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Cloning, expression, and characterization of a novel guanylate-binding

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Biochimica et Biophysica Acta 1384 Ž1998. 373–386

Cloning, expression, and characterization of a novel guanylate-binding

protein, GBP3 in murine erythroid progenitor cells
Byung Hee Han , Don Jae Park b, Robert W. Lim a , Jeong Hyok Im a , Hyun Dju Kim a,)

Department of Pharmacology, UniÕersity of Missouri-Columbia, School of Medicine, Columbia, MO 65212, USA
Department of Medicine, DiÕision of Hematology, Vanderbilt UniÕersity Medical Center, NashÕille, TN 37232-6305, USA
Received 14 October 1997; revised 20 February 1998; accepted 25 February 1998


We report the molecular cloning of a novel guanylate-binding protein ŽGBP., termed mouse GBP3 ŽmGBP3. in Friend
virus-induced mouse erythroid progenitor ŽFVA. cells. The 71-kDa mGBP3 belongs to a family of known GBPs that
contain the first two consensus motifs, GXXXXGKŽSrT. and DXXG, but lack the third element, ŽNrT.KXD, found in
typical GTP-binding proteins. Recombinant mGBP3 protein, expressed using a baculovirus expression system, binds to
agarose-immobilized guanine nucleotides ŽGTP, GDP and GMP.. Moreover, mGBP3 has been found to have an intrinsic
GTPase activity with K m and Vmax values of 77 " 4 m M and 21 " 0.5 pmol miny1 m gy1 of protein, respectively. The
mGBP3 is distinct from the other GBPs, in that it does not have an isoprenylationrmethylation motif CAAX at the carboxyl
terminus. The mGBP3 appears to be localized in the cytosol based on immunofluorescence staining. Although the mGBP3
transcript is expressed to a varying degree in numerous mouse tissues, the message is most abundant in FVA cells. The
mGBP3 transcript increases in FVA cells undergoing differentiation to a maximum within a few hours and then decreases to
an undetectable level by 24 h. These results, taken together, suggest that mGBP3 is a novel member of a family of
guanylate-binding proteins, which plays a role in the erythroid differentiation. The nucleotide sequence reported in this
paper has been submitted to the GenBanke with accession number U44731. q 1998 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights

Keywords: cDNA sequence; GTPase activity; Gene expression; Subcellular localization; Erythropoietin; Interferon-g

Abbreviations: Epo, Erythropoietin; ERG, Erythropoietin-re- 1. Introduction

sponsive gene; FBS, Fetal bovine serum; FVA cells, Erythroid
progenitor cells isolated from the mouse spleen infected with
Friend virus; GBP, Guanylate-binding protein; His-mGBP3, histi-
GTP-binding proteins regulate a variety of cellular
dine-tagged mouse GBP3; IFN-gc, Interferon gamma; IMDM, activities including signal transduction, protein syn-
Iscoves, modified Dulbecco medium; RACE, Rapid amplification thesis, protein targeting, and cell motility Žreviewed
of cDNA ends; RT-PCR, Reverse transcriptase-polymerase chain in Ref. w1x.. Amino acid sequence comparisons and
reaction; SDS-PAGE, Sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gel X-ray crystallographic data analysis of GTP-binding
electrophoresis proteins have revealed the presence of three hallmark
Corresponding author. Fax: q1-573-884-4558; E-mail: consensus elements, GXXXXGKŽSrT., DXXG, and
Present address: Yuhan Research Center, Yuhan Pharmaceu- Ž N rT . K X D w 2 – 6 x . The first tw o m otifs
tical Co., Seoul, South Korea. GXXXXGKŽSrT. and DXXG are known to interact

0167-4838r98r$19.00 q 1998 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.

PII S 0 1 6 7 - 4 8 3 8 Ž 9 8 . 0 0 0 3 4 - X
374 B.H. Han et al.r Biochimica et Biophysica Acta 1384 (1998) 373–386

