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Environmental Science

Sayantan Dutta
Air Pollution
Pollution is one of the major environmental
problems these days. The term pollution can
be defined in various ways.
According to E. P. Odum “Pollution is an
undesirable change in physical, chemical or
biological characteristics of air,
water and soil that may harmfully affect the
life or create a potential health hazard for
living organisms”.
According to Edward (1972) “Pollution is the
release of substance or energy into
environment by man which damages either his
health or resources.”
Pollution can be divided as follows:
a) On the basis of site of occurrence :
i) Air Pollution
ii) Water Pollution
iii) Soil Pollution
b) On the basis of origin :
i) Natural e.g. Volcanic eruptions, release of CH4 by paddy
fields and cattle, release of CO2 by plants and animals,
emission of natural gas, O3, nitrogen oxides, cosmic rays, UV-
Rays etc.
ii)Anthropogenic (man-made) : Burning of fossil fuels,
deforestation, mining, sewage, industrial effluent, pesticides,
fertilizers etc.
Pollutant : A pollutant is anything including a chemical,
geochemical substance or a biological product that deteriorates
our natural environment. The United States Environment
Protection Agency (EPA) defines a pollutant as any substance
introduced into the environment that adversely affects the
usefulness of a resource.

Question 6

Option A
Option B
Option C
Option D
What is air?
Air is a precious resource that most of us take for granted.
Air supplies us with oxygen, which is essential for our bodies
to live.Without it,we would die within minutes.

Question 7

Option A
Option B
Option C
Option D
Air pollution
According to ‘WHO’ Air pollution is mixing of some
substances in the ambient air in such concentrations that a
situation arise in which man and his environment is badly
On the basis of the sources air pollution may be classified
under the following categories :

