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Hi, I’ m Caroline. I’m Nieves’s friend from England.

On speaking to you all about Brexit and the problems that would probably
begin to face if we leave the EU. We won’t probably have any lovely
Spanish tomatoes or anything nice that comes over to our supermarkets
here in England. Although I know we do grow a variety of lovely fruits and
vegs over here, it is also nice to have Spanish influence in meals such as
chorizo, etc., etc.
I hope you are all having a lovely lesson with my friend. I miss her dearly. I
have not seen her for a long long time. I know that she is a good teacher
and she will teach you lots of good things.
At the moment, I am living in Tenbury Wells with my partner and it is
lovely and sunny here and it is really hot … No, it is not really!
Anyway, I hope that you all have a good lesson and I hope that you learn
something with regards to Brexit and the possibilities of people losing
their jobs. They work for places like Volkswagen or any kind of foreign cars
to us over here in England. I, myself, have a Volkswagen, so maybe one
day I might have to find a car that isn’t German or French, etc.
I hope this helps you with your English and send you my love from
England. Bye – Bye!
Hello, when I’m using products like chorizo in my cooking, usually in a
paella, or I pop it into a nice casserole, a sausage casserole, and I
sometimes use it to make a meal with fresh scallops from the fishmonger,
here in Tenbury Wells, alongside a dressing of honey and spring onions.

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