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Pelinio,Kurt Russelle H.

March 9, 2023


Write down 10 takeaways from each presentation


1. The greek structure that was presented is still we can see until now in part of europe
2. Thre greek has a god and goddeses
3. The greeks was the first to introduced the different genre of literature
4. The greek language has 4 languages the First written language,The Classical
Period,Katharevousa and Dimotiki and 20th-century language
5. The greek architecture design of structure or building was unique
6. The greek artworks shows the image of their gods to show respect and honor
7. Greek alphabet writing system first appeared in the archaelogical records
8. The greek authors were born not only on the soil of their native greece but also in asia minor
9. The ancient greeks believed in many deities and spirits
10. Greek gods was the primordial greek gods,the titan gods, the olimpian gods and other greek


1. Latin literature that presented began in Rome

2. Latin and greek god and goddesses counter part
3. Latin language is called Latin has to do with Lazio, middle aged and end in the rennaisance
4. Latin literature is developed and their literary genres such as religious ceremonies theater,
lyric, epic, rhetoric, historiography
5. The latin literature has a four characteristics which is the oral manifestation,greece
influence,continuous character and latin theater
6. Theater is one of the most developed fields of Latin literature
7. the most important in this field will be the lyric compositions, which are called ode
8. It discuss the 3 famous writers which is horrace (lyric poem he called Carmina) virgil ( three
famous works are the Bucolics or the Ecologues the Geornics and the Aeneid where his line is
more striking in Aeneid "I sing of arms and of a man" and gabriela mistral (fought for women's
9. It presented the twelve ceasars which is one of the most colorful biographical works ever
10. The metamorphoses is a pic poems that offers a panoramic views about the creation of the

1. Japanese literature is the body of written works produced in Japanese by Japanese authors or,
in its early stages,
2. Prior to the introduction of kanji from China, the origin of the Japanese litearture writing
system in Japan, the first writing of literature in Japanese was prompted by Chinese influence.
3. Writings in Japanese KANJI The Kanji alphabet consists of approximately 2000 "characters"
derived from Chinese
4. And also the KANA After adopting Chinese characters, the Japanese created two syllabaries
(KANA), derived in part from Kanj
5. The Heian period has been referred to as Japan's golden age of art and literature.
6. The notable authors Murasaki Shikibu – she wrote the 54-chapter novel, Sei Shonagon –
Makura no soshi (The Pillow Book) and Konjaku monogatari (Tales of a Time That Is Now Past)
– a collection of more than 1,000 Buddhist and secular tales from India, China, and Japan
7. Kamakura-Muromachi period literatureMany civil wars occurred in Japan, resulting in the
development of a warrior class and subsequent war tales, histories, and related stories.
8. Edo Period This period's literature was written during the generally peaceful Edo Period.
During this time, many literary genres were introduced.
9. Meiji Period At this time, Japan had established Enlightenment literature, realism,
romanticism, and naturalism.
10. Characteristics of Japanese Literature During the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries,
Japan's deliberate isolation created a strong cultural homogeneity, and the literature of that period
incorporated many common understandings that are incomprehensible to someone who does not
share the same background.

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