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GAUDIA, Trisha Mae P.

March 30, 2023

BSED Englidh 2G EL 109 (Sppech and Theater Arts)

VUCA stands for volatility, uncertainty, complexity, and ambiguity, and it describes the
world in which we live. Students need to develop adaptability skills, open to change, and
comfortable with ambiguity. This means thinking critically, solving problems effectively, and
working collaboratively. Developing these skills can help students to navigate a changing
landscape and succeed in VUCA environments. It is essential to prepare students for the future
by equipping them with agile and adaptive skills.

As a college student, I have to learn to be resilient and develop the skills necessary to navigate
this unpredictable world. Like here in college days, I've experienced some kinds of problems,
like trying to be a creative person, be flexible, and be confident, because I am the kind of person
who has a fear of speaking in front of people, and I am the kind of person who doesn't know
much about the arts, and here in college you don't need to rely on your blockmates. Through this
experience, I realized that nowadays, developing these skills can help you create an environment
where you can acquire, practice, and apply them, which will be vital to preparing for your future.
These skills will enable students like me to become more self-aware, adaptable, and confident
when faced with difficult decisions and challenges.

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