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ae Bh Tonle wees SO De Ss Ong kK law lemy/le ORACLE SUZY CHERUB BIMANGEL Copyright © 2020 by Suzy Cherub Artwork Copyright © 2020 Laila Savolainen All rights reserved. Other than for personal use, no part of these cards or this book may be reproduced in any way, in whole or part without the written consent of the copyright holder or publisher. These cards are intended for spiritual and emotional guidance only. They are not intended to replace medical assistance or treatment. Published by Blue Angel Publishing® 80 Glen Tower Drive, Glen Waverley, Victoria, Australia 3150 E-mail: Website: Card design by Caiti Stevens Edited by Leela J. Williams Blue Angel is a registered trademark of Blue Angel Gallery, Pty. Ltd. ISBN: 978-1-925538-87-8 Ded AiO For my wild moon child and fearless warrior daughter Bec, my free-spirited, imaginative and awakened son Steven, my beloved Tony, adored father to our magical children. For my soul family, ancestral and spiritual guides, teachers and the celestial Seven Sisters of the Pleiades. For the artistic brilliance of Laila, and the soulful creativity of Caiti. | love you. Thank you! (omfows, Welcome to the Star Temple OFdCle wiceeecccsssssesssee. 8 The Seven Sisters of the Pleiades wo... How to work with the Star Temple Oracle ... Star Temple Oracle Card Spreads Maia Series 1. The Ancient Grandmother 2. Beloved Zeus 3. The Winged Messenger 4. The Universal Midwife 5 6 . The Ruby Star. . pineyAtmazon @licen. 31 Alcyone Series Alcyone 8. The Empress of the Night.......scssssssseasees 37 9. Eqopeus the Seer 10. Aethusa Sun Goddess... 7 1” The Moonstone Star... The Huntress Electra Series Electra 3: 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. Goddess of Balance The Lost Star The AWAKCNED veces The Morning Star .... The Amber Star The SHINING Star o..eecceecsseeessesesseecseneeeeeees Celaeno Series Celaeno 19. 20. 2A 22. 23, 24, The Oracle . The INMer TeEMPle u..secssseeccssseecceeeneeceessnesseess Sh The Enchanter The Holy Child .. The Jade Star scecsceesesssssescsssessesesssssssssssssnseeeees THe Little Star v.cccscessesesteeeeeeseesserteeneensesieens Taygeta Series TAyZetea ...sessesssvecccrserscssonesseneisssverafsassassssseseeessossnenssecesses 25, 26, 27. 28. 29, 30. The Temple The Triple Star Grid . . The Storyteller oo... The Seven Sisters The Aquamarine Star . ts SUNG MiVStiG weeemmeres eects eee ee Asterope Series Asterope 31, 32. 33. 34, 35. 36, The Star Mother The Star Daughters . The Sacred Orchard ... The Visionary .... The Lapis Lazuli Star ... Tie GOsiOs ste) een Merope Series Merope 37, 38. The Priestess .... The Fallen Star 39, The Medicine Woman .... 40. The Mirror 41, The Diamond Star ... 42. Gateways of Light Atlas and Pleione Series SS 43. Father of the Sky 44. Mother of the Sea ... In Gratitude ..... About the Author ... bes ADOUt the AStISt oe. cecceccscessseccssessssessseccssecssseessssvecsssecs Join the Temple Welcome lp the Slow lope Dhacle Star Temple Oracle was birthed to help you embody your sacred feminine powers. By combining the interstellar guidance of the Seven Sisters of the Pleiades with the power of your own inner oracle, intuitive insights will flow effortlessly to you. The stars of the Pleiades are celebrated in numerous philosophies and mythologies around the world. The Seven Sisters represent seven universal feminine archetypes. These seven beings embody different qualities of the divine feminine, and each is encrypted within ancient mythology. Here, you are invited to immerse yourself in the starlight of the Pleiades and align with higher streams of consciousness to integrate sovereignty and collective unity. Star Temple Oracle is a celestial tool that offers sacred clues, hints and signs. Each card is a stargate to universal wisdom and to your own inner temple. The sage Sisters of the Pleiades inspire you to deepen the messages with your own intuition and interpret the oracle insights for significant and ernpowering direction. Simply "Us" 8 and know that you are divinely guided. Each card is infused with distinctive feminine qualities, and all align with a dedicated goddess archetype, chakra and crystal. The chakras are intuitive portals that energetically connect us to our multidimensional aspects - physical, emotional, spiritual and mental. The individual crystal companions enhance the link to each of the Seven Sisters. Shoot for the stars! As you immerse yourself in the Star Temple Oracle and embody the divine archetypes, your soul will take flight and soar into the stars. Enjoy the ascension journey into oneness consciousness and soul unity! The Steven Sis lors of (he {Leia The Pleiades is an open star cluster located in the constellation of Taurus. It is one of the brightest and most visible constellations in our night sky, The nine brightest stars in the cluster are named for the Seven Sisters of the Pleiades from Greek Mythology — Maia, Alcyone, Electra, Celaeno, Taygeta, Asterope and Merope - and their parents, Atlas and Pleione. While their most well-known stories come primarily from Greek Mythology, the Seven Sisters have been the subject of myths and legends in many other cultures all around the world, including Japanese, Chinese, Indian Hindus, the Maori people of New Zealand and numerous language groups of Aboriginal Australia. The Star Temple Oracle consists of 44 cards. Six cards are dedicated to each of the sevensisters and two cards to their parents, Atlas and Pleione. Each card in a ‘cluster’ (e.g. the six Maia cards) explores a different aspect or lesson of that starbeing. The energetic qualities and physical characteristics of each sister have been intuitively channelled to 10 reflect and honour the rich and diverse cultural history of the Pleiades star constellation. You are invited to connect intuitively with each of the Seven Sisters and the divine feminine power they personify. tT Yale Ue the Slow Temple Dracle Starlight Invitation: Consecrating Your Deck With potent intention and focus on spiritual devotion dedicate the Star Temple Oracle to the highest frequency of love by infusing it with cleansing and magical starlight. Cradle the deck in both hands, then energetically and physically blow softly over your deck as you visualise shimmering stardust consecrating the cards for higher service to yourself and others. Take three deep sacred breaths, hold the deck to your heart and imprint it with high-vibrational love, grace and gratitude. Recite the following star affirmation with intention and feel a deep knowing within your inner-shrine: in 1am the light of love. Get to know each card intimately by reading and understanding the universal meanings. This will underpin your intuitive confidence, strengthen your feminine powers and unite you with the Pleiades for divine support. To heighten your oracle messages, invoke the Seven Sisters of the Pleiades using the affirmation below: !am a clear channel of divine communication. The Star Temple Devotion: Energetic Preparation To open, initiate and infuse your sacred space with magical intention, you may wish to practice the following full-body prayer. Go within, and take three deep sacred breaths to centre yourself. With your palms open to the sacred earth below say, “I am one with Mother Earth.” With your hands in the prayer position at your heart chakra say, “| am one with my inner oracle.” 