internal
analysis, a good picture can then be drawn. Once this has been mapped out and there is more
information about the external analysis read market research, an optimization plan or a marketing
and/or sales plan can be formulated for the Belgian market.

External research

1.7.7. Value proposition Canvas

Why this model?
This model is a multifunctional model and therefore it is used for both internal and external analysis.
During the external analysis it is necessary to look at what the companies are trying to get done so
how do they make their products and what is needed to do that. It then looks at what pains and
gains this brings. When OrderOn has this clearly mapped out it is a great advantage for the company
and because of this OrderOn has a better and strong value proposition.

1.7.8. 7O-Model van Kotler

Philip Kottler has developed a model that provides a relatively simple way to map the market in
which OrderOn operates or wants to operate. The 7Os, of course, stand for seven English terms:

1. Occupants: who make up the part of the market?

2. Objects: what does the market buy?
3. Objectives: why does the market buy?
4. Organizations: who is involved in buying?
5. Operations: how does the market buy?
6. Occasions: when does the market buy?
7. Outlets: where does the market buy?
Kotler's 7O model is an analytical model, more specifically an element model (G, 2022).
Why this model?

Kotler's 7O model addresses the market where OrderOn is currently looking to expand. This currently
relates to the Belgian metalworking industry. When inaugurating a new market for OrderOn, it is
important that a well-executed and substantiated market research has been done beforehand and
this model provides a stable factor in that. By researching the market using the 7 points mentioned

above in conjunction with the Porter 5 forces model, a comprehensive market research can be made
for Belgium.

1.7.9. Porter 5 Forces

According to Porter's Five Forces is a business analysis model that helps to explain why various
industries are able to sustain different levels of profitability. The model was published in Michael E.
Porter's book, Competitive Strategy: Techniques for analyzing Industries and Competitors in 1979.

The Five Forces model is used to analyze the industry structure of a company as well as its corporate
strategy. Porter identified five undeniable forces that play a part in shaping every market and
industry in the world, with some caveats. The Five Forces are frequently used to measure
competition intensity, attractiveness, and profitability of an industry or market (Porter’s 5 Forces
Explained and How to Use the Model, 2022).

Porter's 5 forces are:

1. Competition in the industry

2. Potential of new entrants into the industry
3. Power of suppliers
4. Power of customers
5. Threat of substitute products

Why this model?

It is important to look at the market that OrderOn will expand into. By doing an intensive market
research using the Porter 5 forces model in cooperation with Kotler's 7O model a good and
comprehensive market research can be realized. This final market research realizes a nice overview
of the market data of suppliers, customers and the competition.

1.7.10. DESTEP
Macro environments influence organizations. They are outside forces which can’t be controlled by
individuals within a company. However, the macro environment affects how business is conducted.

DESTEP analysis comprises significant external factors from the macro environment. It stands for
demographic, economic, social, technological, ecological and political factors (Frue, 2022). Trends of
six major forces in an organization's macro environment are described:
 Demographic factors
 Economic factors
 Socio-cultural factors
 Technological factors
 Ecological factors
 Political-legal factors
Each force has his or her own peculiarities and therefore they should also be examined separately
from each other. The Macro environment always refers to the Macro environment within a country.

Why this model?

It is important for OrderOn to know what kind of country they are going to do business in. To better
understand factors within a country, a DESTEP analysis should be used. It is important for OrderOn to
understand relevant trends and developments of Belgium before entering the Belgian market. If
OrderOn does not have this properly mapped out in advance, this can cause stagnation when they
enter the Belgian market, resulting in them not being able to fully expand into the Belgian market.

This DESTEP analysis in this case relates to Belgium, as this is the country where OrderOn plans to
expand in the upcoming time. With these insights provided by the DESTEP analysis, OrderOn has a
good picture of the country Belgium.

1.7.11. The culture map

Why this model?
The choice was made to identify the cultural differences between Belgium and the Netherlands by
using the cultural map model of Erin Meyer. Because OrderOn wants to expand their business in
Belgium, it is important that the cultural differences are well mapped so that this will not hinder
future business between OrderOn and potential new companies in Belgium.

1.7.12. Research questions

Research questions Internal/ External Linked to model

What is OrderOn's current short- and long- Internal

term vision?
- How does OrderOn manage its internal Internal
and external investments?

- What is OrderOn's current value Internal Value proposition Canvas


- What is OrderOn's current marketing Internal 4 P’s marketing mix analysis


- What is the cultural aspect within Internal Culture map


- What sales strategy does OrderOn Internal BMC

currently employ?

- What pain points does OrderOn currently Internal Root cause theory

- How do Belgian business customers Internal and 7O

currently find OrderOn online? external

- What changes are needed to adapt the Internal

platform to the Belgian market?

- What do the barriers to using the Internal and

OrderOn online platform look like for the external
target audience?

- Where are opportunities in the Belgian External SWOT/ Porter 5 forces

metalworking sector to increase sales?

- What are the most important meso External

trends and developments in Belgium?

- What are the most important macro External DESTEP
trends and development in Belgium?

- What does the Belgian metalworking External 7O / Porter 5 forces

market current look like?

- What are the most common offline External 7O

channels used in Belgium?

- What are the most common online External 7O

channels used in Belgium?

- What is the current ordering culture in External 7O


- How can OrderOn response to this Internal

Belgian order culture?

What are the relevant trends and Internal and

developments in online convenience external
platforms useful for in 2023?
- What are the biggest cultural differences Internal and Culture map
between the Netherlands and Belgium? external
- How can OrderOn correctly manage each Internal Culture map
cultural difference?

- What is the impact of each identified Internal Culture map

cultural difference?