with the phosphate groups of the guanine nucleotides, Recently, we reported the isolation of erythropoi-
whereas the third element ŽNrT.KXD is responsible etin-responsive genes ŽERGs. from the Epo-treated
for the specificity of guanine recognition. For exam- FVA cells by differential hybridization w38x. In this
ple, the modification of Ž NrT.KXD motif by substi- communication, we present our results in which we
tuting Asp with Asn in p21ras w7,8x and EF-Tu w9,10x cloned and characterized a novel 71-kD guanylate-bi-
leads to a loss of the guanine nucleotide binding nding protein, termed mouse GBP3 from the Epo-
specificity. stimulated FVA cell cDNA library. The mouse GBP3
A family of proteins termed the guanylate-binding protein shows a high sequence identity and GTPase
proteins ŽGBPs. have been originally described as activity similar to those of the other known GBPs.
interferon ŽIFN. -inducible guanine nucleotide-bind- However, unlike other GBP3, the mGBP3 protein,
ing proteins in fibroblasts and in macrophages w11,12x. which lacks the isoprenylationrmethylation motif
Molecular cloning of GBPs has uncovered several CAAX, appears to be located in the cytosol of FVA
characteristic features common to the GBP family cells.
w13–16x. All GBPs possess the first two GTP-binding
consensus elements GXXXXGKŽSrT. and DXXG,
but lack the third ŽNrT.KXD motif. However, these 2. Materials and methods
GBPs still retain a high degree of selectivity to
guanine nucleotides ŽGTP, GDP, and GMP. over
adenine and pyrimidine nucleotides w13,17x. Recently, 2.1. Cloning and sequencing of mGBP3 cDNA
several GBPs have been shown to be GTPases with
slightly different catalytic properties. While the re- FVA cells were isolated from mouse spleen and
combinant hGBP1 w17x hydrolyzes GTP predomi- cultured as described w40x. The construction of the
nantly to GMP, the chicken GBP w16x and the hGBP2 murine cDNA library from Epo-stimulated FVA cells
w18x also catalyze the conversion of GTP, but GDP is and the isolation of ERGs have been described previ-
the major product. In addition, most GBPs known to ously w38x. One ERG clone, erg11a, appeared to
date have an isoprenylationrmethylation modifica- encode part of a 2.6-kb transcript as determined by
tion motif at their carboxyl termini. This posttrans- Northern blot analysis Žsee below. . Using the w a y32
lational modification promotes the ability of proteins PxdCTP-labeled erg11a cDNA insert as a probe, a
to associate with the plasma membranes w19–21x. random-primed lgt10 cDNA library, prepared from
Both hGBP1 w17x and rat p67 GBP w15,22x have been polyŽ A.q RNA of FVA cells treated with 2 Urml
shown to be isoprenylated in vitro. The rat p67 GBP Epo for 1 h, was screened to isolate overlapping
has been reported to be localized in the plasma clones as described w38x. Additional 5X sequence was
membranes w15,22x. However, the physiological func- obtained by using the 5X-rapid amplification of cDNA
tion of GBPs has not yet been elucidated. ends Ž RACE. protocol according to the method of
Erythropoietin ŽEpo. is a hematopoietic growth Frohman et al. w41x. Briefly, polyŽ A.q RNA isolated
factor that regulates cell proliferation, differentiation from FVA cells were reverse-transcribed with an
and apoptosis of erythroid progenitor cells w23–27x. erg11-gene specific reverse primer, 5X-AGGGCAT-
Erythroid progenitor ŽFVA. cells, isolated from the TCTCCAGGTACTC-3X corresponding to positions
spleens of mice infected with the anemia-inducing 654–673 of mGBP3 cDNA ŽFig. 1. . The first strand
strain of Friend virus, have been used as a cell model cDNA was tailed with dATP by terminal deoxynu-
system for the erythroid differentiationrmaturation cleotidyl transferase ŽUSB. and amplified using an
w28–34x. FVA cells undergo differentiation to erg11-gene specific primer, 5X-GACAAAGGTGCT
hemoglobin-rich reticulocytes in vitro within 48–72 h GCTCAGAAGCACAG-3X corresponding to positions
upon exposure to Epo. It has been reported that Epo 418–443, and a dT17-adapter primer with Taq DNA
induces early responsive genes such as MYC, MYB, polymerase ŽUSB. in a Amplitrone II thermal cycler
GATA1, BVL1, NFE2, and TAL1r SCL prior to the ŽBarnsteadrThermolyne. . The PCR product Ž; 0.5
expression of genes encoding erythrocyte-specific kb. was gel-purified and subcloned into pGEM-T
proteins like globins w35–39x. vector ŽPromega. .
B.H. Han et al.r Biochimica et Biophysica Acta 1384 (1998) 373–386 375

Fig. 1. The cDNA and deduced amino acid sequences of mouse GBP3. Ninety eight nucleotides at the 5X end of the cDNA were obtained
by the 5X-RACE PCR method. The rest of the sequence was derived from several overlapping clones containing the mouse GBP3 Ž erg11.
cDNA. Amino acid sequence was deduced from the longest open reading frame and indicated by the single letter code. Consensus motifs
for nucleotide binding are boxed. Two potential polyadenylation signals AATAAA, in the 3X-untranslated region, are marked by dotted
lines. Two repeats of the ATTTA sequence motif found in rapidly degraded messages are underlined. The bold-faced amino acids indicate
the residue used to generate polyclonal anti-mGBP3 antibody as described in Section 2.

All cDNA inserts were sequenced on both strands quences were analyzed and compared with those in
using a Sequenasee Version 2.0 DNA sequencing kit the GenBanke sequence data banks using a com-
ŽUSB. according to manufacturer’s protocol. Se- puter program provided by Genetics Computer Group.
376 B.H. Han et al.r Biochimica et Biophysica Acta 1384 (1998) 373–386