12 Reaching above your crown chakra say, “| am one with the Sisters of the Pleiades.” The Star Temple Alignment: Connecting to your Inner Oracle Take three deep cleansing breaths. Visualise a shimmering star-crystal grid manifesting around you. Merge with and surrender to the infinite flow of intuitive guidance available to you from above. Imagine starlight entering your crown and aligning all your chakras. This pillar of starlight connects you to the Seven Sisters of the Pleiades, your inner oracle and the Earth Mother below. See all seven major chakras light up and glow brightly, as glistening star crystals. Focus on loving devotion, service and oneness consciousness. Go within to your inner temple for intuitive wisdom. Know that you are open, ready and in alignment with higher streams of consciousness. Step into your light of love with confidence and say the following affirmation: ! connect to the interstellar web of light for higher consciousness, Using the Star Temple Oracle Intuitive ly The Star Temple Oracle is a divine tool to refine your intuition. The Pleiades encourages you to dive deeper into each card to enrich your instinctive clarity and receive more comprehensive and relevant guidance. Begin your intuitive reading by deciding on an intention, focus or question as you shuffle the cards. You may wish to try one of the below card spreads, use your own or choose as many cards as feels ‘right’. Lay the cards out in front of you and interact with the Pleiades guide in each card (you may like to have a conversation with them) and connect with the associated chakra/portal. Reflect on the cards and see past the obvious, generic meanings. Dig deeper for more detailed psychic insights and observe the signs, symbols, words, colours and pictures that jump out at you. Interpret the messages you receive with all your psychic senses and trust the answers you obtain. Express the intuitive messages you receive with confidence, focus on service and finish your Star Temple Oracle reading with an expression of gratitude. 14 Alar Tore Qracle Spreads Select the card layout from below that is the most suitable for your enquiry. You can also use a spread of your own or let your intuition guide the number of cards you choose. Star Message This is a succinct single card reading for instant guidance. - Shuffle the cards. + Invoke the Seven Sisters of the Pleiades for support. + With devoted intention, ask a question. * Knock the deck and infuse it with magical starlight. - Instinctively select one card from anywhere in the deck. ‘Tune into the card for clear guidance. ‘ Use your intuition to interpret the deeper meaning of the card. 7 Cosmic Insights is @ potent two-card layout for insight into present moment and guidance for your immediate future. Both cards are Stargates to deeper meaning. 1 2 Cosmic Future Insights Guidance * Shuffle the cards. * Invoke the Seven Sisters of the Pleiades for support. * With devoted intention, ask a question. * Knock the deck and infuse it with magical Starlignt. * Instinctively, select two cards from anywhere in the deck. * Place them side by side as per the diagram. * Tune into the Cosmic Insights spread for clear guidance. 16 * Refer to the guidebook and use your intuition to interpret each card's significance. Triple Gri This is a triple card layout for resolution. 3 1 2 i 7 Potential Challenge Action Outcome + Shuffle the cards. « Invoke the Seven Sisters of the Pleiades for support. - With devoted intention, focus on the challenge. - Knock the deck and infuse it with magical starlight. + Instinctively, select three cards from anywhere in the deck. * Place them side by side as per the diagram. + Tune into the Triple Grid spread for clear guidance. * Refer to the guidebook and use your intuition to interpret each card's significance. Star This is a five-card layout for cosmic guidance. The five cards are stargates to deeper meaning. - Shuffle the cards. ‘ Invoke the Seven Sisters of the Pleiades for support. * With devoted intention, ask a question or have 4 focus « Knock the deck and infuse it with rnagical starlight. - Instinctively select five cards fromm anywhere in the deck. « Lay them out as per the diagram. + Tune into the Star layout for clear guidance. + Interpret the significance of the cards intuitively. * Embody the star qualities and rise. Card 1: Falling star - let go Card 2: Rising star - call in Card 3: Morning star - create Card 4: Starlight - nurture Card 5: Star bright - outcome Seven Sisters This is an in-depth seven-card layout for empowering guidance. The seven cards are stargates to deeper meaning. 1 2 5 Past Present Future bee: _ Potential | Outcome 4 5 fo. Past _ Present. —- Future — + Shuffle the cards. * Invoke the Seven Sisters of the Pleiades for support. * With devoted intention, ask a question or have 2 focus, * Knock the deck and infuse it with magical starlight, 20 + Instinctively, select seven cards from anywh in the deck. ner’ - Lay the cards out as per the diagram. - Tune into the Seven Sisters spread for clear guidance. + Refer to the guidebook and use your intuition to interpret each card's significance. 21 22 Maia (Mey-yuh, mahy-uh) Maia is the fourth brightest star of the Pleiades star cluster and the eldest of the Seven Sisters, Her name means ‘midwife’ in Greek and she is well known for her nurturing maternal nature. Chakra: Root Crystal: Ruby Brief History and Mythology: Maia is the mother of Hermes, the Messenger God. It is said that she bore him inside a cave on Mount Cyllene following her union with Zeus. A nurturer by nature, Maia also raised Arcas, the son of Zeus and Callisto, after Zeus’ wife Hera changed Callisto into a bear an envious fury. The story of Callisto and Arcas, like that of the Pleiades, became associated with "neir own star constellations known as the Great and Little Bear, Archetype: The Midwife/The Grandmother As the Midwife supports the mother who ultimately does the work of delivering her child, this archetype supports your soulful creations. In this aspect, Maia embodies the mother goddess, empathic nurturer and powerful Creatrix. She signifies the root chakra connection to the earth and cosmic mother. Maia also represents the Grandmother archetype. In this aspect, Maia personifies insightful wisdom and intuitive awareness. You are encouraged to invoke the Ancient Grandmother for her deep wisdom to birth higher pathways of consciousness and divine co-creation. 1. THE ANCIENT GRANDMOTHER Teacher lam the teacher that leads with self-knowledge. Star Words: Teach, Lead, Inner Wisdom You've got this! Everything you need to know is already inside you. Life has taught you to back yourself. Having confidence and believing in yourself will give you the aptitude to lead yourself in the right direction and offer sound guidance to others. Maia, the eldest sister of the Pleiades and Ancient Grandmother, supports you in gaining new insights and understandings through your intuitive channels and turning your knowledge into wisdom, Your empathic leadership gently nurtures others to grow and evolve. 