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Student: Cremildo Samuel Mundlovo

University ID: S336427

I chose to read the story: “A Mother” by James Joyce.

I really liked the story, first because I learned from this story that in marriage the most
important thing is respect, the age difference is an irrelevant factor. Second, it shows the
value of a brave woman in an unjust society demanding her daughter's rights.

The summary of the story:

First, the story takes place in Dublin, Ireland, and has as main character Kearney. Kearney is
an unmarried woman in her age group, she ended up marrying a very old man, which resulted
in two girls, the oldest was named Kathleen.

Second, the Kearney’s invested in their daughter Kathleen, she studied French and music at
the convent, it didn't take long for Kathleen's name to become famous.

Third, Kathleen signed a work contract with the music society, then the music society wanted
to cheat Kathleen, when the mother realized she was extremely sad and disappointed, she
made every effort to fight for her daughter's rights.

Finally, because of the music society's dishonesty in paying the full amount of the contract,
Kearney took her daughter, and they abandoned the concert, so Kathleen received only a part
of the agreed amount.


 Joyce, J. (n.d.). A mother. ESL-Bits. Retrieved


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