Question 9

Option A
Option B
Option C
Option D
A. Anthropogenic (man-made) sources:
1. Stationary sources include smoke stacks of power plants,
manufacturing facilities (factories) and waste incinerators, as well as
furnaces and other type of fuel burning heating devices.
2. Mobile sources include motor vehicles, marine vessels and aircraft.
3. Chemicals, dust and controlled burn practices in agriculture and forest
4. Waste deposition in land fills generates methane. Methane is highly
flammable and may form explosive mixtures with air. Methane is also an
asphyxiant and can displace oxygen in an enclosed space. Asphyxia or
suffocation may result if the oxygen concentration is reduced to below
19.5% by displacement.
5. Military resources, such as nuclear weapons, toxic gases, germ warfare
and rocketry.
6. Fumes from paints, hair spray, varnish, aerosol sprays and other
Summary of Today’s Class
B. Natural sources :
1. Dust from natural sources, usually large areas of land with few or no
vegetation. Methane, emitted by the excreta by animals for example cattle.
2. Radon gas from radioactive decay within the Earth’s crust. Radon is a
colourless, odourless, naturally occurring radioactive noble gas that is
formed from the decay of radium. It is considered to be a health hazard.
Radon gas from natural sources can accumulate in buildings, especially
confined areas such as the basement and it is the second most frequent
caused of lung cancer after cigarette smoking.
3. Smoke and carbon monoxide from wild fires.
4. Vegetation, in some regions, emits environmentally significant amounts
of VOCs on warmer days. These VOCs
react with primary anthropogenic pollutants specifically NOx, SO2 and
anthropogenic organic carbon compounds to produce a seasonal source of
secondary pollutants.
5. Volcanic activity, which produces sulphur, chlorine and ash particulates.
Primary pollutants
There are mainly five primary pollutants which together
contribute more than 90% of global air pollution. These
are :
A. Carbon Monoxide
B. Nitrogen Oxides
C. Sulphur Dioxide
D. Hydrocarbon or VOC
E. Particulates
Carbon monoxide(CO)
It is a colourless, odourless and tasteless gas (b.p. liquid
CO) –192°C ( –314°F). It is 96.5% as heavy as air and is
not soluble in water. The basic chemical reactions
yielding CO are:
1. Incomplete combustion of fuel or carbon containing
2C + O2 → 2CO ..... (1)
2. Reaction between CO2 and carbon containing materials
at elevated temperatures in industrial processes e.g. in
blast furnaces.
CO2 + C → 2CO
3. Dissociation of CO2 at high temperatures
CO2 — CO + O
It reduces oxygen
carrying capacity
by forming
haemoglobin in
blood cell caused
breathing trouble,
drowsiness and
chest pain.
Nitrogen Oxides :
1. Nox represents composite atmospheric gases, nitric oxide (NO),
and nitrogen dioxide (NO2) which are primarily
involved in air pollution.
2. NO is a colourless, odourless gas, but NO2 has a reddish-brown
colour and pungent suffocating odour.
3. The formation of NO is favoured at high temperature, normally
attained during many combustion processes involving air (1210-
4. Nitrogen oxides, particularly nitrogen dioxide are expelled from
high temperature combustion, wood burning and are also produced
during thunder storm by electric discharge.
5. Nitrogen dioxide is a chemical compound with the formula NO2. It
is one of several nitrogen oxides. One of the most prominent air
pollutants, this reddish-brown toxic gas has a characteristic sharp,
biting odour.
6. Oxides of nitrogen create blue baby syndrome, cause
irritation in the fibers of the lungs and in mucus membrane, and
can create different disease such as bronchitis, pneumonia etc.
7. In plant it suppressed growth, chlorosis and marginal
Sulphur Dioxide(SO2)
1. It is a colourless gas with a pungent odour. It is
produced from the combustion of any sulphur bearing
material .
2. SO2 comes from fuel combustion (especially high
sulphur coal), electric utilities and industrial processess
as well as natural occurrence like volcanoes.
3. Coal and petroleum often contain sulphur compounds,
and their combustion generates sulphur dioxide. This is
one of the causes for concern over the environmental
impact of the use of these fuels as power sources.
4. It creates irritation of eyes, burning sensation within the
respiratory tract, disease related to ear and nose and throat.
5. In plant it may create necrosis on leaf, bleaching of leaf
pigments due to conversion of chlorophyll-a to phaeophytin-a
resulting decrease in productivity, affects stomatal pores,
stomatal frequency, trichomes and chloroplast structure.
6. Lichens experience bleaching in the presence of SO2 in air.
Because of this lichen is called as Bioindicator of air pollution.
Hydrocarbons :
1. Natural sources, particularly trees, emit large quantities of
hydrocarbons in the atmosphere.
2. CH4 is the major naturally occurring hydrocarbon emitted
into the atmosphere. It is produced in considerable quantities
by bacteria in the anaerobic decomposition of organic matter
