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Group :

Learning outcome A: Pass

Reactions of Carbonyl & non-carbonyl functional groups:


Intro to FG

What type of reactions

Examples including reagents, conditions & equations:

1. Making alcohols with aqueous hydroxide;

Reagent: Aqueous* sodium (or potassium) hydroxide

Conditions: Reflux in aqueous solution (SOLVENT IS IMPORTANT)

Product: Alcohol

Nucleophile : hydroxide ion (OH¯)

Equation: C2H5Br(l) + NaOH(aq) ——> C2H5OH(l) + NaBr(aq)

Name Name

2. Making Amines with ammonia;

3. Making alkenes with alcoholic hydroxide.


Intro to FG

What type of reactions

Examples including reagents, conditions & equations

1. Reaction of alcohols with sodium;

2. Oxidation of primary alcohols to make aldehydes & carboxylic acids;
3. Oxidation of secondary alcohols to make ketones.

Group :

Intro to FG

What type of reactions

Examples including reagents, conditions & equations

1. Reactions of amines with halogenoalkanes;

2. Reactions of amines with carboxylic acids / acyl chlorides / acid anhydrides.


Intro to FG

What type of reactions

How do we test for aldehydes and ketones*

Examples including reagents, conditions & equations

1. Reduction of aldehydes to give primary alcohols;

2. Reduction of ketones to give secondary alcohols;
3. Reaction of carbonyls to make hydroxyl nitriles;
4. Reactions with amines to give 2,3-DNP derivatives, hydrazine and oxime.

Carboxylic acids

Intro to FG

What type of reactions

Examples including reagents, conditions & equations

1. Reaction with alcohols to form esters

2. Reaction with thionyl chloride to form acid chlorides

Acyl Chlorides & Anhydrides:

Intro to FG

What type of reactions

Examples including reagents, conditions & equations

1. Reactions of acyl chlorides with water to form acids;

Group :

2. Reactions of acyl chlorides with amines to form amides.

Learning outcome A: Merit 1 / Distinction

Mechanism Addition: Merit

Discussion: Distinction

Mechanism substitution:


Mechanism Elimination:


Mechanism Addition-Elimination:


Learning outcome A: Distinction

Group :

Comparison of mechanisms:

Nuc sub Nuc add Elim Add-Elim

Nuc sub x
Nuc add x x
Elim x x x
Add-Elim x x x x

Learning outcome A: Merit 2

Designing a multi-step synthesis of ethyl ethanoate from ethanal & ethanol:

Multi-step synthesis of N-ethylacetamide from chloroethane & ethanoyl chloride:



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