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Learning Curve

What is learning curve theory?

When work is fairly repatitave nature employee is likely to gain more experience and skill as he produces
great unites eventually the time required to produce a unite start falling by a certain percentage up to a
certain level.

Note: in theory we assume that the average time per unite falls by constant percentage every time out
put is doubled.

When we are calculated that we should make table which include 4 things : 1 unites 2 average time per
unite 3 total time per unite 4 incremental time.

Formula for learning curve: Y=axb

Y= average time for unite X

A = time for unite 1

X = unite for which Y is calculated

B = learning rate. Mean log of learning rate/log 2

What costs are affected by learning curve?

Direct labour cost and variable overhead

Material cost is unaffected by learning curve

Fixed cost is unaffected by learning curve.

Limitations of learning curve theory

1 the learning curve phenomenon is not always present

2 it assume stable conditions at work which is not possible

3 it assumes certain motivation among employees

4 it assume there is no break etc

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