26 2. BELOVED ZEUS Lovers This cosmic union is destined for greatness. Star Words: Synergy, Divine Partnership, Co-create Ifyou are currently single, this stargate symbolises a passionate, devoted and spiritual connection flowing in for you. New love is on the horizon! Alternatively, this card signals the deepening of an existing relationship with more intimacy and greater connection. Either way, you lift each other up to the stars! Together you co-create synergy and stardom. Maia encourages you to integrate the sacred feminine and masculine within to draw in and expand the multidimensional love you are so worthy of. 27 m™ 3. THE WINGED , MESSENGER Creation Spiritual direction inspires my creative flow. Star Words: Create, Inspire, Guide Hermes, the celestial guide and son of Maia, inspires creativity that is aligned with your visions. After all, dreaming is a form of planning. Your creative juices flow through meditation, transcendent connection and focused intention. You may be an artist, a musician, a writer, a speaker or something else entirely. It doesn’t matter what form your creativity takes! Surrender and delight in your imagination. Embrace your inventiveness. Forget perfection and instead, immerse yourself in unique expression and authenticity. 28 4. THE UNIVERSAL MIDWIFE Birth | birth fruitful and sacred assignments. Star Words: Fertility, Begin, Open Astar is born! Maia, the universal midwife, supports you in opening wide to conceive, receive and consciously deliver your divine creation. This is the birthing phase of a cohesive consciousness born from the sacred marriage of the divine feminine and masculine. You are entering a new era in which the feminine ascends and comes into balance with the masculine. Connect to the nurturing energy of Maia as the spiral of creation weaves together in euphoric unison and you birth a baby, blessed beginning or mission. 5. THE RUBY STAR Flow ! embody my authentic and sensual essence. Star Words: Joy, Feel, Twinkle The Ruby Star symbolises the energetic vortex of the root chakra, located at the base of your spine. This red portal is the stargate to realising and grounding your deepest desires. The crystal spirit of the ruby personifies vitality, primal hunger for passion and a thirst for pleasure. This collaborative partnership embodies your sacred authenticity and sensuality. Maia encour- ages you to feel deeply into your senses to establish your sensual flow, power and strength to thrive, not just survive. 30 6. THE AMAZON QUEEN Battle !am a devoted warrior of the universe. Star Words: Brave, Resolution, Peace The Amazon Queen is here to remind you that there are great power and strength in your softness. Now is the time for you to be a peaceful activist for healing and balance in the world. It is possible for you to do this in your own way — one that feels intuitively right for you. Wear your battle scars with pride, as these markings symbolise courageous life battles that you have endured and survived. Stronger and wiser, you rise with dignity. You are a voice and brave leader for peaceful transformation. 31 32 Aogane (Al-sahy-uh-nee) Alcyone is the brightest star in the Pleiades star system, spanning ten times the radius of the Sun and burning at an extreme temperature. The star is known as ‘the central one’ referring to its central location in the constellation. In Greek, Alcyone means ‘kingfisher’. Chakra: Sacral Crystal: Moonstone Brief History and Mythology: Alcyone is a mother to many beloved children, including her intuitive son Eqopeus, whose name means ‘all-seer’ and her daughter, Aethusa, the Sun Goddess. According to legend, Alcyone and her husband, Ceyx, were °0 Passionately in love that they often called each other Zeus and Hera, after the king and queen of the gods. Zeus was infuriated at this and punished the couple by sinking the ship Ceyx was travelling On. Itis said that Alcyone was so devastated at her 34 husband's death that she threw herself into the ocean to join her husband in the spirit world. The gods then transformed them both into kingfishers. The Greek word for kingfisher is ‘halcyon’ in reference to their association with Alcyone. Archetype: The Empress The sovereign Empress is the most embodied and grounded of the divine feminine archetypes. In this aspect, Alcyone sits proudly on her throne as a strong leader. She shows up as an intuitive and confident trailblazer that shines her guiding light for others so they can fully embody their sacredness. As a blazing Empress, sizzling enchantress and passionate lover, Alcyone ignites the fire in your sacral chakra. She has a strong sense of her sensuality and feminine power. Her global mission is to uplift the collective consciousness for unity. Invoke Alcyone to ignite and accelerate your personal power and higher purpose. 35 7. THE COSMIC ENCHANTRESS Wishcraft / attract a steady flow of abundance. Star Words: Wish, Harness, Magic Wishcraft describes the intentional practice of making all your wishes come true. This card indicates that it is a potent time of manifesting for you! Alcyone, the sister of enchantment, reassures you that anything is possible with strong intent, focus and faith in action. Your unique brand of magic manifests miracles in your life. You are a powerful conjurer, harnessing everything you need to attract a steady flow of abundance to you. Loving intention draws love towards you. Take a leap of trust, and you will be supported and rewarded. 36 8. THE EMPRES THE NIGHT Finale After the storm, | emerge a shiny new star. star Words: End, Grief, Rise The Empress of the Night comforts you during this dark time and assures you that this storm will soon pass. After the tornado, there will be 2 calm, peaceful stillness in the night sky. Trust that you will resurface and arise as a glistening new ster. elf, so ne and Let go of expectations and open yours there is room to grow. Gift yourself the tim space to grieve the promise of the past and find gratitude for the lessons and the blessings. Know that you will happily dance, glow and shine once again amongst the stars with your Sisters of the Pleiades, 9. EQOPEUS THE SEER Visionary | chart the stars, signs and symbols to craft magic. Star Words: See, Signs, Symbols Alcyone’s son, Eqopeus, is an intuitive visionary that has the clairvoyant genius to see and interpret magical signs for forecasts and manifestation. He reveals that you have the potential for transcendent sight, astrology and enchanted powers. Open your eyes and see the signs! Eqopeus’ name means ‘all-seer’ and his spirit animal, the raven, symbolises magic. His totem is a pair of antlers that represent his divine wisdom. Invoke Eqopeus for spiritual guidance to understand and decipher your visions, symbols and prophetic dreams. Embodying his divine qualities will open mystical pathways for you. 38 10. AETHUSA SU GODDESS N Liftoff! | open my senses to delicious pleasure and passion. Star Words: Start, Change, Play Alcyone's daughter of light, Aethusa, brings tidings of a fresh start and exhilarating new beginnings. As the Sun Goddess, she encourages you to rise like the sun and dance with the stars! Be playful and open to change, and you will feel vibrant once again. Ventures that you begin now are blessed with abundance and success. The planning you do personally and spiritually will bring miraculous change to your life, Enjoy the journey and celebrate the wins along the way with gratitude. 