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First Poem
Original Copy

Are we an absurd mix copy of others?

Or an original?
If we get the same blank canvas,
What made us original?

Dye with joy, stain with misery.

The color, which has different pattern,
Entangled into same story.
Some tried to eagerly learn,
Others are drown in the pit of mystery.

But does it matter?

If everyone is everything but differ,
Does it pose as threatening answer?

We rob others puzzle

To complete ours.
We fullfill our role,
By made others as references.

While yes, people are

A copy of each other’s as usual.
Through mixing the process,
We have different genre.
And different goal.

That made us an original copy.

2. Second Poem (Sonnet)
Ode to the Human

My strange human, you inspire me to write.

How I hate the way you move, talk and act,
Invading my mind day and through the night,
Always dreaming about the fierce abstract.

Let me compare you to a pretender?

You are more awful, unlawful and odd.
Bright frost nips the robins of December,
And wintertime has the alarming brod.

How do I hate you? Let me count the ways.

I hate your personality and smile.
Thinking of your creepy style fills my days.
My hate for you is the cunning Argyll.

Now I must away with a lawful heart,

Remember my wild words whilst we're apart.

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