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Apparel Consultants – the Need of the Hour.

Nothing is ideal in this world and similar is the case with the Apparel Industry. More often than
not, the main focus of the industry remains on meeting the deadlines of the customer, delivering
orders at any cost. Efficiency, productivity, optimization are words very familiar to the garment
industry but steps taken to rank higher on these parameters at large is a point of concern.

This is why there is and has always been a requirement of a third eye that looks after the functioning
of the organization. Meeting a particular deadline is what the company is bothered about (which
is quite justified) but developing an operating procedure that is standard for a particular operation
is what will help the company in achieving the target, developing skill of the workforce, training
them to learn the basics and depth of Kaizen, sustainability and smart work based on the hierarchy
is what will drive the company to achieve greater heights. The role of a consultant is to empower
his customer without making himself/herself indispensable.

Low labor cost has always been a parameter that has attracted companies but now brands are
looking much more than just the low labor cost. Skill of the workforce, infrastructure,
technological advancements, efficiency and productivity of the company are something that brands
are now looking for.

A consultant can therefore help you develop a more in-depth understanding of the value your
business is bringing to the market and your customer and identify ways in which your organization
can stand out and rise above the noise.

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