11. THE MOONSTONE STAR Passion /.am entering a portal of euphoric love. Star Words: Sensuality, Expression, Freedom The Moonstone Star signifies the synergy of the sacral chakra and the magical essence of the moonstone crystal. Just under the navel, the orange-coloured sacral chakra is a potent pleasure zone. When combined with opalescent moonstone, this chakra unlocks portals of love. This co-creative collaboration amplifies sensual expression, personal power and self-love. It opens up powerful pathways to euphoric love. A tantalising new relationship, or a fresh start within an existing one, is pending. Alcyone, the Moonstone Star, encourages you to embrace this new beginning. 40 12. THE HUNTRESS Quest The Pleiades light my quest to be wild and free. Star Words: Daughter, Aim, Hunt ‘A moon goddess and huntress, Artemis guides you to embody your uninhibited and carefree authenticity. Like you, she always has her eye on the prize! Through focused dedication, true aim and faith in action, you will hit your target. Artemis encourages you to stay on track. Do not get distracted, and you will be triumphant. You've got this! Do it in your own unique way and enjoy the journey. With the moon, Artemis and the Sisters of the Pleiades lighting your way, your intention is magnified, and your pursuit promises to be bountiful. 41 42 Electa (ih-lek-truh) Electra is the third brightest star in the Pleiades constellation. This luminous star flickers brightly on-and-off because it rotates so rapidly. Her name means ‘amber’, and she is often portrayed as a golden Goddess, associated with lightning, the sea, storms, mountains and clouds. Chakra: Solar Plexus Crystal: Amber Brief History and Mythology: Electra was the wife of the pragmatic Italian king, Corythus, but also a passionate lover of Zeus. She is the mother to two sons, lasion and Dardanus. Her youngest son, Dardanus, would go on to be the founder and warrior king of the famous city of Troy. When Troy fell, it is said that Electra grieved infinite golden tears and disappeared from the sky, earning her name as ‘the Lost Star’. 44 archetype: The Awakener rhe Awakener archetype activates spiritual growth yng balance via the feminine influences of sorrow spd vulnerability. After the storm, comes the gtiliness. As the Awakener, Electra triggers Spiritual awakening and collective ascension. Her tears awaken humanity with compassion, empathy and xindness for eternity. Electra initiates profound soul learning by encouraging you to dive deep into the shadow to release limiting beliefs, past hurts nd embedded grief. Embrace the lessons and ] ) ( 45 13. GODDESS OF BALANCE Equality \ q ¥ I create and foster reciprocal idee relationships. Star Words: Limits, Give, Take Electra, the Goddess of Balance, inspires you to establish healthy boundaries in your relationships and interactions with others. Blurred boundaries may create confusion, resentment and disharmony in your life. Get clear on what you want and know that you deserve reciprocal, balanced relationships with equal give and take. Know your limitations and ask for help when you need it. Be open to receive graciously and allow others the gift of giving. Electra helps you to break those relationship patterns that no longer serve you. 46 14. THE LOST STAR Rebirth Out of the darkness, into the light. Star Words: Loss, Setback, Strength You may be feeling lost or defeated as if everything is collapsing and crashing down around you. Don't give up or be disheartened! There is a light at the end of the tunnel. You will find your way out of this mess! Electra, the Lost Star, is here to tell you this setback is only temporary. Know that you can and will overcome any meteor shower headed your way. You will find your heavenly Milky Way once more. This experience has only made you stronger and wiser. Step forward with confidence to be seen, heard and appreciated. Don't dim your light for anyone or anything! 47 15, THE AWAKENER Rise Out of the ashes, [rise like the golden sun. Star Words: Spiral, Awaken, Soar the Awakener, Electra appears to those who seen ona slippery slope of self-sabotage only -5 awaken, rise out of the ashes, soar into the stars scend like the golden sun. The University of _fe has taught you a lot, you may have even hit bottom, but your soul's growth has been rated due to the hard-hitting knocks and life lessons you have experienced in the Surrender any regret with self-compassion and now that you are back on your higher, happier anc golden pathway. Stronger and wiser, you soldier on with confidence. 16. THE MORNING STAR Radiance | shoot for the stars! Radiance is my birthright. Star Words: Drive, Persistence, Triumph you are destined for greatness! Electra’s son, King Dardanus of Troy, reminds you that it is still early days yet. Know that your desire and inspiration will ensure the success you deserve. Radiate your vision with self-confidence. Inject your unique enthusiasm into your spirited mission. Maintain magical momentum with unwavering faith. Stay on track and trust in the divine plan. Infuse your soulful journey with courageous zest, and you will attract the resources required to help you accomplish your dreams. Triumph will be your legacy. 49 17. THE AMBER STAR Let go! | surrender and allow myself to grieve. Star Words: Disenchantment, Mourning, Power The Amber Star is the integration of the solar plexus chakra and the crystal spirit of amber. The solar plexus is the yellow chakra situated above the navel and below the sternum. When combined with the passionate spirit of amber, this energetic vortex is the centre of perception, personal power and persona. The shadow side of the solar plexus is grief. As the Amber Star, Electra inspires you to intentionally grieve, heal and let go of any past woundings that you are clinging to. Forgiveness is simply conscious surrender for united peace and happiness. !n doing so, you reclaim your sacred power. 18. THE SHINING STAR Glow Ino longer dim my light. I shine bright for all to see. Star Words: Dim, Shine, Seen Star child, never dim your light again! This card symbolises a positive breakthrough for you. Letting your own light shine bright attracts high vibe people and situations that resonate with your magnetic vibration. It also encourages others to shine their light, too. Harness your inner power and radiate it out into the world to exuberantly attract all that you desire. Know that you deserve the best. Electra elevates you to the height of the Star Temple so you can embody your sovereignty and brilliance. 