GTG-3X Žcorresponding to positions 89-112. and
Total RNA was isolated by the guanidium thio- 5X-GCGGATCCTCTAGACTAACTACTTAGTGAG-
cyanate–phenol method w42x. RNA samples Ž 20 CC-3X Ž corresponding to positions 1923–1940. .
m grlane. were separated by electrophoresis in a PCR-generated fragment was cloned into the pGEM
1.1% agarose gel containing formaldehyde, and trans- vector to form pGEM-mGBP3. The XhoIrSalI frag-
ferred onto a nylon membrane Ž Amersham. . UV- ment of the pGEM-mGBP3 was excised and ligated
crosslinked membrane were prehybridized for 2 h at into the corresponding site of pBlueBacHis2 Ž In-
658C in rapid hybridization buffer ŽAmersham. , and vitrogen. . The resulting recombinant construct,
hybridized in the same buffer overnight at 658C with pBlueBacHis2-mGBP3 expresses a fusion peptide
1 = 10 6 cpmrml of w32 Px-random-primed cDNA containing mouse GBP3 amino acid residue 2–620
probe. Blots were washed twice with 2 = SSC con- fused to the histidine tag at its N-terminus. Spodoptera
taining 0.1% SDS for 20 min at room temperature frugiperda Ž Sf9. cells were co-transfected with the
and twice with 0.2 = SSC containing 0.1% SDS for baculovirus Autographa california ŽAcMNPV. DNA
20 min at 658C. Following the washes, blots were and the recombinant construct pBlueBacHis2-
exposed to X-ray film ŽKodak. at y708C with inten- mGBP3. The recombinant baculovirus was isolated
sifying screens. by plaque assay according to manufacture’s protocol
ŽInvitrogen.. Sf9 cells Ž2 = 10 6 cellsrml. were in-
2.3. RT-PCR fected with the recombinant baculovirus at a multi-
plicity of infection of 5 plaque-forming unit per cell
Two micrograms of total RNA were reverse-tran- for 72 h.
scribed for 1 h at 378C in a volume of 20 m l with His-mGBP3 was purified by nickel-chelation affin-
random primers. One tenth of the synthesized cDNA ity chromatography according to manufacturer’s pro-
was subjected to PCR amplification for the indicated tocol ŽQiagen.. Briefly, infected Sf9 cells were lysed
number of cycles. PCR conditions were as follows: by sonication in binding buffer Ž20 mM Tris–HCl,
948C for 1 min, 568C for 1.5 min, and 728C for 1.5 pH 7.9, 500 mM NaCl, 10% glycerol, 5 mM imida-
min. The PCR products were separated by elec- zole, 0.5% Triton X-100, 10 mM b-mercaptoethanol,
trophoresis in 1.5% agarose gels and visualized by 1 mM PMSF, 20 m grml of leupeptin and trypsin
ethidium bromide staining. Under such conditions, inhibitor, and 5 m grml of pepstatin A.. Soluble
the RT-PCR procedure appeared to be quantitative, protein was loaded onto Ni–NTA resins ŽQiagen. and
since the yields of PCR products were proportional to washed with 15 bed volumes of the binding buffer.
the amount of cDNA input Ždata not shown. . Primers His-mGBP3 was finally eluted with a step-wise gra-
used for PCR were as follows: for mGBP3, 5X-TG- dient of imidazole of 10 to 100 mM. Protein samples
GAGGCACCCATTTGTCTGGTG-3X and 5X-GAC were then applied to Q sepharose anion-exchange
AAAGGTGCTGCTCAGAAGCACAG-3X ; for chromatography column Ž Pharmacia. equilibrated
mGBP1 gene, 5X-CAAGCTAGCTGGGAAGAG- with a buffer containing 20 mM Tris–HCl, pH 8.0
GACAGG-3X and 5X-GAACTTCCTGATACACAG- and 0.1% Triton X-100. Proteins retained on the
GCGAGG-3X ; for mouse b-actin, 5X-TCCTATGTGG- column were eluted with a step-wise gradient of
2.5. Nucleotide binding assay
2.4. Expression and purification of histidine-tagged
mGBP3 The purified His-mGBP3 fusion protein Ž; 5 m g.
was incubated with 30- m l bed volume of
Histidine-tagged mGBP3 Ž His-mGBP3. was ex- nucleotide–agarose resins Ž Sigma. for 30 min at 48C
pressed using a baculovirus expression system. First, in 1-ml binding buffer as described previously w13x.
the coding region of mouse GBP3 gene was gener- Resin-bound proteins were eluted with 20 m l SDS-
ated by PCR using the following oligonucleotides: PAGE sample buffer containing 2% SDS by boiling
B.H. Han et al.r Biochimica et Biophysica Acta 1384 (1998) 373–386 377

for 5 min. The eluted proteins were separated by tion fluid and the amount of radioactivity was deter-
SDS-PAGE in 10% polyacrylamide gels and stained mined using a scintillation counter ŽBeckman..
with Coomassie Blue.
2.7. Generation of polyclonal antibody and Western
2.6. GTPase assay blot

GTPase assay was performed as described w17x in a Polyclonal antibody was raised by immunization
buffer containing 20 mM Tris–HCl, pH 8.0, 100 mM of rabbits with a synthetic peptide corresponding to
NaCl, 5 mM MgCl 2 , 1 mM DTT, 80 nM w a y32 the mouse GBP3 amino acid residues 513–541. Of
PxGTP Ž 3000 Cirmmol. and unlabeled GTP Ž con- the 29 residues present in this peptide, only 10–12
centration as indicated in figures. at 378C. The reac- residues are conserved in other known GBPs Ž see
tion was terminated with 1 mM EDTA and 0.5% Fig. 2.. Rabbits were immunized with 100 m g of the
SDS. Samples were spotted on polyethyleneimine- keyhole limpet hemocyanin-coupled peptide mixed
cellulose thin layer chromatography plates Ž Selecto with complete Freund’s adjuvant, and boosted twice
Scientific. and separated in solution containing 1.5 M with incomplete Friend’s adjuvant at a month inter-
LiCl, 0.5 M acetic acid, and 0.025 M citric acid. The val. For analysis of mouse GBP3 protein, protein
dried plates were autoradiographed. Radioactive re- samples were separated by SDS-PAGE Ž 10% poly-
gions on the TLC plates were scraped into scintilla- acrylamide gel. , transferred to nitrocellulose mem-

