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The Socio-Digital Self ASSIGNMENT 7 Name: ZAM, WAN YAETA Section; 86 Instructions: Read the articles referenced and answer the items that follow. 1. Belk, R. (2013). Extended self in a digital world. Journal of Consumer Research, 40(3): pp. 477-500. 2, Bakardjieva, M. (2010). The internet in everyday life: Exploring the tenets and contributions of diverse approaches. In M, Consalvo & C. Ess (Eds), The Handbook of Internet Studies, (pp. 59-82). Hoboken, NJ: Wiley-Blackwell. 3. Lapidot-Lefler, N., & Barak, A. (2015), The benign online disinhibition effect: Could situational factors induce self disclosure and prosocial behaviors? Cyberpsychology: Journal of Psychosocial Research on Cyberspace, 9(2), article 3. http://dx.doi org/10.5817/CP2015-2-3 1. List down three things that you significantly learned from the readings, * pigital rechaulegit al ral tit pa ited ond Cable (deatity eo eS ely he x , vee Ochi " Laital wereacivne ye the Cue eae t Uadrvjotnal te pepavior ait jtegtiiy 101 ~_ el Unfolding the Social Self 2. List down three things that are still unclear to you, . Lis jetoat lon 4 “taieasy and stmmadijeientiea—i~— wetebeceabisting tc ral DSAS ASS al] | pechnologiea) dekerminion approach ~ i a ht sii october netstat S-Series ia a ——liswrlaslfl val IV oledald (08207 od nin fl posited fT (PING A Yn A Waals tohing 7 ub soto Leabiseute BuO losis nettidldnieib J ee ee ee 3. List down three questions that you want to ask about the readings

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