51 52 (d|aens (Suh-lee-noh) Celaeno is the smallest star in the Pleiades star constellation and the youngest of the Seven Sisters. She is blue and white in colour, but due to her size and fringe location, she can be difficult to spot with the naked eye. Her name means ‘darkness’ or ‘blackness’. Chakra: Heart Crystal: Jade Brief History and Mythology: Not to be confused with the Greek harpy of the same name, Celaeno is best known for her love affair with Poseidon, the Greek God of the Sea. She is said to have had many children. With Poseidon, she bore the sons, ae who would go on to become King of Thebes youn bien King of Cyrene. Celaeno may be the ee Oo the Seven Sisters, but she is fiercely pendent, wise and highly intuitive. 54 archetype: The Oracle As the devoted oracle, Celaeno heals and empowers with psychic guidance and the gift of prophecy from the heart. This divine feminine archetype represents the enlightened visionary who offers useful insight, intuitive awareness and predictions with the assistance of her loving spirit guides. She is the heart whisperer, spirit correspondent and medium that bridges heaven and earth. Celaeno’s devotion to being of sacred service to the enlightenment of the universal collective personifies dedication, spiritual astuteness and unconditional love. As the youngest sister, Celaeno also represents the Maiden and Daughter archetypes. In these aspects, she offers spiritual purity and truth, not influenced by social conditioning. Celaeno connects us to our heart intelligence to heighten clairsentience (‘clear psychic feeling’) and empathy. The heart chakra is her sacred portal to cosmic knowledge and divine love. 55 19. THE ORACLE Forecast Lam the oracle. My intuitive insights flow freely. Star Words: Foresee, Foreknow, Foretell Despite being the youngest sister of the Pleiades, Celaeno is the wise and highly intuitive oracle of the Star Temple. She appears to you now to guide you forward on your spiritual quest for intuitive illumination. Celaeno also affirms that you are an oracle of the light yourself. You have the gift of prophecy and the ability to shine your intuitive torch to lead and enlighten lost souls. Embrace your intuitive intelligence and focus on service. See, know, feel and express your innate awareness with honourable intentions. Trust in your own inner oracle and cosmic link to the Divine. 56 20. THE INNER TEMPLE Life lessons | go within my shadow for deep spiritual growth. Star Words: Growth, Echo, Glow Embrace and integrate both the light and the dark within! Celaeno encourages you to dive deep into your shadow to discover the limiting beliefs, sabotaging behaviours and patterns that no longer serve you. Face your shadow with an open heart. Be authentic, but don’t beat yourself up. Heal your core with self-compassion and have gratitude for the lessons and blessings. As within, so without! Meditation brings awareness, answers and peace. Your inner oracle endorses devotional prayer. Prayerful, intuitive meditation practice will fast track your spiritual growth. 57 21. THE ENCHANTER Dream / wish upon a star and my dreams come true. Star Words: Hope, Manifest, Celebrate Celaeno, the Enchanter, encourages you to reach for the stars! With insight and hope in your heart, your wishes will be granted. Enjoy yourself and celebrate your achievements and wins along the way. Magical momentum leads to copious blessings. Follow your heart's desires with optimism and bliss. The sky is the limit, and the universe is expansive, so dream extravagantly. There is an infinite supply for everyone. Celaeno is here to help you claim your divine inheritance with heartfelt appreciation. 58 22. THE HOLY CHILD Starseed /am a divine child of the universe. Star Words: Elevate, Starry-Eyed, Assignment You are a celestial child of the cosmos with a dedicated, dual mission: to elevate your own spiritual awareness, as well as the collective consciousness. You are an ancient soul with a divine calling to awaken humanity for the highest good. Know that your noble assignment is divinely guided by the Sisters of the Pleiades. Celaeno helps you realise that you are 4 holy child, destined to be a channel of light and love. Irrespective of your childhood, recognise that you are an expression of divinity and a leading light in the world. 59 23. THE JADE STAR Surrender /am ready to let go with self- compassion. Star Words: No, Relinquish, Closure The Jade Star represents the union of the heart chakra and the imperial jade jewel. This energetic vortex and crystal alliance is a match made in heaven. It is where love in all its glistening facets is felt most deeply. Jade is a precious stone that amplifies unconditional love, empathy and opulence. The psychic sense associated with the heart is clairsentience (‘clear psychic feeling’). Through intentional surrender, feeling and the power of love, deep healing is made possible, Celaeno helps you connect to heart unity through the energetic portal of love. 60 24. THE LITTLE STAR Divine My inner child is whole and complete. Star Words: Embrace, Merge, Revive As the smallest star of the Pleiades, Celaeno supports you to heal your inner child. It takes courage, deep contemplation and commitment to heal past hurts, limiting beliefs and fractures of the heart stemming from childhood. Your feelings are significant. Communicate with authenticity for inner harmony and healing. Embrace your inner child with loving compassion and your precious soul will feel unified and integrated once more. Your youthful innocence returns. You are revived! Ask yourself, what sparks your joy? Rediscover your playfulness and allow your inner child to shine. 61 62 63 lay ln (Tay-get-a) Taygeta is a binary star and one of the brightest in the Pleiades constellation. She is known as the ‘Mistress of the Animals’ because of her strong affiliation with the wilderness and wild animals. Chakra: Throat Crystal: Aquamarine Brief History and Mythology: A double star of the Pleiades cluster, some say Taygeta is also the twin sister of Artemis, Greek Goddess of the Hunt, protectress of wild animals and powerful magic weaver. These like-minded twins are happiest when running wild and free in the forest, defending sacred sisterhood, children and animals. According to legend, Zeus is said to have pursued Taygeta relentlessly despite her repeated rejection. For her protection, Artemis hid her from Zeus by turning her into a doe with golden horns. Zeus, 64 however, Was not deterred and eventually fo her. After making love, Taygeta cOncaivad as gave birth to Lacedaemon, the mythical fourier 3nd King of Sparta. : a through her son, Taygeta also became known as queen of Sparta. However, she always felt more at home in the wilderness than on a throne. Mount Jaygetos in Laconia was her sacred shrine. Archetype: The Storyteller The Storyteller is the keeper of all knowledge, wisdom and truth. As the Storyteller, Taygeta is the narrator of life, instigating personal growth and spiritual evolution through the sharing of intentional stories. Taygeta helps you to seek the wisdom in your own stories, to move forward fearlessly and not get stuck in a repetitive story that no longer serves you. There is freedom in the mindful pursuit of spiritual awareness and deep surrender, She links in with the throat chakra to assist intuitive expression and truth. 