Fig. 2. Alignment of mouse GBP3 with other guanylate-binding proteins. The predicted amino acid sequence of mouse GBP3 gene was
aligned with that of mouse GBP1rmag1 w13,14x, mouse GBPmarmag2 ŽGenBanke accession number M81128., human GBP1 w13x, and
human GBP2 w13x. Gray area indicates that the corresponding amino acid is identical to that of mouse GBP3. Gaps Žy. are introduced to
maximize alignment. The boxed residues indicate the conserved GTP-binding consensus motifs, GXXXXGKŽSrT. and DXXG.
378 B.H. Han et al.r Biochimica et Biophysica Acta 1384 (1998) 373–386

branes, and preincubated with TBS Ž 20 mM Tris– Sequence comparison reveals that the putative pro-
HCl, pH 7.5, 150 mM NaCl. containing 3% bovine tein encoded by erg11 clone bears resemblance to a
serum albumin. The blocked membranes were subse- family of guanylate-binding proteins ŽGBPs. as shown
quently incubated with a 1:2000 dilution of poly- in Fig. 2. The overall sequence identity between the
clonal anti-mGBP3 antiserum, horseradish peroxi- protein encoded by the erg11 clone and the other
dase-conjugated goat anti-rabbit IgG, and visualized known GBPs varies from 52% to 62%. The protein
with an enhanced chemiluminescence system Ž Pierce. . encoded by the erg11 clone is referred hereafter to as
mouse GBP3. The sequence conservation between
2.8. Immunofluorescence staining mouse GBP3 and the other GBPs is highest in the
region surrounding two nucleotide binding motifs, the
FVA cells were cultured in IMDM with 2 Urml first GTP-binding motif GXXXXGKŽSrT., which is
recombinant Epo. Twelve hours after the initiation of also known as the Walker A motif, located at amino
the culture, the cells were rinsed twice with phos- acid residue 39–46, and the second GTP-binding
phate-buffered saline, fixed with 4% paraformal- motif, DXXG at residue 91–94. Like the other GBPs,
dehyde for 1 h at room temperature, and attached the mouse GBP3 apparently lacks the third down-
onto coverslips. Fixed cells were permeabilized with stream motif, ŽNrT. KXD which is found in typical
phosphate-buffered saline containing 0.1% Triton X- GTP-binding proteins. However, unlike the other
100 for 15 min, and nonspecific reactive sites were GBPs, the predicted mouse GBP3 does not have a
blocked with 10% goat serum. Cells were subjected CAAX motif at its C-terminus. Instead, the mouse
to sequential incubation with a 1:500 dilution of GBP3 has a hydrophobic 30-amino acid stretch at the
polyclonal anti-mGBP3 antiserum, biotinylated goat C-terminus not found in either GBP1 or GBP2. The
anti-mouse IgG antibody, followed by streptavidin-
conjugated Cy5e Ž Zymed Laboratory.. Immunofluo-
rescence image was analyzed by confocal fluores-
cence microscopy ŽBio-Rad model 600..

3. Results

3.1. Isolation of a mGBP3 cDNA clone

We screened a lgt10 cDNA library generated with

mRNA from Epo-treated FVA cells and isolated sev-
eral overlapping clones using the cDNA insert of
erg11a as a probe. Nucleotide sequences of the com-
posite erg11 cDNA were obtained from these over-
lapping clones with a total length of 2458 nu-
cleotides, in which 98 nucleotides at the 5X end were
generated by the 5X-RACE method.
Fig. 1 shows the nucleotide and deduced amino
acid sequences of the composite erg11 cDNA. The Fig. 3. Northern blot analysis of mouse GBP3 transcript. Twenty
amino acid sequence encoded by the longest open micrograms of total RNA isolated from FVA cells were separated
reading frame of the cDNA predicts a protein of 620 by electrophoresis in a 1.1% agarose-formaldehyde gel, blotted
amino acids with a calculated molecular mass of onto nitrocellulose membrane, and hybridized to w a y32 PxdCTP-
70,720 Da. In the 3X-untranslated region, there are labeled probe containing mouse GBP3 cDNA residue 99-2458.
The hybridized membrane was exposed to X-ray films at y708C.
two repeats of polyadenylation signal AATAAA and Lane 1 shows the ethidium bromide staining of rRNAs. Lane 2
two repeats of the ATTTA motif, which is commonly represents the autoradiograph from the Northern analysis follow-
found in rapidly degraded mRNA species. ing hybridization.
B.H. Han et al.r Biochimica et Biophysica Acta 1384 (1998) 373–386 379

hydrophobicity profile of mGBP3, plotted by the contrast, mGBP3 transcript was not detectable by
algorithm of Kyte and Doolittle w43x, is similar to that Northern analysis in two erythroleukemia cell lines,
of hGBP1 except for the hydrophobic region at the HCD-57 and SREI-2, and various mouse tissues in-
C-terminus Ž data not shown.. cluding brain, lung, heart, spleen, kidney, liver, and
intestine Ždata not shown. .
3.2. Detection of mGBP3 mRNA by Northern analysis