in water, sediments and soil.
3. Domesticated animals contribute about 85 million tonnes
of CH4 to the atmosphere each year. CH4 has a mean
residence time of about 3 to 7 years in the atmosphere.
4. It has been estimated the anthropogenic source (human
activities) contribute about 15% of the hydrocarbons emitted
to the atmosphere each year. Automobiles are the major
source in this respect.
Volatile Organic Compounds :
1. VOCs are a well-known outdoor air pollutant. They are categorized as either
methane (CH4) or nonmethane
2. Methane is an extremely efficient green house gas which contributes to global
warming. Other hydrocarbon VOCs are also significant green house gases because
of their role in creating ozone and prolonging the life of methane in the
atmosphere. This effect varies depending on local air quality.
3. Hydrocarbons from human activities are generally found in areas of high
population density where the maximum
damage to human beings and plants can occur.
4. About 20 different hydrocarbon were identified and analyzed. Among them,
mention may be made of: ethane and ethylene, acctylene and propane, n-butane,
isopentane, toluene, m-xylene, n-pentane, and isobutane. The concentrations of
these hydrocarbons varied with traffic density at different hours of the day.
5. The aromatic NMVOCs benzene, toluene and xylene are suspected carcinogens
and may lead to leukemia with prolonged exposure.
A particulate pollutant is a microscopic or microscopic liquid and
solid particles present in the form of the suspension in the air.
Particulate matter can be released from different types of human
activities such as vehicle emissions, smoke particles, dust particles,
and ash from industries.
Particulate matter pollution :
1. The short-term effects include irritation to the
eyes, nose and throat and lower respiratory
infections such as bronchitisand pneumonia. Others
include headaches, nausea and allergic reactions.
2. Long-term air pollution can aggravate the medical
conditions of individuals with asthma and
emphysema. Long term health effect can include
chronic respiratory disease lung cancer, heart
disease and even damage of the brain, nerves, liver or
3. In plant it may cause chlorosis followed by
reddening and yellowing, necrosis, bleaching of leaf
Chlorofluorocarbons(CFCs) :
Secondary Pollutants :
Secondary pollutants are those which are formed in the atmosphere by
chemical interactions among primary pollutants and normal atmospheric
constituents. The examples are : sulphur trioxide, nitrogen dioxide, PAN
and SMOG etc.
A. Photo chemical smog:
1. Particulates created from gaseous primary pollutants and other compounds make
photochemical SMOG. Smog (Smoke + Fog) is a kind of air pollutant.
2. Classic smog results from large amounts of coal burning in area caused by a
mixture of smoke and sulphur dioxide.
3. Modern smog does not usually come form coal but from vehicular and industrial
emissions, that are acted on in the atmosphere by ultraviolet light from the Sun to
form secondary pollutants that also combine with the primary emissions to form
photochemical smog.
■In the great “SMOG Disaster” in London in 1952, four thousand peoples died in a
few days due to the high concentrations of pollution.
■Smog ozone may damage plant as well as animal life.
Several species of plants are very susceptible to PAN is
smog. PAN damages chloroplasts, which results in
reduction of Photosynthetic efficiency by inhibiting the
Hill reactionsand growth of plants.
Ground level Ozone(O3) :
Ground-level ozone is a colorless and highly irritating gas
that forms just above the earth's surface. It is called
a "secondary" pollutant because it is produced when two
primary pollutants react in sunlight and stagnant air. These
two primary pollutants are nitrogen oxides (NOx) and
volatile organic compounds (VOCs).
It decreases lung function and causes respiratory
symptoms, such as coughing and shortness of breath, and
also makes asthma and other lung diseases get worse.
Effect of Air Pollution:
• Acidification :
• Excessive amount of pollutants sulphur and nitrogen
oxides released by car and industrial processes are the
main cause of acidification of rain.
• Normal rain water is slightly acidic and has a pH range
of 5.6 – 6.5. When pH range of rain water is less than
5.6,it is called acid rain.
• Global warming : Another direct effect of air pollution is
the immediate alternations, that the world is suffering
due to global warming. With increased temperatures
worldwide, increase in sea levels by melting of ice from
cooler regions and icebergs, displacement and loss of
habitat have already signalled an impending disaster, if
action for prevention and normalization are not
undertaken soon.
Water Pollution
Water pollution is the contamination of water sources by
substances which make the water unusable for drinking, cooking,
cleaning, swimming, and other activities. Pollutants include
chemicals, trash, bacteria, and parasites. All forms of pollution
eventually make their way to water.

