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I Come from Two Indias

“Misogynism isn’t something that we will take forward. We won’t be passing the trauma of this sexist
culture to the next generation.” But are you sure about that?

TW: Mentions of r*pe, s*xualisation and obj*ctification.

I come from two Indias. One where we believe that our generation will be the end of misogyny
and sexism, and bring a new age of real equality; and another where we are scared of even
posting pictures online because we might be scrutinised and objectified by people we know,
where we are scared of stalker exes, and where rape culture is normalised and rape cases are
nothing of a novelty.
I belong to both them, and I belong to none of them.
I believe that we are trying and that we are changing but I also know that we call this a culture
of toxicity for a reason—it is a poison that breeds itself, perpetuating through the generations,
changing in proportion and manifestation but never really disappearing. Afterall, it says
“survival of the fittest”, not “survival of the best” and your misogyny slips into its place in this
world as easily as that missing last piece of a thousand-piece puzzle.
Human beings are social animals, but we are also hopeful creatures. We would rather believe
that the next generation won’t have to live with the fears we lived in or face the trauma that we
carry with us every day, than opening our eyes to the reality which surrounds us. The Bois
locker room case which targeted underage girls was not made by old, bored men sitting in the
dark corners of their houses, but by school and college students, people we could very well
have personally known. A 9-year-old was raped in Muzaffarnagar, Uttar Pradesh, not by grown
men with twisted minds, but by boys aged 10 and 14. The Bulli Bai app wasn’t just made by a
group of radicalists living many decades in the past, who wanted to silence and suppress
women by fueling fears and age-old repressive methods, but by a group which also included a
Delhi University student, someone belonging to one of the most prestigious universities in the
When we hear of these incidents, we try to separate our world from theirs. We try to build
them up in our heads as monsters who exist as an anomaly. But does the world create
monsters, or do the monsters just belong in the world? Are we grasping at straws, trying to be
optimistic, trying to find a new explanation for these horrors every day? Are we deliberately
looking for factors and reasons that are solvable, so that we can glaze over the rotten
foundation we, as a society, are standing on?
Our generation talks about the end of an era of doing things wrong, but we don’t realise that
the fight isn’t about the few people around us, but about the thousands upon thousands of
others who aren’t. We keep hiding behind our curtains of doe-eyed beliefs that people are
changing, while in reality, we are only creating walls between these different mentalities. The
fact that we don’t see it every day, doesn’t mean it doesn’t exist anymore.
If you are still itching to give an argument against this, itching to add a dash of optimistic rant
and talk about all the “good” people around you, think about this: If I ask you to count on your
fingers the number of people you know who have never made a misogynistic comment, who
have never objectified or sexualised someone, who have never made a problematic joke,
wouldn’t your ten fingers end up being too many?

Read also “Why Is Gen-Z So Pessimistic?”


Feature Image Credits: DU Beat Archives

Manasvi Kadian

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