Northern analysis confirmed the expression of 3.3. Determination of mouse GBP3 gene expression
mouse GBP3 gene in freshly harvested FVA cells by RT-PCR
ŽFig. 3.. The mGBP3 cDNA probe corresponding to
nucleotide residues 99–2458 detected an approxi- Mouse GBP3 gene expression was examined fur-
mately 2.6-kb transcript Žlane 2. in these cells. In ther by RT-PCR. Fig. 4A describes the changes in the

Fig. 4. RT-PCR analysis of mGBP3 expression in various mouse cells and tissues. Total RNA isolated from various sources were reverse
transcribed and amplified by PCR for various numbers of cycles indicated below. PCR products were separated by electrophoresis in a
1.5% agarose gel and visualized by ethidium bromide staining. RT-PCR of the constitutively expressed b-actin transcript was used as a
control for normalization of RNA input. ŽA. The GBP3 expression during FVA cell differentiation. RT-PCR was performed with total
RNA isolated from freshly isolated FVA cells Žlane 1. and cultured FVA cells in the presence of 2 Urml Epo for the indicated number of
hours Žlane 2–8.. The mGBP3 and b-actin transcripts were amplified for 27 cycles and 25 cycles, respectively. ŽB. The mGBP3 gene
expression in cell lines. mGBP3 gene expression was determined in FVA cells treated with 2 Urml Epo for 1 h Žlane 1., Epo-treated
erythroleukemia cell lines HCD-57 Žlane 2. and SREI-2 Žlane 3., thrombopoietin-treated megakaryocytes FDC-P2 Žlane 4., macrophages
RAW264.7 Žlane 5. and skeletal muscle cells C 2 C 12 Žlane 6.. mGBP3: 30 amplification cycles, b-actin: 25 amplification cycles. ŽC.
Tissue distribution of mGBP3 transcript. mGBP3 and b-actin transcripts were amplified for 30 cycles and 25 cycles, respectively. ŽD.
The mGBP3 gene induction by IFN-g . FVA cells Žlane 1–2. and macrophages Žlane 3–4. were treated with 10 Urml IFN-g for 1 h Žlane
2 and 4. or left untreated Žlane 1 and 3., and gene expression was determined by RT-PCR. For mGBP1 and mGBP3: 27 amplification
cycles in FVA cells Žlane 1 and 2., 35 cycles in macrophages Žlane 3 and 4.; for b-actin: 25 amplification cycles.
380 B.H. Han et al.r Biochimica et Biophysica Acta 1384 (1998) 373–386

mGBP3 mRNA expression levels in FVA cells un- merous mouse tissues including the lung, spleen,
dergoing differentiation with Epo. It was found that heart and kidney ŽFig. 4C. .
mGBP3 transcript expression was readily detectable Since IFN-g has been known to induce other GBP
in freshly harvested FVA cells at the time of their transcripts, it was of interest to determine whether
isolation from the spleen. In the course of erythroid IFN-g can also induce mGBP3 gene expression. Fig.
differentiation, the message levels steadily increased 4D shows that, in addition to mGBP3 transcript, FVA
to a maximum at 3 h, followed by a decrease to a cells also expressed mGBP1 transcript to a high basal
very low level by 24 h. By contrast, the expression level. The treatment of FVA cells with IFN-g re-
level of the constitutively expressed b-actin tran- sulted in a small induction of both transcripts. In
script remained unchanged for up to 24 h. In FVA contrast, the basal levels of expression of both GBP
cells maintained without Epo, the mGBP3 transcript transcripts were low in the macrophages RAW264.7,
expression levels also increased transitorily but to a and required increased number of PCR amplification
lesser extent compared to the message levels seen in cycles for their detection Ž Fig. 4D, lane 3.. Upon
FVA cells with Epo Ž data not shown.. treatment with IFN-g , both GBP transcripts were
Fig. 4B shows the expression levels of mGBP3 highly induced Ž Fig. 4D, lane 4. .
transcript determined in various cell lines. It is evi-
dent that the Epo-treated FVA cells displayed by far 3.4. Expression and purification of His-mGBP3
the highest level of mGBP3 transcript expression.
The mGBP3 transcript was also detectable in the To investigate biochemical properties of mouse
thrombopoietin-stimulated megakaryocytes, FDC-P2. GBP3, we isolated recombinant mGBP3 protein us-
On the other hand, the mGBP3 mRNA was either ing a baculovirus expression system. Infection of Sf9
expressed at low levels or not detectable in other cell cells with the recombinant baculovirus carrying the
lines, including the erythroleukemia cell lines HCD- His-mGBP3 insert resulted in an expression of histi-
57 and SREI-2, the macrophages RAW264.7, and the dine-tagged mGBP3 protein. The fusion protein con-
skeletal muscle cells C 2 C 12 . In addition, the mGBP3 sisted of mGBP3 amino acid residue 2–620 and
transcript was expressed to a varying degree in nu- additional 38 amino acids at the N-terminus, includ-

