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Another type of ortho3c device available to pa3ents with SCI is the

reciproca3ng gait orthosis (RGO). The RGO is composed of two plas3c
KAFOs that are joined by a molded pelvic band with thoracic extensions.
The RGO has a dual-cable system that runs posteriorly and aIaches at the
hip joints. These cable aIachments transmit forces between LEs and
provide reciprocal movement. Movement at the hip in one direc3on
facilitates movement in the opposite direc3on on the contralateral hip.
For example, as weight is shiNed onto the leN LE the right is moved
forward. The dual-cable system allows control of both flexion and
extension. These cables func3on to “coordinate” ac3on between the two
extremi3es during ambula3on. As the advancing leg is unloaded, it is
assisted into flexion while the stance leg is simultaneously pushed into
extension. Thus, the orthosis allows for unilateral leg advancement and a
reciproca3ng gait paIern. With this orthosis, a two- or four-point gait
paIern can be used in combina3on with crutches or a reciproca3ng
walker. Movement to a seated posi3on is accomplished by unlocking the
drop lock at the knee joint. Ankle-foot orthoses (AFOs) are oNen
appropriate for pa3ents with lower-level lesions (e.g., L3 and below).
Either a conven3onal metal-upright or plas3c AFO may be indicated.
Chapter 30, Ortho3cs, provides a detailed discussion of these different
types of orthoses.

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