Water Pollution Categories :

(a) Point source of Pollution : It refers to contaminations that enter
a waterway through a discrete conveyance, such as a pipe or ditch,
(b) Nonpoint source of pollution : It refers to diffuse contamination
that does not originate from a single discrete source.
(c) Groundwater pollution : It refers as groundwater contamination
Sources of water pollution:
• 1.Free chlorine (paper and pulp industry), starch (food processing units),
• 2.Mineral acids, grease, lead,
• 3.Hydrocarbons, phenols and fats (petroleum industries),
• 4.Sulphide, chromium tannic acid from tanneries,
• 5.Toxic metals (Pb, Zn, Ar, Cu, Cd, Hg etc)
• 6.Nitrogenous and potash fertilizers
• 7.Pesticides like DDT, 2-4-D, parathion, aladrin
• 8.Ca, Mg from synthetic detergents
• 9.Polychlorinated biphenyls (PCB)
• 10.Domestic wastes- starch, sugar, dextrins, glycogen, alginic acid.
Water pollutants
• [A]Pathogens-
• Giardia lamblia- causes Giardiasis
• Salmonella- causes typhoid, food poisoning
• Novo virus- winter vomiting bug, hepatitis, polio etc
• Entamoeba histolytica- amoebic dysentery
• [B]Chemical contaminants-
• Lead- accumulates in the body and affects CNS. Causes anemia, mental
retardation due to degenerative changes in motor nerves and dyslexia in
• Fluoride- cause yellowing of teeth, damages spinal cord, bones loso
elasticity and prone to fractures, tooth enamel becomes brittle. 5-
12ppm is its toxic level.
• Nitrates- can be fatal to infants as it restricts amount of oxygen that reaches
the brain, causing Blue baby syndrome. Also causes algae to bloom causing
eutrophication in water
• Arsenic- cause Black foot disease or arsenicosis. Also cause liver and nervous
system damage, loss of appetite etc.
• Mercury-cause minamata disease characterised by diarrhoea, haemolysis,
impairment of senses, meningitis and death. Main site of injury is CNS.
• Copper- cause hypertension, uremia and occasional fever
• Zinc- cause cramp, renal damage
• Cobalt- cause hypertension, bone defect and paralysis
• Chromium- gastro intestinal ulcers, nephritis, nervous system disorder
• Cadmium- skeletal deformities called Itai-Itai, diarrhoea, damage t liver and
Types of water pollution:
• Organic water pollution- pollutants present in sewage containing
organic matters like human and animal excreta and food residues that
are bio-degradable, volatile organic compounds such as industrial
solvents etc.
• Inorganic water pollution- pollutants include chemical wastes such as
industrial by-products, fertilizers containing nitrates and phosphates,
derivatives from soaps and detergents etc.
• Surface water pollution- includes lake, sea, coastal water or pond
• Underground water pollution
Effects of water pollution:
• An algal bloom or algae bloom is a rapid increase or accumulation in the
population of algae in freshwater or marine water systems, recognized by the
discoloration in the water from their pigments.
• Algal blooms are the result of a nutrient, like nitrogen or phosphorus from
fertilizer runoff, entering the aquatic system and causing excessive growth of
• An algal bloom affects the whole ecosystem.
• Blocks sunlight from reaching other organisms, causing a depletion of oxygen
levels in the water, and, secreting toxins into the water.
• The process of the oversupply of nutrients leading to algae growth and oxygen
depletion is called eutrophication.
• Blooms that can injure animals or the ecology are called "harmful algal
blooms" (HAB), and can lead to fish die-offs.
Algal bloom
• [2]Biological oxygen demand (BOD)-
• The Dissolved oxygen (DO) content in water is important for survival of
aquatic organisms.
• The DO content of polluted water is low.
• Presence of organic and inorganic nutrients in water stimulates the
growth of aerobic bacteria which help to decompose organic matters,
thereby increasing the Biological Oxygen Demand (BOD).
• BOD is a measure of the amount of oxygen required to remove waste
organic matter from water in the process of decomposition by aerobic
bacteria (those bacteria that live only in an environment containing
• This in turn reduces the DO content for other aquatic organisms.
• When DO content of polluted water becomes low, anaerobic bacteria
grows rapidly, decomposing remaining organic wastes and produce
poisonous gases like H2S, CH4 and releases pungent odour.

