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Trisha Gail P.


1. Jose Rizal’s Retraction Controversy was argued by many historians whether Rizal retracted from what
he had stated about the Catholic Church or not. From Rizal’s statement: "I retract with all my heart
whatever in my words, writings, publications and conduct have been contrary to my character as a son
of the Catholic Church.", some says that this document is a forgery and the other are asserting that it’s
authentic and Rizal was the only who wrote and signed the retraction paper. There are arguments found
that depend the both claims. But the only thing is, even Rizal retracted or not, the knowledge he
inculcated to us will not change.

2. Many of the historians discussed and argued about on the controversy of Rizal whether he retracted
those of what he stated about the Catholic Church or not. Some historians believe that Rizal recant of
what he just stated against thee Church, through his statement "I retract with all my heart whatever in
my words, writings, publications and conduct have been contrary to my character as a son of the
Catholic Church." As for others, they stand for their belief that the document is real and was written and
signed by Rizal but others give credence that it is just a mere forgery and fabrication.

3. I think the viewpoint that I am not agreeing with is that the stand where they are saying that the
document of retraction was just brought by forgery. There is no sufficient details wherein they can truly
say that Rizal did not renounce his statement. On the other view point, statement of Rizal was detailed
and the document assert that he is the one who wrote and signed on it.

References https://

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