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Language is one of the most important factors that give a certain nation or racial group its identity and distinction over others. Several concerns converge on the issue of using local or minority languages for education. One of these has to do with increasing awareness of the value of the worlds linguistic and cultural diversity. Many of the worlds languages and cultures are in danger of disappearing in the coming decades for a variety of political, economic and social reasons. For those concerned by this phenomenon, the challenge is to slow it down or stop it by promoting respect for linguistic and cultural rights, peaceful co-existence in multicultural societies and the preservation of our cultural heritage (Buhmann and Trudell, 2008).

Ones own language enables a child to express him/herself easily, as there is no fear of making mistakes. It is quite difficult to determine how the educators should interact to the learners since we are aiming for a lifelong objective which is to see the learners productivity on the future and at the same time comprehend on the concepts presented on the learners at the process of learning (Shiella Nacorda, 2010).

Filipino our native language symbolizes our nation and gives us unique identity. Filipino language must be given more importance because Filipino language does not need expensive facilities to understand our own native language. It is readily available and every Filipinos citizen is already capable of understanding our own native language.

Filipino language can help our country to progress even faster. If Filipino language is used in teaching concepts in engineering and business courses; there is a big possibility for us to produce the best engineers and businessmen who would work with foreign investors (Villanueva, 2007).

English language is already accepted by the Filipino culture, but we must still remember to use our native language more because this is our only way to be academically and economically competent to the globalized world. It is our way to be proud of our own culture and citizenship (Narvaez, 2010).

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