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Tg BAHAN MAKANAN YANG TIDAK BOLEH DIPANASAKAN ie : Dee RU unT cit Jika dibiorkan mending! elt oar oem’ Ce ei ei Pere me ed SUE EC UNCUT) UCC Tug COU CU Ti cule Bee ae Ce tumbuh, eee eg entire Petertiy Makan Bersantan Pte | er cl Cu) TT UE Cu Cit A unr OU Meat LD ee CL Ne CURL RL) ee ee cue ue Ceo Pee une menjadi lemat jahat, Cera ed oa Cue 10 WAYS TO KEEP YOUR BRAIN HEALTHY (esturverHa MENTAL EXERCISE HEALTH Seen Lenk tyr tian ‘Spend time each oe oo HYDRATION Keen BREATHE Say hres bresheand [ the day to hels Hee HABITS, SLEEP Maintain ‘Aim for 7-9) thy hours of habits. Don't sleep per ‘smoke or night drink ively — — —= @ CHALLENGE LEARNING Engage in mentally Keep learning and challenging, etpecina youaicen activities = wih new and exciting content. DIET CONNECT | Wiyrocjon anew Eata wel balanced —Stay socially active, class or course? deet'and make sure Keep in contact with ¥ friends and family PROVEN BENEFITS OF ~ WALKING > A MILE EVERY DAY 1, Reduces blood glucose levels 2. Lowers blood pressure 3. Cuts bad cholesterol 4. Can burn over 1,000 calories 5. Lowers risk of breast cancer 6. ... and colon cancer 7. Reduces COPD hospital admissions 8. Lessens risk of glaucoma 9. Cuts risk of death from stroke 10. Slows progress of alzheimers 11. Lowers risk of heart disease 12. Relieves anxiety 13. Eases depression 14. Improves concentration in ADHD kids 15. ... and creativity levels 16. ... and self esteem ... CLICK FOR MORE INTERMITTENT FASTING: dey @s douly Hydrate with water, ‘unsweetened teas and coffee Stock up on foods high in nutrients, protein, & healthy fats Eat lots of fibrous veggies and fresh fruit Use the fast as a time to focus on tasks and healthy ac Have fancy coffee during your "fast" window Take it as a license to eat processed foods Skimp on vitamins Overeat during feeding hours Obsess over food during the fast window 9 WAYS TO BOOST METABOLISM / a) EAT PROTEIN AT EVERY MEAL EAT SPICY FOODS @ ‘ MOVE YOURSELF MORE oA DRINK MORE EAT EVERY COLD WATER 3-4 HOURS soy DRINK BLACK SIP UP ON COFFEE GREEN TEA Zz LIFT HEAVY GET ENOUGH THINGS SLEEP 8 Gejala - TIPERERENCT Pada umumnya Hipertensi tidak disertai dengan gejala atau keluhan tertentu. Keluhan tidak spesifik pada penderita hipertensi adalah: = eres ei) yards bets rasa sakit di dada HIPERTENS Poe CTE eel COLNE aCe Gelisah GEJALA GERD yang wajib kamu tahu! fm LiF we Nyeri Dada Sakit Tenggorokan ~ ~ Bau Mulut Gangguan Tidur Mual dan muntah A ST TTT TY Suara Serak Mulut terasa pahit

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