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Ang Kalupi

As a moralist, I think that stories ought to teach us important life lessons

and entertain us. I consider Benjamin Pascual's short story "Ang Kalupi" to be a
profoundly moving and potent depiction of the human condition and the value of
resiliency and perseverance.

Aling Marta is the main character in "Ang Kalupi." Aling Marta is dedicated
to supporting her family and improving her own life despite her challenging
situation. She encounters numerous difficulties along the way, though, including
the threat of violence from those who would exploit her vulnerability and corrupt

This story's portrayal of the human spirit and its resiliency in the face of
hardship is what most impressed me. Aling Marta is persistent and won't let her
circumstances defeat her in spite of the numerous challenges she faces. This
part of the story serves as a reminder that despite how challenging life may be,
each of us has the capacity to persevere and get through obstacles.

Furthermore, the "Ang Kalupi" story emphasizes the value of empathy and
compassion for those who are less fortunate. As a result of Aling Marta's
struggles, we are able to see the difficult circumstances that many people who
live in poverty encounter as well as how society frequently takes advantage of
and ignores these people. This aspect of the story serves as a call to action to
work toward establishing a more just and equitable society, where everyone has
access to the resources and support they need to thrive.

The persuasive story "Ang Kalupi" offers useful perspectives on the human
condition and the critical problem of poverty, in conclusion. The importance of
having compassion for those who are less fortunate as well as the tenacity and
resiliency of the human spirit are both brought to mind. As a moralist, I
wholeheartedly urge everyone who wants to learn more about the struggles that
many people in today's world face to read this story.

Word Count: 323 words

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