Fig. 5. Expression and purification of histidine-tagged mouse GBP3 in Sf9 cells. ŽA. Sf9 cells were infected with recombinant
baculovirus carrying the histidine-tagged mGBP3 for 72 h. Aliquots from various stages of purification by Ni-chelation affinity column
were analyzed by SDS-PAGE and Coomassie Blue staining. Lane 1, soluble protein fraction from non-infected Sf9 cells; lane 2, soluble
protein fraction from infected Sf9 cells; lane 3, Ni-chelation column flow through; lane 4, fraction washed with binding buffer; lane 5,
fraction eluted with 5 mM imidazole; lane 6, fraction eluted with 30 mM imidazole; lane 7, eluted with 100 mM imidazole; lane 8,
molecular mass markers. ŽB. SDS-PAGE analysis of His-mGBP3 Ž; 5 m g. purified by Q sepharose anion-exchange chromatography
Žlane 1..
B.H. Han et al.r Biochimica et Biophysica Acta 1384 (1998) 373–386 381

ing the histidine tag which is necessary for the pro-

tein purification by Ni-chelation affinity chromatog-
raphy. Optimal His-mGBP3 expression was observed
when Sf9 cells were infected with the recombinant
baculovirus at the multiplicity of infection of 5
plaque-forming unit per cell for 72 h.
Fig. 5A displays SDS-PAGE of the proteins ob-
tained from various steps during the fusion protein
purification. Total soluble protein fractions prepared
from non-infected and infected SF9 cells are shown
in lane 1 and lane 2, respectively. The bulk of the
Fig. 7. Determination of kinetics for GTPase activity of His-
soluble proteins from the infected Sf9 cells were not mGBP3. His-mGBP3 Ž0.2 m gr m l. was incubated at 378C for 20
retained by the Ni-chelation affinity column Ž lane 3. . min with various concentrations of GTP. GTP hydrolysis was
Increasing the imidazole concentration in the elution analyzed by polyethyleneimine cellulose thin layer chromatogra-
buffer differentially eluted proteins of varying sizes phy and autoradiography. The double-reciprocal plot of the sub-
Žlane 4–6.. A highly pure His-mGBP3 protein was strate vs. GTP hydrolysis rate is shown. Data represent the
mean"S.D. from three independent experiments. The calculated
obtained by elution with 100 mM imidazole Ž lane 7..
K m and Vmax values are 77"4 m M and 21"0.5 pmol miny1
The yield of His-mGBP3 was approximately 5–10 m gy1 of protein, respectively.
mgrl of Sf9 cell culture. To obtain His-mGBP3 of
higher purity, the affinity-purified protein was subse- aliquots of the affinity purified His-mGBP3 were
quently further purified by anion-exchange chro- incubated with nucleotide–agarose resins, and the
matography. His-mGBP3 was retained on the anion- retained proteins were eluted with the SDS-contain-
exchange column after loading and washing, and was ing buffer and analyzed by SDS-PAGE. Fig. 6 lane 2
eluted with buffer containing 300 mM NaCl Ž Fig. 5B, shows Coomassie Blue staining of the aliquot of
lane 1.. The purified protein showed an estimated purified mGBP3 used as control in the absence of
molecular weight of 75 kDa, and was immmunologi- nucleotide–agarose resin. It is evident that a sizable
cally reactive to the polyclonal anti-mGBP3 antibody fraction of the initial starting mGBP3 was bound to
Ždata not shown. . agarose-immobilized guanine nucleotides GTP, GDP,
or GMP. By contrast, protein retention to agarose-im-
3.5. Nucleotide binding actiÕity of His-mGBP3 mobilized adenine nucleotides ŽATP, ADP, and AMP.
and pyrimidine nucleotides ŽCDP, CMP, UDP, and
Fig. 6 shows the binding activity of His-mGBP3 to UMP. was negligible. The His-mGBP3 also did not
various nucleotide-coupled agarose resins. Equal bind to the protein A-agarose resin.

Fig. 6. Nucleotide binding assay of His-tagged mGBP3. Purified His-mGBP3 protein was incubated with the nucleotide-agarose resins
indicated for 30 min at 48C. The resins were washed with the binding buffer, and the bound proteins were eluted with PAGE sample
buffer containing 2% SDS. Samples were analyzed by SDS-PAGE and Coomassie Blue staining. Lane 1, molecular mass markers; Lane
2, the total amount of His-mGBP3 protein used as starting material in the binding reaction; Lane 3, protein retained by protein-A agarose
resin, lane 4–13, protein bound to indicated nucleotide–agarose resins.
382 B.H. Han et al.r Biochimica et Biophysica Acta 1384 (1998) 373–386

3.6. GTPase actiÕity of His-mGBP3

We found that the purified His-mGBP3 has GT-
Pase activity that catalyzes conversion of GTP to
GDP Ždata not shown. . Maximal GTP hydrolysis
activity was correlated with the peak of His-mGBP3
elution during anion-exchange chromatography,
showing that GTPase activity measured is likely to
have stemmed from His-mGBP3. The GTP hydroly-
sis was dependent on magnesium and the optimum
pH of the reaction was 8.0. To determine K m and
Fig. 8. GTP hydrolysis by His-mGBP3 in the presence of various Vmax , the GTPase reaction was carried out in the
nucleotides. His-mGBP3 Ž0.18 m gr m l. was incubated at 378C in presence of varying GTP from 15 to 180 m M. At
a buffer containing 80 nM w a y32 PxGTP, 50 m M GTP, and 2
these substrate concentrations, GTP hydrolysis was
mM competitor nucleotides indicated. Hydrolysis of the radiola-
beled GTP was analyzed by polyethyleneimine cellulose thin linear up to 40 min Ždata not shown. . Fig. 7 displays
layer chromatography and autoradiography. Data represent the double-reciprocal plot of GTP concentration vs. GTP
mean"S.D. from three independent experiments. hydrolysis rate. The K m and Vmax values for the

