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Obando, Jhenny Rose V.

How others see me? Me as I see me? How I would like others see me?

How others see me? In this question I counduct an interview to my peers and
classmate, and these are the things that I got: based on my classmate named Karl “I know Jhenny
as a religious person. Also she is kind and very gentle person. Usually silent in class but she
study hard. Also a helpful kind of person because she share internet through hotspot. Easy to
approach and easy to get along with. You don’t need to have double minded in approaching her
because of her sweet smile”. According to my brethren I’m a kind person and she has the
difficulty to describe me. According to my peers they see me as I don’t have any problem at all
in my life because I’m always smiling at them and always laughing when I’m with them seems
that there’s no problem. They see me that I never cry in that specific problem because they know
that I can conquer it. They see me that I’m so holy and not doing sin but the fact is the nature of
man is doing sin so I as a person I do sin but having the Holy Spirit convicted me to not do that
again and seek forgiveness from God but it’s not a license to do that specific sin again.

Me as I see me? I see myself a filthy rags before the Lord, giving my best to be Christ
like. I see myself a sinner and saved by Him, seeing myself nothing that need a Saviour. Seeing
myself not that kind of what others says but I’m trying to. A lowly women thinking I cannot
without God. Me as I see me physically a short girl and have brown skin tone. Seeing myself
doing my best in ministry of God, playing violin, guitar, ukulele, and flute and wanting to learn
piano. Seeing myself a adventurous woman because I want some things that have a thrill. In
terms of hobbies I have a lot and these are reading, playing different instrument and knowing
something new. I see myself that I am weak, not able to do anything, but have a confident to be a
victorious in life with Christ. I see myself burying my heart in the grand scheme of the Gospel
and glorifiying the highest and only God.

How I would like others see me? I would like others see me as who really I am. Being
a kind person that really have the love for every one. Also I would like others see me where
Christ liveth in me yet not I but He, I want others to see me that I’m not strong enough to handle
everything because they see me that I’m not struggling in my life. I would like others to see me
in a good way where it shows how Christ liveth in me and how He change my life before from
my old nature to a new one where the old nature passed away and all things became new but it’s
not instant of what others think.

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