65 25. THE TEMPLE Home Ino longer search outside of myself for home. Star Words: Lost, Found, Balanced Taygeta reassures YOU that you do not need to seek outside yourself to find happiness, peace or refuge. Go within and find your inner sanctuary to feel centred and at home. Be mindful of where you may be placing conditions on your happiness. A different location or another person cannot complete you because you are already whole. Desperately searching for a new home, workplace or lover to complete you is giving your power away. Happiness is an inside job. Find happiness in the sacred now by discovering your inner temple. 66 26. THE TRIPL GRID VAR Align I connect and align with my higher consciousness. star Words: Unite, Clarity, Inner Knowing Taygeta is calling you to unite with the Triple Star Grid that encircles our precious Earth Mother. Multidimensional transformation and higher streams of consciousness await you. You have the power to intentionally link into the electromagnetic halo of our sacred planet for clear cognitive messages. Claircognizance, OF ‘clear psychic knowing’, is an intrinsic genius, embrace it. eing accelerated so you er purpose. Your stars ged to balance tion. It is your Your spiritual growth is b can accomplish your high are aligning, and you are encoura your chakras for clear, intuitive recep destiny to be of service to the collective. 67 27. THE STORYTELLER Intention lam the narrator of my life. Star Words: Plan, Reframe, Pursue You create your own reality with your thoughts, feelings, words and actions. Taygeta reminds you to ensure yours are of a high vibe and intentional. Everything is interconnected, co-operative and purposeful. You have the free will to create with your mission in mind. Exemplify your higher calling and divine mission with determination. Do not hypnotise yourself to create from your unconscious limiting beliefs. Be empowered in the sacred now to reconsider your accepted reality. 68 28. THE SEVEN SISTERS Circle Sisterhood enriches my life. Star Words: Connection, Collective, Collaboration Together, everyone achieves more! True sisterhood deepens and magnifies both personal and collective sacred assignments and success. Competition and comparison create disharmony. Surround yourself with supportive sisters, SO YOU can celebrate your achievements together. Like- minded friendships enrich your life with mutual encouragement and connection. Our divine feminine lineage of sisterhood links back to the priestesses, healers and oracles of the ancient temples, scattered all over our Earth Mother, United in sisterhood, we nurture, nourish and heal both the earth and each other. Unified, we create compassion, peace and reconciliation. 69 29, THE AQUAMARINE STAR Expression | express my intuition with self- confidence and love. Star Words: Fluent, Fluid, Flowing The serene energy of aquamarine makes it the ultimate crystal companion for peace and wellbeing. When combined with the throat chakra, this crystal promotes verbal self-expression, enhances spiritual communication and clears communication blocks. The Aquamarine Star inspires you to express your intuitive insights with compassion and confidence. Taygeta encourages you to share your helpful wisdom with conviction and poise. Fear often prevents fluent expression and transparency. Focus on service and love, not fear. When you speak your innate truth, others will listen. 70 30. THE MYSTIC Magic | weave my magic and surrender to the universe. star Words: Request, Craft, Focus You are entering a powerful cycle of cosmic manifestation and abundance. Get ready for blissfully co-creating with the universe and opening to receive a steady flow of magical blessings. You are in your creative flow, crafting your magic with joy. In this space of creative bliss, success is simply aside effect. der to the universal Taygeta supports your surren Embrace all the mysticism of the Creatrix. lushness and love you are truly worthy of. You are the mystical magic weaver, integrating all the elernents with intention and focus. This is a time of completion and celebration. 71 72 lorope (East-er-api) Asterope is one of the faintest stars in the Pleiades constellation and is sometimes difficult to see with the naked eye. Her name means ‘lightning’ or ‘starry-faced’, and she is often referred to as ‘the Star Mother’. Chakra: Third Eye Crystal: Lapis Lazuli Brief History and Mythology: Asterope was a popular Princess and later, a revered Queen married to King Oenomaus of Pisa. She was a natural-born leader, visionary and loving mother to her people. Asterope sometimes appears as the Oceanid who was the mother of the sirens. In this role, she was seen as a natural nurturer anda leading light for her daughters. Her sacred totems are the horse, butterfly and golden apple. she even has a butterfly species named after her, the 74 Asterope butterfly. archetype: The Visionary with the gift of foresight and intuitive vision asterope represents the Visionary. As a clairvoyant, she has clear psychic visions and is able to see the bigger picture for the universal collective. Her dream is to assist with cosmic ascension through empathic leadership and grace. She exerplifies the third eye chakra, helping you to connect to your inner vision and creative imagination. Asterope's other archetypes include the Mother, Creatrix and Wise Woman or Crone. In these aspects, she supports and sustains rebirth, fruitfulness and feminine strength. She will support you to find, realise and manifest your higher purpose, then nurture it through to fruition. 31. THE STAR MOTHER Loved The universal mother loves and supports me totally. Star Words: Cherished, Nurtured, Purpose The Star Mother has shown up because you may be feeling a little lost and alone at present. Asterope wants you to know that you are a precious star child of the cosmos and that you are loved and supported always. As a star child, you have a dual assignment here on Earth, both a personal and a collective mission to accelerate the vibration of the planet. You may be called to a higher purpose that is ecological, philanthropic or unifying. The universal mother is here to guide, comfort and chaperone you, as you embrace your divine purpose. 