- What are OrderOn's USPs? Internal Value proposition Canvas

- Who are the competitors in Belgium? External Porter 5 forces

- Do all the competitors have a digital on- External Porter 5 forces

demand platform?

- What is the current marketing strategy of External Porter 5 forces

direct competitors?
- What is the current sales strategy of External Porter 5 forces
direct competitors?

- Who is the assumed target group that Internal 7O

OrderOn wants to reach with its products?
- How can OrderOn reach the target group Internal and
in Belgium? external
- How do Belgian consumers currently External 7O
order their products?

- What are the pains and gains of Belgian External 7O


- What are the needs of the Belgian External 7O

- What SDGs are VDL and OrderOn Internal Triple bottom model
currently contributing to?

- Is the product/production process/supply Internal Triple bottom model

chain harmful to the
planet/environment in any way? (damage
to the environment, use of
renewable resources, recycling,
sustainable transportation)

- How does OrderOn currently contribute Internal Triple bottom model

to the 3Ps (People, Planet and Profit)?

- Does the product/production Internal Triple bottom model

process/supply chain improve the

- How does OrderOn finance internal Internal


- What was the solvency ratio of Internal

OrderOn/VDL Technics between 2021 -

- Is OrderOn financially sustainable Internal Triple bottom model

(enough profit to be SUSTAINABLE?)?

- What was the liquidity ratio of Internal

OrderOn/VDL Technics between 2021 –

1.8. Accountability research methods
The Complete research is focused on Design-oriented research. Practical research often leads to a
professional product: a concrete advice, plan, design, tool or fabrication. It is a product that the
professional must be able to provide for the practice of his profession. When designing a professional
product, practice research plays an instrumental role: it is used as a tool to test whether the design is
effective, efficient or useful (Verhoeven, 2022, p. 147).

1.8.1. Reliability
There are a variety of ways (criteria) to increase the reliability of research. These criteria sometimes
apply to quantitative and qualitative research and sometimes primarily to one of these two forms of
research (Verhoeven, 2022, p. 156). To make the research reliable is quantitative research uses the
region sample size with the help of the CRAAP model. The CRAAP model (Research Guides:
Evaluating Sources: The CRAAP Test, n.d.-b) is used to assess the reliability of the sources used in the
study. If they are ultimately found to be unreliable, they are not used.

In addition, to ensure the reliability of qualitative research, the four-eye principle (peer feedback)
and member check are used during the research (Verhoeven, 2022, p. 158). During the research,
through peer feedback, the research is made more reliable because a college researcher is watching
the research and its reporting along with the research. In addition, during the member check the
management of OrderOn is intensively involved in the research. In the member check method,
results are shared, choices are explained and questions can be answered.

Desk research
As said above the CRAAP model will be used. With this model we will specifically look at which
sources will be used: Reliable sources will be used. Current sources written by experts will be used.
The author, date, type of information, writing style and type of article will be thoroughly checked.
Moreover, the sources are preferably academic and originate from Xplora or GoogleScholar. In
addition, multiple sources will be compared so that information is not extracted from only one
source. This increases the reliability of the research.

Field Research:
To link quantitative and qualitative research to ensure the level of research, field research is chosen.
The following research methods will be used to answer the sub-questions. In-depth interviews and
surveys. This will allow a good understanding of the relevant field and parties involved. Surveys will
be used to conduct quantitative research on data needed to understand the target group and what
their pain and gains are, as well as what their buying reasons are. Interviews are used to gather
qualitative data to get a better interpretation of the (quantitative) results, but also to get a better
understanding of information that is difficult or impossible to find with desk research.

1.8.2. Validity
The outcomes of the field research are made valid by strictly interviewing, high-levelled
employees which have a key function in the research of OrderOn. Besides that to make the research
valid also key employees of VDL Technics will be interviewed because OrderOn, is an organisation
within VDL Technics. In-depth interviews were chosen to get an in-depth picture of respondents'
individual views. The conversation between the interviewer and the respondent is guided in a certain
direction. To measure the internal validity The interviewer wants to gather as much information as
possible from the respondent. In order to ensure that the research also includes the cultural aspect,
an interview will also be conducted with Belgian colleagues from OrderOn. These will be worked out
and added in the appendix. This is to ensure that the research results are as valid as possible.

1.9. Lack of knowledge
Currently there is a lack of understanding of the Belgian metalworking industry from OrderOn.
OrderOn has an understanding of which customers they want to reach namely B2B business in
Belgium, but they have no idea where they are and in what way to reach them. Also their lack of
knowledge of the Belgian culture is barrier. Furthermore, OrderOn has little insight into the trends
and developments taking place in the Belgian meso and macro environment in the metalworking
industry. In addition, OrderOn has little to no insight into who their competition is in the Belgian
metalworking industry. In addition, OrderOn still has too little knowledge about OrderOn and VDL's
internal situation. Herein, more information needs to be gathered about the current marketing and
sales plan along with an internal and external analysis of OrderOn on a micro, meso and macro level.

2.0 Internal Analysis

2.1. Mission and vision

OrderOn's mission is to make on-demand metal production as easy as possible.
In the past, the VDL group has seen that it is essential to see opportunities in the metal fabrication
industry, and in this the VDL group must innovate with them.

"Our ambition is to continue to grow significantly in 2023. With a larger team, more functionalities
and by entering the Belgian market, this year we are going to show even more users how can make metalworking easier." is part of VDL Groep's broader
digitization strategy, which will eventually also integrate competencies from other operating
companies of the industrial family business into a single online 'make to order' platform for a range
of machining techniques (VDL Groep bv, n.d.).

The vision stems from the company's mission. OrderOn's short term vision is to become the best on-
demand platform in the Benelux in the coming years. In addition, the long term vision is to be
Europe's best online on-demand platform within the manufacturing industry.

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