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Mathematics is not merely a concept; it is an art.

Even the smallest details can provoke

fascination and begin a voyage of inquiry through the realm of mathematics. Just look at Cédric
Villani—a politician and yet a mathematician (who'd have guessed)! He began his journey thanks
to his favorite childhood fascination: solving magic squares. These Sudoku-like puzzles
captivated him so much that he set out on a mathematical exploration which ultimately led to his
award of the Fields Medal in 2010. With 'Villani's Squares,' we wish to challenge those with
exceptional curiosity in mathematics and are looking for an academic challenge. Who knows, one
day, a nominee for the Feilds Medal might emerge from among us.

Round 1
Initiating the category with a detailed quiz ranging from number theory to integration to
differentiation - truly covering the depth of mathematics - and consisting of multiple-choice questions
with no negative marking and points awarded for each correct choice, it is indeed a challenge that
only half the teams will qualify for the next round—all within an appointed time limit! Truly, a test of
one's mathematical acumen.
3 Participants per Team.

Round 2
In the second round, one must demonstrate their prowess in mathematical solutions, and only those
who can prove their capabilities sufficiently within the given time limit will advance. Theorems and
expressions to be proven shall be revealed on the spot, creating a challenge that requires an
exceptionally high intellectual knowledge of mathematics. Indeed, this is a test of which only the most
brilliant minds can succeed.
3 Participants per Team.

Round 3
The third and final round of this category is a Surprise Round. The details for the round will be
disclosed on the same day and all participants are expected to have a high-level preparation before the
day due to the extent of competition.
[Hidden Details: Only accessible by the Executive Council, Head, and Deputy Head
This round is to be commenced in the form of 1v1. The problems will enclose the topics Calculus and
Derivation with participants given a choice among the two. The choices are to be awarded according
to the levels of understanding of the participants i.e., O-Level/A-Level Students. The teams will be
invited to solve a problem against each other, given the same time limit. In order to qualify as a
winning team, the participants are expected to score the highest.

3 Participants per Team

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