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Postorioso, Margie S.

GEED 001

Journal Entry No. 1

Topic: Philosophy

On November 29, 2022, we had our first meeting with our professor, Ms. Hazel Campomanes.
She introduced herself to us and discussed the first topic. She discussed about philosophy. According to
our discussion, philosophy is what guides our minds, how we think clearly, analytically, and powerfully.
However, philosophy is about life for me. It is a set of beliefs, values, and principles that guide a person's
behavior. Moreover, it is a philosophy in life that provides a positive energy to our problems or
difficulties. Aside from that, what are my life philosophy(s)? To be honest, I believe in two philosophies:
biblical philosophy. The bible verse of Isaiah 60:22 “when the time is right, I, the LORD, will make it
happen.” This is my life philosophy because I believe that everything that happens to you happens for a
reason and that there is a time when God will give you everything when he knows it is the right time.
And the verse of “Do unto others as you would have them do unto you” Matthew 7:11, this is a Golden
rule, which means that if you want people to treat you with respect, you should treat them with respect
as well. I also believe in unacceptable fate, it describes the concept of receiving back whatever you have
done to others. Beside, having a conscience implies doing wrong, and I do not want to be feeling guilty.
To relate to Sigmund Freud's theory of different levels of consciousness, I would say that I am in the
super ego because my conscience is stronger than mine. In conclusion, having philosophy in our daily
lives will help us solve problems and make better decisions through critical thinking.

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