76 32. THE STAR DAUGHTERS Dance I dance, sing and play with my sisters at sunset. Star Words: Like-hearted, Soul Tribe, Celebration The Star Daughters are heartening you to have some playful fun, to connect and collaborate with friends that are on the same wavelength as you. Your vibe attracts your tribe. So vibe high, dear heart! Laughing, chatting and co-creating magic together is intoxicating alchemy. Attuned connection amplifies and magnifies magical synergy. Cohesive devotion to unity, oneness and equality is powerful collective medicine. When we come together, miracles happen. Be with people who celebrate each other's achievements and raise your sisters Up high! 77 33. THE SACRED ORCHARD Co-create My abundance mindset attracts endless blessings. Star Words: Positivity, Attitude, Prosperity Be assured that a steady flow of abundance is available to you now. Asterope reminds you that your thoughts are seeds that create either fruits or weeds in your sacred orchard. It is important to keep your mindset positive so you can attract infinite prosperity. Be mindful of your unconscious negative mantras that create a mindset of lack and victimhood. Your self-worth determines your wealth, so live in alignment with your divinity. When you set out © intentionally attract your desires, you will flourish with endless opportunities. Know that you are worthy of plentiful joy! 34. THE VISIONARY Awake With an intuitive perspective, | see the bigger picture. Star Words: Aware, Revelation, Expansion You are the Visionary, awake to your intuitive perception. You have the power and potential to see the higher perspective. Asterope guides you to step into your intuitive light with love and insight for self-awareness and expansion. You are a peacemaker that inspires unity, oneness and higher consciousness. You have the gift of inner vision and intuitive foresight. With this power, you look forward and can see your goals materialising in front of your very eyes. Dream extravagantly, as your vision will Manifest with courageous intent. 79 35. THE LAPIS LAZUL| STAR Starlight My inner vision guides me to my higher purpose. Star Words: Insight, Perception, Passion The Lapis Lazuli Star inspires personal and spiritual power. This energetic vortex reveals inner truth, encourages self-awareness and promotes self-confident intuitive expression. The lapis lazuli crystal is known to open the third eye chakra and balance the throat chakra. It stimulates psychic sight and enhances dream recall and interpretation. Wear or place lapis lazuli at the throat to amplify clairvoyance and visualisation. In collaboration with the third eye, this crystal clarifies psychic and mediumship connection, thus increasing contact with the spirit realm for healing messages. 80 36. THE COSMOS Ascend / connect to oneness and expand my awareness. Star Words: Oneness, Unison, Arise You are in a powerful cycle of spiritual expansion. This opening out into oneness conscious accelerates your spiritual growth and psych awareness. The realisation that we are connected opens up your psychic sight to rev clear connection to higher realms. The sisters of the cosmos are supporting you t extend your awareness to the infinite potential Possibilities available to you. Lift your vibration ascend into the Pleiades vision of unity. Willingnes tosee a higher vision creates expansion. ran an "i a. a 8 w Morope (Mer-aw-pee) Merope is the faintest star of the Pleiades star cluster. She is white and violet in colour, but often not visible to the naked eye. Her name means face-turned’, referring to the myth surrounding her disappearance from the night sky. Chakra: Crown Crystal: Diamond Brief History and Mythology: Merope is deeply connected to her sea goddess mother, Pleione and all sacred waters - the ocean, rivers and lakes. Her sacred shrines were often water temples. In many of her myths, Merope was a devoted mother to many children, both her own and adopted. She was a wise Queen from a proud lineage of revered sovereigns and was dedicated to spiritual teachings and rituals, Merope was the only sister to marry a mortal, King Sisyphus, known for his many crimes against the 84 Gods. It is said that she was so ashamed of h husband's crimes that she hid her face casing he seventh star of the Pleiades to fade gradually rom sight. However, other ancient historical texts describe Merope and her mortal husband as a power couple with a shared vision of a utopic society. Together, they strived and succeeded in building a thriving kingdom. Archetype: The Priestess Merope's divine attributes exemplify the Priestess, edicine Woman and Shaman _ archetypes. Her galactic gateway is the crown chakra that expands claircognizance (‘clear psychic knowing’) and connection to higher streams of universal nowledge. In her Priestess aspect, Merope is committed to spiritual service, healing and teaching. She is a voice and leader of unity, transformation and balance in the world. She is a devoted practitioner of spiritual enlightenment and growth. As a_ highly intuitive coach that inspires others by example, she is a woman that holds sacred space for divine ritual and soulful practice for collective evolution. As a teacher of love, Merope personifies wisdom and harmonic consciousness. 85 37. THE PRIESTESS Embody fam an embodiment of the divine feminine. Star Words: Personify, Devotion, Sacredness Mysteries, intuitive insights and hidden talents are being revealed to you. Your ancestral lineage and past life memories reveal ancient wisdom that embraces your feminine divinity. Merope supports you to assimilate your sacred priestess qualities and to walk in your feminine power. Shine your intuitive light and raise the collective vibration. Go within to unlock and embrace your multidimensional priestess energy for higher learning and selfempowerment.. Your higher Purpose involves spiritual leadership, guidance and healing. You are the intuitive priestess of compassion, love and wisdom. 86 38. THE FALLEN STAR Shame Ino longer hide my face. | step into my light with love. Star Words: Disgrace, Forgiveness, Release Merope, the Fallen Star, has overcome humiliation and past hurts with sweet surrender, self- compassion and forgiveness. She has risen once again as a warrioress. It is safe for you to come out of hiding. The Seventh Sister of the Pleiades encourages you to release the past with love and starlight for liberation. Break free! Stop beating yourself up. You have the gift of free will - use it to finally let yourself off the hook, Know that everyone has done things they are not proud of, You are stronger, wiser and enlightened because of the soul growth you have experienced, It’s time to let it go and move forward, 87 39. THE MEDICINE WOMAN Heal | nurture and nourish my ming, body and soul. Star Words: Rest, Retrieval, Restored You have the ability to heal yourself. Merope guides you to listen to the wisdom of your body, to replenish yourself in a way that is most beneficial for you. The Medicine Woman encourages you to take responsibility for your health in a more holistic way. As a multidimensional being, you need to be proactive about maintaining your mental, emotional, spiritual and physical wellbeing. Energetic and natural remedies promote optimum health. Embrace your shamanic and _ intuitive healing abilities. 88 40. THE MIRROR Reflect I hold the mirror up to see, accept and love all of me. Star Words: Ego, Shadow, Authenticity Merope promotes unconditional self-acceptance and encourages you to truly love yourself ‘warts and all!’ Hold the mirror up and be honest with yourself. Stop telling yourself lies. Realise that you are worthy of being loved. True self-love transpires when you can take 4 hard, deep look at yourself and learn to love your light and dark aspects. Our duality creates sacred balance within. Integrate your shadow for transformative illumination. Authenticity is your unique light in the world, so sparkle with self- assurance and self-compassion. 