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Answer the following:

1. COVID-19 has triggered the deepest global recession in decades. If you are one of the cabinet
members and tasked to design a contingency plan to counter attack this kind of problem, what
would it be?
 I would focus more on keeping workplaces safe and clean, and also places where food
and supplements can be bought. A criteria for hygiene and health at work are being
improved. Every time a staff member enters our building, they are required to apply a
hand gel. The presence of supports with alcohol gel around the facility, particularly in
areas where hand cleaning is not an option, such as lobby areas, canteens, control
rooms, and others. the addition of additional cleaning staff to guarantee regular
cleaning of any places that could require it. The health department provides
psychological support to all employees, including those who work from home.
Employees whose roles preclude the implementation of the home office policy and who
are pregnant, elderly, or have chronic illnesses (such as heart disease, diabetes, or
respiratory diseases), or who fall into other risk categories, should contact the health
department to make sure a specific instance assessment of their circumstances.
2. If the payments are more than the receipts, that shows a 'Deficit' in the Balance of Payments. It
signifies that the country is importing more goods and services than it is exporting, and this
leads to an imbalance in the Balance of Payments. If you are the president of the country, how
will you address this problem.
 I would focus more on the exported goods or materials where it is sold at high value,
producing more of it so that there will always be an increase in the income of the
country than what the country spends on imported goods with a higher value that
makes the economy poor because of an increase in its liabilities to pay for the import
goods. The country becomes a net consumer of the world's economic output rather
than a producer. It will have to borrow to pay for consumption rather than invest in
future growth.

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