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a. Choose the correct word to complete the sentence.

(10 items)

1. Joe didn’t study hard enough, so he … the exam.

{1:MCH: A) hand in~=B) failed~C) got}
2. Martha forgot to … her essay. And, her teacher was really upset.
{2:MCH:=A) hand in~B) take notes~C) get into}
3. Mark didn’t manage to … college, so he’ll go abroad.
{3:MCH: A) fail~B) study~=C) get into}
4. I got a … in languages. I graduated in 2019.
{4:MCH: A) certificate~=B) degree~C) studies}
5. None of my classmates slept well because they needed to study for the final … .
{5:MCH:=A) exam~B) lesson~C) diploma}
6. Dylan isn’t a good learner. He always arrives late and he never takes … .
{6:MCH: A) scores~=B) notes~C) grades}
7. I really admire Paula. She always gets … .
{7:MCH: A) good notes~B) good jobs~=C) good grades}
8. When I was 17, I did want to get … college.
{8:MCH:=A) into~B) onto~C) at}
9. My teacher asked us to … an essay on pollution.
{9:MCH: A) take~B) make~=C) write}
10. Unfortunately, I … my final Maths exam.
{10:MCH: A) disapprove~=B) failed~C) lost}

b. Complete the missing words. (5 items)

1. I always take a lot of n{1:SA:=o}{1:SA:=a}{1:SA:=t}{1:SA:=e}{1:SA:=s} during my English lessons.

2. Maria got a good g{2:SA:=r}{2:SA:=a}{2:SA:=d}{2:SA:=e} on her homework: ten out of ten.
3. Martin handed in his e{3:SA:=s}{3:SA:=s}{3:SA:=a}{3:SA:=y} right on time.
4. I’m going to get my d{4:SA:=e}{4:SA:=g}{4:SA:=r}{4:SA:=e}{4:SA:=e} in Architecture next year.
5. Unfortunately, my dad never got into c{5:SA:=o}{5:SA:=l}{5:SA:=l}{5:SA:=e}{5:SA:=g}{5:SA:=e}.

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