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ABSTRACT: HYDROGEN CAR In modern era the main emphasis is on conserving energy and environment.

Everyone has to be very cautious in daily life so as to preserve our resources. The non conventional energy resources are diminishing and environment is getting polluted. Hence hydrogen can be used as an alternative fuel to preserve both energy and environment. This seminar emphasis on hydrogen as a very useful fuel, hydrogen car, properties of hydrogen and the various reactions of hydrogen. It clearly outlines the concepts and modifications needed so as to use hydrogen as a vehicle fuel. A detailed study of the comparison between hydrogen and petrol has also been discussed. Hydrogen Car as the name suggests is a vehicle which runs using hydrogen as fuel. Although hydrogen has been known as a fuel in the late eighteen eighties, it was about 120 years ago until NASA demonstrated some their potential applications in providing power during space flight using hydrogen fuel that people came to think about using hydrogen as a commercial fuel in locomotives.. But there were some limitations. Uncounted technical barriers and high investment costs made hydrogen not economically competitive with the existing energy technologies.

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