Fig. 9. Immunofluorescence localization of mouse GBP3 protein in FVA cells. Panels A and C show bright-field images of FVA cells
cultured for 12 h with erythropoietin. Panel B and D show confocal immunofluorescence images of the same fields corresponding to A
and C, respectively. Cells were treated with pre-immune serum Žpanels A and B. or polyclonal anti-mouse GBP3 antiserum Žpanels C and
D., followed by incubation with biotinylated goat anti-mouse IgG and Cy5-conjugated streptavidin ŽOriginal image= 600..
B.H. Han et al.r Biochimica et Biophysica Acta 1384 (1998) 373–386 383

GTPase activity of His-mGBP3 were estimated to be 4. Discussion

77 " 4 m M and 21 " 0.5 pmol miny1 m gy1 of pro-
tein, respectively, from three experiments using a GBPs were originally identified as a group of
single His-mGBP3 preparation. The specific activities proteins with a strong binding activity to GMP-
of GTPase, however, varied in different preparations. agarose resins w11,12x. The stimulation of human
To determine the substrate specificity of His- fibroblasts and murine macrophages by interferons
mGBP3, GTPase assay was performed with His- resulted in the synthesis of GBP1 along with other
mGBP3 in the presence of 80 nM w a y32 PxGTP, 50 minor GBPs. The molecular cloning and sequencing
m M unlabeled GTP, and 40-fold molar excess of of two members of genes encoding GBPs have re-
competitor nucleotides Ž Fig. 8. . Hydrolysis of the vealed salient features common to GBP family pro-
radiolabeled GTP was inhibited by guanine nu- teins w13–16x. All members of this GBP family have
cleotides in the decreasing order of GTP, GMP, and the first two of three consensus elements found in
GDP. By contrast, ATP and CTP had little effect on typical GTP-binding proteins. Despite the lack of the
GTP hydrolysis by His-mGBP3. third consensus GTP-binding motif Ž NrT. KXD,
which is believed to be essential for the guanine
3.7. Subcellular distribution of mGBP3 recognition, GBPs exhibits the nucleotide binding
specificity to guanine nucleotides Ž GTP, GDP, and
Fig. 9 displays immunofluorescence localization of GMP. . In addition, GBPs exhibit unusual GTPase
mGBP3 in FVA cells cultured for 12 h with Epo. activities that hydrolyze GTP to GMP or GDP w15–
Consistent with previous observation w33x, the FVA 18x. Although GBPs are now a rapidly growing fam-
cells appear to consist of a large prominent nucleus ily of GTP-binding proteins, their physiologic role
surrounded by a small region of cytoplasm between has yet to be elucidated.
the nucleus and the plasma membrane Ž Fig. 9A,C.. In the present study, we have cloned the cDNA
The immunofluorescence staining by anti-mGBP3 an- encoding a novel GBP termed mouse GBP3 in FVA
tiserum showed a preferential distribution of mGBP3 cells. Like the other known GBPs, the mouse GBP3
to this non-nuclear compartmental edge, presumably possesses only the first two GTP-binding consensus
the cytosol ŽFig. 9D. . Moreover, the immunostaining motifs GXXXXGKŽSrT. and DXXG but devoid of
appears to be more prominent in the larger, less the third consensus element Ž NrT.KXD. The hy-
matured erythroid progenitor cells than in the smaller, drophobicity profile of mouse GBP3 is similar to that
more differentiated cells. No specific immunofluo- of hGBP1 except for the C-terminus, which has an
rescence could be detected in FVA cells when the hydrophobic stretch of 30 amino acid residue. Taken
primary antiserum was substituted with pre-immune together, these findings suggest that mouse GBP3
serum Ž Fig. 9B. . The localization of mGBP3 protein with a predicted molecular mass of 71 kDa is a new
was also examined by SDS-PAGE and immunoblot member of the GBP family. In response to stimula-
assay on subcellular fractions. Anti-mGBP3 anti- tion by IFNs, mouse embryonic and splenic cells are
serum recognized exclusively a protein of approxi- known to express multiple GBPs with molecular
mately 70 kDa in all cellular fractions including masses of 65 kDa Ž which was identified as mGBP1. ,
membrane, cytosol and nucleus Ž data not shown. . 70 kDa, and 71 kDa w12x. Inasmuch as amino acid
The absence of cross-reaction to proteins of other sequence information for the 70- and 71-kDa GBP is
molecular sizes suggests that the antiserum is specific currently unavailable, it is not known whether the
to GBP3 and does not recognize other known GBPs. mouse GBP3 we cloned is identical to the 70- and
In addition, the immunoblot data confirm that at least 71-kDa proteins. Moreover, based on the partial se-
a majority of mGMP3 is present in the cytosol of the quence of human GBP3 currently available w44x,
FVA cells. However, since we have not determined mGBP3 is unlikely to be the murine homolog of the
to what extent the membrane and nuclear fractions human GBP3.
might be contaminated by cytosol, the possible pres- To characterize the biochemical property of mouse
ence of mGBP3 in membrane and nuclear compart- GBP3, we initially expressed His-GBP3 fusion pro-
ments should be viewed with caution. tein using a bacterial expression system. Although the
384 B.H. Han et al.r Biochimica et Biophysica Acta 1384 (1998) 373–386

