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Arnis is a martial art originated in the Philippines and has been practiced by
the Indegenous people. Arnis is the national martial art sport of the Philippines. It
is also known as Eskrima and Kali. This sport actually emphasizes weapon based
fighting which is done using knives, bladed weapons, sticks and various
improvised weapons. It also includes hand to hand combat, grappling and
weapon disarming methods which are used in combat and self-defense.

The Arnis is for me very interesting because it was made way back in the 16th
century. I have watched a couple of arnis videos and it shows there that the
presence of mind, fast thinking and good decision making is the key to win.
There are different skills which can help the fighter to gain advantage or prevent
an enemy from making a strike. Imagining using arnis in a war like situation like
what happened in Battle of Mactan it shows us how useful the Arnis if practice
for a death battle just like in the past.

Arnis is really fun to watch and can help the fighter to be more discipline,
patient and become a good decision maker. Arnis can also help us how to
defend ourselves. For me Arnis is a martial anybody can learn to promote self-
defence but also to improved once self and health.

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