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You’re the best teacher ever

2. Thank you for being patient and helping me improve
3. Thank you for your guidance and support
4. Teachers like you are not easy to find
5. I am very thankful that you are my teacher
6. You taught us that grades are not everything, but more importantly the values in ourselves and
our heart
7. Thank you for all the valuable lessons and values that you taught me
8. I am truly grateful to have an extraordinary teacher like you
9. Thank you for all of the lessons you’ve taught me
10. Thank you for helping me to express my creative side and come out of my shell
11. I'm so grateful for your fun and engaging approach.
12. Thank you for helping me grow."
13. Thanks for all of the extraordinary things you do
14. Thank you ever so much for being there and guiding me even through the most difficult of
15. Thank you for being such an inspiration to me
16. I’m so thankful you were my teacher.
17. Thank you for being such a fantastic teacher
18. Thank you for being the greatest teacher I have ever had the pleasure of meeting
19. Thank you for being such an incredible teacher, supporter, and friend
20. Thank you for being the absolute best teacher I could ever ask for
21. Thank you from the bottom of my heart
22. Thank you for teaching me to express myself and work outside of my comfort zone
23. Thank you for being my biggest role model
24. Thank you for being my absolute favorite teacher
25. Thank you for being such an extraordinary principal

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