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Name : Pingkan Patricia Aambong

From : GMIM Ruth Matungkas



My fellow “Remaja Teladan” friends, judges, and everyone here I respect, let
me introduce myself. I am Pingkan Aambong from GMIM Ruth Matungkas. I would
like to express my gratitude to Lord Jesus Christ for his love and blessings that make
all of us gathered here in a good condition.
Today, I am going to deliver my speech about “Teenagers’ Role for Christ as
The World’s Light and Salt”.
Friends, judges, and viewers, the term “light of the world” and “salt of the
world” are the words taught by God as humans need to become both light and salt of
the world. Becoming a salt for the world means that all of us as God’s creation must
give a good effect for our surroundings including all of His creations. Being a light
here means we need to give a good impact for others just like a candle that will not
shine through bright places but instead it will shine through the dark.
As teenagers who live in Christ and surrender our whole life to Him, it is our
duty to become the salt and the light for the world especially to everyone who believe
and put their life in God. This can be seen through our action such as sharing our
love and caring to other people or the surrounding as what Lord Jesus taught us to
love and forgive everyone including friends or enemies. As a Christian teenager, we
need to sacrifice our life and not becoming a judgemental person in order to become
the salt and the light for the world as in the bible stated that Lord Jesus himself did
not judge and throw stones to prostitutes who were caught by society who wanted to
be judged. Instead, he forgave and gave the prostitute a chance to repent.
Judges, fellow friends, and audiences who are loved by God, as Remaja
GMIM who believe and fear the Lord, let us put our have hope and rely fully on Him,
be the salt and light of the World, always give the very best fruit from all things we
do. Stay away from those sinful things and actions to prevent us from becoming a
stumbling block for others. Accept everything wholeheartedly, not with a discouraged
heart. Be a diligent person and be a teenager who can be salt and light of the world
for everyone by living according to God's will and words.
This is the end of my speech, I would like to apologize for any mistake shared
to my performance and hopefully this speech will be useful for all of us.
Let us become the salt and the light for Him. May God bless us all.

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