• [3] Hot water from industries causes damage to the aquatic ecosystem
• [4] Intake of polluted water cause typhoid, jaundice, cholera amoebiosis etc.
• [5] Presence of toxic material like biocides, heavy metals etc may directly kill and
eliminate some aquatic organisms, specially fishes.
• [6] Some non-biodegradable toxic chemicals like pesticides, cyanides etc undergo
biomagnification, ie. They get accumulated in increasing concentrations along
the food chain.
Control of water pollution
• Industrial effluent should be allowed to enter river and sea only after pre-
treatment and not directly.
• Improved method for handling and disposal of sewage garbage.
• Use of insecticides should be restricted
• The drinking water should be filtered and disinfected by chlorination and
• Suspended matters should be removed by settling of filtration and specific
poisons should be removed by chemical methods.
Global warming
Global warming is the phenomenon of a gradual
increase in the temperature near the Earth’s surface.
This phenomenon has been observed over the past
one or two centuries. This change has disturbed the
climatic pattern of the earth.
However, the concept of global warming is quite
controversial but the scientists have provided
relevant data in support of the fact that the
temperature of the Earth is rising constantly.
There are several causes of global warming, which
have a negative effect on humans, plants and animals.
These causes may be natural or might be the outcome
of human activities.
Causes of Global Warming
■Causes of Global Warming :-
Man-made Causes of Global Warming
Plants are the main source of oxygen. They take in
carbon dioxide and release oxygen thereby maintaining
environmental balance. The forests are being depleted
for many domestic and commercial purposes. This has
led to an environmental imbalance, thereby giving rise to
global warming.
Use of Vehicles
The use of vehicles even for a very short distance results
into various gaseous emissions. Vehicles burn fossil fuels
which emit a large amount of carb
With the excessive use of air
conditioners and
refrigerators, humans have
been adding CFCs into the
environment which affects
the atmospheric ozone layer.
The ozone layer protects the
earth surface from the
harmful ultraviolet rays
emitted by the sun. The
CFCs has led to ozone layer
depletion making way for
the ultraviolet rays, thereby
increasing the temperature
of the earth.
□Industrial Development
With the advent of
industrialization, the
temperature of the earth has
been increasing rapidly. The
harmful emissions from the
factories add to the
increasing temperature of
the earth.
Various farming activities
produce carbon dioxide and
methane gas. These add to
the greenhouse gases in the
atmosphere and increase the
temperature of the earth.
Increase in population
means more people
breathing. This leads to an
increase in the level of
carbon dioxide, the
primary gas causing global
warming, in the
Natural Causes of Global Warming:-
Volcanoes are one of the largest natural contributors to global
warming. The ash and smoke emitted during volcanic
eruptions goes out into the atmosphere and affects the climate.
Water Vapour
Water vapour is a kind of greenhouse gas. Due to the increase in
earth’s temperature more water gets evaporated from the water
bodies and stays in the atmosphere adding to global warming.
Melting Permafrost
Permafrost is there where glaciers are present. It is a frozen soil that
has environmental gases trapped in it for several years. As the
permafrost melts, it releases the gases back into the atmosphere
increasing the earth’s temperature.
Forest Blazes
Forest blazes or forest fires emit a large amount of carbon-
containing smoke. These gases are released into the atmosphere and
increase the earth’s temperature resulting in global warming
Effects of Global Warming:-
■Effects of Global Warming:-
□Rise in Temperature
Global warming has led to an incredible increase in earth’s temperature.
Since 1880, the earth’s temperature has increased by 1 degrees.
Threat to the Ecosystem
Global warming has affected the coral reefs that can lead to a loss of plant
and animal lives.
Climate Change
Global warming has led to a change in climatic conditions. There are
droughts at some places and floods at some. This climatic imbalance is the
result of global warming.
Spread of Diseases
Global warming leads to a change in the patterns of heat and humidity.
This has led to the movement of mosquitoes that carry and spread
Decrease in the Human Population
Due to an increase in floods, tsunamis and other natural
calamities, the population of humans tend to decrease. Also, the
spread of diseases leads to a decrease in the human population.
Loss of Natural Habitat
A global shift in the climate leads to the loss of habitats of several
plants and animals. In this case, the animals need to migrate from
their natural habitat and many of them even get extinct. This is yet
another major impact of global
warming on biodiversity.
Greenhouse effect
Greenhouse effect is the process by which radiations from the sun
are absorbed by the greenhouse gases and not reflected back into
space. This insulates the surface of the earth and prevents it from
What is Green House?
A greenhouse is a house made
of glass that can be used to
grow plants. The sun’s
radiations warm the plants
and the air inside the
greenhouse. The heat trapped
inside can’t escape out and
warms the greenhouse which
is essential for the growth of
the plants.
Same is the case in the
earth’s atmosphere. During
the day the sun heats up the
earth’s atmosphere. At night,
when the earth cools down
the heat is radiated back into
the atmosphere. During this
process, the heat is absorbed
by the greenhouse gases in
the earth’s atmosphere. This
is what makes the surface of
the earth warmer, that
makes the survival of living
beings on earth possible.
Greenhouse Gases:-
Greenhouse gases are the
gases that absorb the infrared
radiations and create a
greenhouse effect. For eg.,
carbondioxide and
chlorofluorocarbons. The
major contributors to the
greenhouses gases are
factories, automobiles,
deforestation, etc. The
increased number of factories
and automobiles increases the
amount of these gases in the
Causes of Greenhouse effect:-
□Effects of Greenhouse Effect :-
The main effects of increased greenhouse
gases are:
● Global Warming
● Depletion of Ozone Layer
● Smog and Air Pollution
● Smog and Air Pollution
Sources of marine pollution:-
1. Polluted rivers drain into oceans and seas.
2. Offshore oil drilling activities expose marine life to risk of oil
contamination due to offshore leaks and spills.
3. Waste water discharge, stormwater runoff, dredging, leakage of
petroleum and other toxic products from the ship at ports.
4. Aquaculture which is farming of aquatic organisms like fish, molluscs,
etc. for commercial purpose leads to deterioration of Marine Life. There
is a reckless use of pesticides,antibiotics and growth hormones for
profit making. This leads to the development of antibiotic species in the
5. Uncontrolled Tourism near beaches creates a variety of polluting
garbage, including plastic covers, bottles, metal cans etc. This not only
damages the aesthetic appeal of the beach but also attracts scavenging
birds like crows, seagulls.
6. Oil spills are the major cause of Marine pollution. Some of the recent
oil spills are Mumbai Oil Spill, 2010; Gulf of Mexico Oil Spill 2004.
What is an oil spill simple definition?
An oil spill is the release of a liquid petroleum
hydrocarbon into the environment, especially the marine
ecosystem, due to human activity, and is a form of
pollution. The term is usually given to marine oil spills,
where oil is released into the ocean or coastal waters,
but spills may also occur on land.