recombinant His-mGBP3 protein could be expressed, GBP3 transcript is already expressed at a high level
it was unstable undergoing extensive degradation dur- in FVA cells at the time of their isolation from the
ing its expression and purification Ždata not shown.. spleen. In point of fact, mGBP3 expression level is
In contrast, the expression of the His-mGBP3 protein higher in FVA cells than in other cells we tested thus
in the Sf9 insect cells using a baculovirus expression far ŽFig. 4.. Although mouse GBP3 mRNA is tran-
system allowed the isolation of the highly purified siently increased within 3 h, and then down-regulated
fusion protein by nickel-chelation affinity chromatog- thereafter in FVA cells undergoing differentiation in
raphy and by anion-exchange chromatography. His- the presence of Epo, the induction of the mouse
mGBP3 is similar to the other GBPs in that His- GBP3 transcript is not strictly Epo-dependent. A
mGBP3 strongly binds only to guanine nucleotides transient increase in mouse GBP3 transcript is also
ŽGTP, GDP, and GMP.. Schwemmle et al. w16x postu- observed in FVA cells cultured in Epo-deprived cul-
lated that the TVRD sequence, which is conserved in ture medium, but to a lesser extent than in Epo-ex-
other known GBPs, might be responsible for retain- posed cells Ždata not shown.. The reasons for the
ing the guanine nucleotide-binding specificity. In high ‘basal’ expression of mGBP3 in FVA cells is
mouse GBP3, the sequence corresponding to TVRD not yet known. It is possible that in FVA cells, the
is substituted by AVRD at amino acid residue of Epo receptor signaling cascades already have been
173–176. Thus, the substitution of Thr 173 to Ala173 activated by the Friend spleen focus-forming virus
does not seem to affect the nucleotide binding speci- ŽSFFV. -encoding glycoprotein gp55, which associ-
ficity of mouse GBP3. ates with the Epo receptors w46,47x. Thus, Epo-re-
The mouse GBP3 differs from the other GBPs in sponsive genes could have already been activated in
that the C-terminal CAAX motif, known for the FVA cells despite the absence of Epo in vitro culture.
post-translational modification signal via isoprenyla- Another possibility is that cytokines released from
tionrmethylation, is absent. It is now known that the the FVA cells in culture may induce mouse GBP3
isoprenylationrmethylation modification plays a cru- gene in an autocrine or paracrine manner. The mech-
cial role in enhancing the association of the p21ras anism responsible for the induction of mGBP3 in
family proteins and the g-subunits of the G-proteins FVA cells remains to be explored. However, its
with the plasma membranes w19–21x. Both hGBP1 possible role in erythroid differentiation is suggested
w17x and rat p67 GBP w15,22x have been shown to be by the high basal level of the gene expression, which
isoprenylated in vitro at the carboxyl terminal Cys undergoes a transitory change in the course of FVA
residue. Isoprenylated p67 GBP appeared to be pre- cell differentiation in culture. By contrast, erythro-
dominantly associated with the cell membranes in rat leukemia cell lines HCD-57 and SREI-2 lacking the
smooth muscle cells w15x. By contrast, despite being capability to differentiate into hemoglobin-rich reticu-
isoprenylated, human GBP1 has been recently re- locytes w48x have exceedingly low basal levels of
ported to be localized in the cytosol of the promyelo- mGBP3, which remain unchanged during culture with
cytic cell line HL-60 w45x. We also found the pres- Epo Ždata not shown..
ence of mGBP3 in the cytosol of FVA cells based on Mouse GBP3 transcript is also highly induced by
immunofluorescence staining using a polyclonal IFN-g in macrophages RAW264.7. This suggests
anti-mGBP3 antibody Ž Fig. 9. and by the subcellular that like other GBPs, the mouse GBP3 gene product
fractionation and immunoblot analysis Ž unpublished may be involved in mediating IFN-g ’s action during
observation. . macrophage activation. It is of interest that IFNs have
Since the cDNA encoding mouse GBP3 was ini- been reported to inhibit normal erythropoiesis by
tially identified in Epo-stimulated FVA cells, we counteracting the proliferative effect of Epo without
examined the expression of mouse GBP3 transcript in affecting the ability of the hormone to induce termi-
the course of erythroid differentiation. FVA cells nal differentiation w49–51x. In light of the findings
represent the colony-forming unit-erythroid Ž CFU-E. that mGBP3 is not only transiently induced during
stage of erythroid development, requiring Epo for erythropoiesis but also responsive to IFN-g , it is
proliferation and differentiation into enucleated tempting to suggest that mouse GBP3 gene product
reticulocytes or erythrocytes. We found that the mouse may play a role in the early molecular events for the
B.H. Han et al.r Biochimica et Biophysica Acta 1384 (1998) 373–386 385

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