89 41. THE DIAMOND STAp Destiny | focus on service and follow ray higher purpose. & I . | Star Words: Purify, Amplify, Commit The Diamond Star sustains commitment, devotion, love and abundance. As a neutral amplifier of energy, the diamond is a precious stone that enhances purity, clarity and cormmitment i provides a clear link between the crown chakra and the Divine, thus heightening claircognizance (‘clear psychic knowing). The Diamond Star cleanses the aura of anything that conceals 2 person's inner light, allowing their soul to shine out into the worid. Merope supports you to unveil your soul's aspirations and magnify your spiritual awareness. 90 42. GATEWAYS OF LIGHT Infinite | have unlimited access to the divine mind. Star Words: Higher Consciousness, Potential, Intellect Merope and her human husband, king Sisyphus, support you to merge with your hi consciousness. As a couple, their shared vision and devotion to personal growth paved a gateway of light to the divine mind. This power is open to you as well. Utilise your intellectual vision, intuition and perseverance to realise your true potential. Be inspired by Sisyphus’ persistence and Meropes intuitive wisdom, You have unlimited access to (© power of the Creatrix. 92 Alas and Vlebne (At-lus) and (Play-o-nee) Atlas and Pleione are the final two stars that make up the Pleiades star constellation. Atlas’ star, the brighter of the two, sits just below Pleione's. In Greek Mythology, they were well-known lovers and parents to their seven treasured star daughters of the Pleiades. Brief History and Mythology: Atlas, the son of Titan, Lapetus, and Ocean Goddess, Asia, is best known as the Titan that led an unsuccessful war against the Olympians. After his defeat, he was condemned by Zeus to carry the entire cosmos on his back for all eternity. Pleione, one of the three thousand daughters of the Titans, Oceanus and Tethys, was an Oceanid, nymph and nature spirit. Known as ‘Mother of the Sea’, she is the goddess of all sacred waters and rainclouds. Pleione represents creativity, intuition and purification, Her love is boundless 94 and unconditional. She hydrates, nourishes and nurtures us. She can be fierce and relentless when necessary. Archetypes: The Mother and the Father pleione and Atlas symbolise the sacred union of the divine feminine and divine masculine. Together, they are the unified essence of the Mother and Father archetypes. Their supportive, reciprocal and co-creative partnership represents the divine balance between God and Goddess. Pleione shines her guiding light so bright for both her beloved Atlas and the universe. In turn, he holds her and the entire cosmos up. They share a sacred mission to love uncondition- ally. Together, in a full embrace, they uphold their joint vision of a balanced world. As the Mother archetype, Pleione is also the Queen, Goddess and Creatrix. As the Father archetype, Atlas is also the King, God and Creator, They love and support their children unreservedly and reign together with integrity and conviction. They co-create magical synergy as one, 95 43, FATHER OF THE Sky God | release the weight of the world from my shoulders. Star Words: Divine Masculine, King, Creator Atlas carries the weight of the world on his shoulders. He implores you to release your burdens to the Father in the Sky for transmutation. It is time to heal and unify the divine masculine in your world. Maybe you need to forgive a father figure for your own transformation? Perhaps you have way too much on your plate? Whatever it may be, it is time to release, surrender and delegate. Ask for help. Atlas supports your higher pathway. Call on him to help you make energetic space for passion, purpose and abundance in every area of your life. 44, MOTHER OF THE SEA Goddess / surrender to the boundless, creative flow of the ocean. star Words: Divine Feminine, Queen, Creatrix Pleione, Mother of the Sea, prays for our ocean's sacredness and infinite flow of sustenance. She supports you to submit to the endless, inspired current of her sacred waters. The divine feminine is multifaceted and flowing freely through you. Embrace your divinity and sovereignty with self- love. It may be time to release, self-nurture and have deep rest. Perhaps you need to heal a mother wounding with sweet surrender, compassion and acceptance. 97 Iw Grate Bec, my editor, business coach and blesseq daughter, thank you for all your guidance in birthing this sacred assignment into the world. | am so grateful for your intuitive and practical approach. Steven, my visionary son, | am grateful for your direction. You inspire me every day with your creative light and dedication to quality. Tony, my soulmate, you always love and support me. We have co-created a magical life together, and | am so thankful for your generous spirit. To the enchanted Laila Savolainen, for your imaginative, inspirational and intuitive art. Thank you for understanding my vision and bringing it to life with such magical potency. To the divine designer Caiti Stevens, for your creativity, enthusiasm and persistence. You integrated the project with such synergy and light. To the Seven Sisters of the Pleiades, you guided me intuitively with such loving leadership. | a” 98 infinitely grateful for your spiritual direction, love and starlight. With love, Suzy Suzy Cherub has always been a stargazer and trailblazer. She is a psychic medium, author, speaker and intuitive coach. Awarded International Psychic of the Year: Australia in 2014, Suzy has helped thousands of people worldwide with her psychic insights and healing messages. Today, she uses her intuitive gifts to empower, teach and guide others to develop their own gifts and live a more intuitive, conscious life. ‘I have always felt a deep soul connection to the cosmos, moon and stars.” — Suzy Cherub 10 Aboal “the MAgy Laila Savolainen's days and dreams are filled with story, characters, creatures, inspiration and magic. These are manifested into the world through words and guidance. “As a child | wanted to stay home to draw, paint, write stories and create. As an adult, I'm blessed to be able to do that every day!” — Laila Savolainen 101 12 )ouw the Temple The Temple of Intuition with Suzy Cherub is a free online space to share, enrich and fine-tune your intuition. It is a thoughtful, collaborative and open- minded community of sensitive, spiritual souls dedicated to intuitive growth and expansion. To find out more about joining The Temple of intuition with Suzy Cherub, visit: 108 For more information on this or any Blue Angel Publishing release, please visit our website at: uvivrldbeamnat/fadinecan Bs Y eS etn usec -e (eV eo ean cols Star Temple Oracle and embody ry - Cen e-leag an. ol mele AT a 5 flight and soar into the stars. 3 -- a be alo Va tiers nso el lag) = 3 sg . 5 Pe into oneness consciousni 2 5 Flalo R-rol0 01110) Paes: Nes

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