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This workbook belongs to


1, Introduction
2. Basic Strokes
3. Lower Case Letters
4. Upper Case Letters
5. Connections and
Phrases to practice
6. Composition
7. Flourishing

Brush Calligraphy is a modern form of lettering

where in you need Brush Pens and a smooth paper.

The most important thing that is considered here is

the angles. It is a unique way to put up your letters.

Materials for Brush Calligraphy

1.Brush Pen

Brush Pens are normal pens with the nib made

just like a brush. It is mad up of fiber that
makes its smooth and flexible.

2. Paper
When practicing the paper should be smooth
and non-textured so that your brush pen can
be saved from getting damaged

Tips to keep in mind while

doing Brush Calligraphy

1.Do not hold the pen very close to

the tip.
2. The angle between the paper

and the pen is always 45 Degrees.

3. While moving downwards the
strokes are thick that means we
will apply pressure.
4. While going upthe pressure is
always on the very tip of the nib
and hence moves upwards.
5. Lift up your pen every time you
make a new stroke

Let us start

lower case letters.
Make sure
that you
are holding the brush
pen at 45 degrees
being it parallel to
the paper.
Let us start with

upper case letters.

Make sure that you
are holding

brush pen at 45
degrees and keeping
eye on each stroke
that you are making.
Now that you have
the basic
formations we will now do
connection and form some

easy words. Make sure

that you are working on
each stroke and before
jumping in this part make
sure you practise the basic
Let us now learn

to put
these phrases in the
correct manner and

make sure that the key

always starts with the
pencil and then jumps
with a pen to the final art
Points to note:
1. Make sure you add 2 or
more types of lettering in
your composition.
2. Add some lines and dots
to highlight small things in
the quote.

3. Make sure that you work on

the symmetry and everything is
about the height of the alphabet
and other things.

Let us also
learn some
Make sure you remember

some points:
1. Do not mix a lot of
2. Make sure you work on
each flourish you see.
Thank You for

this course and I am
glad my knowledge
would help you in

this journey. You can

always reach out to
me for any help or
anything doubt.

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