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Name : Taupik Mulyana

NPM 10121374

Class : C-12 Management

Rules for Japan Visitor

It's on. After all the build-up, all the waiting, the Rugby World Cup has kicked off in
Japan. And that event is just the entrée to the sporting smorgasbord ahead – next year the
Olympics comes to Tokyo, which means more focus on Japan, more visitors, more hype.

Plenty of those visiting sports fans will be enjoying their first outing in this magnificent
and yet baffling country, which means a crash course in Japanese etiquette might not be a bad
idea. The Japanese are a polite, welcoming and accommodating people – however, a little
cultural understanding will go a long way.

No one eats on the go in Japan. You don't grab a takeaway burger and scarf it on the
train. You don't pick up a Starbucks coffee and drink it while you stroll. If you want to fit in,
consume your food and drink in the place you bought it. If you're eating street food, stand still
or find somewhere to sit.

One of the true glories of travel in Japan is that you never have to worry about tipping
the right amount. You just don't tip. At all. Don't even leave your change on the table – someone
will run after you to give it back.

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