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Remembering the lessons on elements of style, rewrite the following passage in about 100

words. (15 marks)

The bookshop, which is situated in the local area of Koshiganj, has very many
customers every day as a result of its having a really wide selection of books and
customer service that is friendly. When a bibliophile steps into the shop he is
instantly embraced with so much warmth both by the staff and the wide-ranging
collection on display that he cannot but be gratified and be struck with a sense of
admiration, snugness and cosiness. The Koshiganj bookshop owes its genesis and
its colossal success to the older members of society in the area who rather than
idling away their free time purposefully devoted themselves to laudable causes
such as the progress of education and knowledge, and the spread of intellectual
pleasure among the general populace both near and far. In actual fact, the
establishment and operation of the bookshop was the entire raison d'être of the
elderly inhabitants of the locality. The importance of a bookshop as one of the few
features betokening civilized existence cannot be gainsaid. In the world of today,
convulsed as it is by a pronounced tendency to accord primacy to sordid and low
behaviour after shunning and rejecting the sweet sophistication of culture and
learning, the real and symbolic potential of a bookshop to revolutionize human
thinking and attitude cannot be trivialized. The NBT must make strenuous and
vigorous efforts to promote and advertise the Koshiganj bookshop as a beacon of
hope in the midst of the choppy waves of ignorance and emotionalism, the
celebration of which seems to be an idiosyncratic characteristic of the present age,
which also passes under the name of “the post-truth age”, where real learning and
objective facts are frowned upon and false sentiments and biased beliefs are
permitted the absolute right to rampage through the world.

Essential ideas to be retained – 8 marks

Linguistic issues to be replaced (cliché, redundancy, jargon, discriminatory
language, foreign words, verbose language/wordiness, cluttering phrases,
archaic /unfamiliar expressions/ acronym) – 7 marks

Marks deducted if the above are not followed

2. Research indicates that there is a strong association between environment and wellbeing.
Environmental degradation specially air pollution has negative impact on people’s wellbeing.
The following table represents the annotation of the literature of three selected articles in this
filed. Based on your learning, use the following table to develop a brief literature review on the
subject. (15 marks; (word limit 150-200 words\
The given papers should be synthesised and critically analysed with
appropriate parenthetical documentation
Flow-3 marks
Context-2 marks
Summary-5 marks
Critical analysis-5 marks

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