Bioremediation uses oil-degrading bacteria to clean up

the spill. Adding bacteria and nutrients to oil spills will
significantly increase the degradation of the oil, with less
environmental impacts than other cleanup methods.
Natural Causes :-
Man made causes:-
■ Urbanization
■ Industrial wastes
■ Mining
■ Agricultural wastes
■ Domestic wastes
■ Radioactive wastes
Contamination of soil due to
waste water.Unfit of
agricultural land due to
construction of dam
projects in nearby places.
Industrial waste :-
Discharge of large
quantities of
toxic,flammable, non-
biodegradable substances
on land results in soil
Mining refers to process by
which non renewable
substances & valuable
minerals are extracted from
earth.It leads to change in
composition of soil.
Agricultural waste:-
Wastes like leaves,grass
and chemical fertilizers like
pesticides, insecticides
leads to change in
composition of soil.
Domestic waste:-
It includes wastes such as
materials contribute to soil

Radioactive waste :-
Nuclear power plants,
Nuclear testing and
explosion add variable
amount of Radioactive
materials to soil.
Effects of soil Control measures :-
■ Biodegradable wastes used
●Disposal of industries and non biodegradable wastes
wastes on fertile land may be recycled.
degrades the quality of
■ Planting of trees must be
● Urban waste slowly ■ Solid waste can also be
poison the soil,damaging used for electricity
its fertility. generation.
● Radioactive elements ■ Use of chemical fertilisers
that present in polluted and pesticides should be
soil enter food chain minimize.
through plants.
Light Pollution:-
Light pollution refers to artificial light flow which is inappropriate
in intensity, direction and duration, which creates disharmony in
the surrounding.
It is a fall out of unplanned urbanization and rapid
industrialization. Nightglow and city lights severely impact the
visibility of stars at night.
■Impacts of Light Pollution :-
1. Increased exposure to light interferes with sleep, increase
stress response and lower job productivity.
2. Excessive light interferes with the natural rhythm of nocturnal
wildlife. Habitat of nocturnal is destroyed by bright light. It
increases predation of prey and thereby impacts their population
structure. Many species stop reproduction in the presence of
bright light. Bats are essential for seed dispersal but their vision
is blinded by bright light. They are unable to perform their
ecological function.
3. Olive Ridley turtles which track moonlight
reflection in ocean gets confused with city lights
and start moving towards cities. They meet with
accident when they enter urban areas.
4. Astronomers and stargazers find it difficult to
observe the shimmering stars and other heavenly
Control measures of light pollution:-
Control measures of light pollution:-
1. Downlighting of street lights directed
downwards to create a pool of light on the road
as sending light emission
upwards leads to considerable wastage of light
2. Intelligent lighting system which can adjust
themselves to the available light from vehicular
3. Promote lighting options that are low-impact,
energy-efficient and visually pleasing.
Radioactive Pollution:-
The radioactive pollution is defined as the physical
pollution of living organisms and their
environment as a result of release of radioactive
substances into the environment during nuclear
explosions and testing of nuclear weapons.
The release of spent fuel(Radioactive waste)is
increasing with the establishment of nuclear
reactors, nuclear weapons. The major issue with
radioactive material is that ionizing radiation from
these substances is long lasting and takes millions
of years for degradation.
What is the effect of radioactive pollution?
Exposure to large amounts
of radioactivity can cause
nausea, vomiting, hair loss,
diarrhea, hemorrhage,
destruction of the intestinal
lining, central nervous
system damage, and death.
It also causes DNA damage
and raises the risk of
cancer, particularly in young
children and fetuses.
Thank You
See you next day

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