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Module Code:

Question 1
 Imelda passionately seek new opportunities. Imelda taking on a new
opportunity in having the business become a network of tech start-up and to
take a lead in new markets.
 Imelda pursue opportunities with enormous discipline. He revisited the
opportunities and noticed failures and changed his approach asking marketing
directors to come up with five innovative ideas.
 They pursue opportunities that they deem best and they always avoid
exhausting the organisation and themselves by chasing after every option.
They limit the number of projects they pursue. Imelda pursued the very best
opportunities and didn’t give up when there were failures along the way. He
just improved and innovated the ideas.
 They focus on adaption and execution. When the real opportunity changes
directions, they are able to change with it and find the best way to exploit it,
evolve. People with an entrepreneurial mind-set execute, they analyse new
ideas and get things done instead over analyse those new ideas. Imelda
didn’t over analysis his ideas and he knew what he wanted to achieve with his
business. He worked on achieving his goal for his business.
 They involve everyone in their domain in the pursuit of an opportunity. The
understand that working with others can bring in more resources that these
people will offer and also helping those people to achieve their own goals as
well. Imelda engaged everyone in the business. He had to engage the
marketing directors to find innovative ideas.

1.2 Entrepreneurial intensity is to assess the overall level of entrepreneurship in the

company, the concept of frequency and degree must be considered together.

Question 2
2.1 Open book management it is a way of running a business that gets employees to
focus on helping the business make money. Open book management doesn’t focus
on motivating employees to pay attention to quality, efficiency, good customer
service or some other operational concern, the main focus is ensuring that the
business becomes successful over time. This is an approach that build businesses
around the following six key ingredients:
1) All employees have access to the financial records of the company and all the
other numbers that are very much critical to tracking the company’s
2) Employees are aware that whatever they do which is part of their job must be
done properly so that it can move the numbers in to the right direction.
3) All employees are encouraged to make decisions in theirs jobs based on what
they know.
4) The company ensures that everyone in the business is taught the basics of
the business (what the numbers mean).
5) Employees know that they own a stake when the company succeeds and also
know that know that they share the risk of failure.
6) Employees are shown openly information of the business and this ongoing
information is put in front of them.
 A parking spot is reserved for the “innovator of the month.”
This will make employees want to work hard so that they can book
themselves a parking spot.
 Paid vacation
Employees will work hard knowing that they will get a paid vacation to relax
and they won’t spend any of their money on the vacation.
 End of year party with awards
There will be awards that will be given out at the year end to show
appreciation of the employees. This up lifts their work rate because they know
they will be awarded for it.
 Wall of fame
The wall of fame will be placed in an area where even customers/clients can
see it so that employee can be motivated to be placed on that wall.
 Invest in employees’ education
This will motivate employees to work even harder if they want to further their
 Half-day Fridays
Employees that work hard and complete their task on time will be rewarded
with a half-day on Friday. This will make employees to finish their tasks on
 Reserve unique office space for the team
The team that works hard is rewarded with an office space this will motivate
them to even want to work even harder to earn themselves a promotion to a
high position.
 Zoo value reward this will work with points, when employees complete tasks
and achieve things in the workplace their points increase but when they do
not work hard the points decrease
Question 3
3.1 Adaptability—the ability to adjust, on a timely basis, to new technologies, new
customer needs, new regulatory rules, and other changes in conditions without
losing focus or causing significant disruption of core operations and commitments;
Managers were mandated to treat the business as network of tech start-up as the
business was taking a new direction technology.
Flexibility— Imelda. had to meet with the marketing director and asked them to come
up with five innovative ideas for the new growth of the business and each idea would
generate at least $100 million in revenue within three years.
Speed— Imelda to ensure that focus of the business wasn’t lost tied the employee
compensation to internal growth.
Aggressiveness— Imelda has instilled the agility to compete
Innovativeness— the mission of the business is to take the scientific lead in new

I, Kwanele Tshabalala, with student number,10984054 hereby declare that I have

read the Unisa policy on plagiarism and the student disciplinary procedures
documents, made available on the myUnisa module site, and I understand what
constitutes plagiarism, collusion and academic fraud. I declare that this this
examination is my own original work and that I have not allowed anyone else to
borrow or copy my work.

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