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Written document

Katty Damaris Mosquera Valencia

Jorge Sebastián Rubio

Servicio Nacional de Aprendizaje


Commercial Consulting Technician

March 10, 2023
Subject: application for the position of business advisor on the Concosta mayor

Good afternoon, dear Board of Directors Concosta.

My name is Katty Damaris Mosquera, and I am writing to you because I have seen
that a selection process is underway at CONCOSTA for a vacancy in business

It is a pleasure for me to send you my letter of introduction. I would like to tell you
that I am very interested in the vacancy and I can assure you that I am the right
candidate for the position. I am a graduate of the Sena and I have 3 years of
experience as a commercial advisor and I believe that I can perform it perfectly.

On the other hand, I fully identify with the culture managed by the Concosta mayor
board, and I consider it a magnificent option to develop my professional career, so I
would like to take advantage of the opportunity to participate in the selection process
for this position.

Dear Concosta mayor board, I hope you have liked my profile and I remain at your
entire disposal in the event that you deem it appropriate to hold an interview.

If I am given the opportunity, it would be a pleasure for me to provide you with more
information on any information that you consider appropriate.

Thank you very much in advance for your attention.

Receive a warm greeting.

Katty Damaris Mosquera Valencia.

Telephone: 3112522900


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