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“I’m really eager to understand what you can do as writers of narratives, of stories, so today, will you

please write the best personal narrative, the best Small Moment story, that you can write? Make this
be the story of one time in your life. You might focus on just a scene or two. You’ll have only forty-five
minutes to write this true story, so you’ll need to plan, draft, revise, and edit in one sitting. Write in a
way that allows you to show off all you know about narrative writing. In your writing, make sure you:
Write a beginning for your story, use transition words to tell what happened in order, elaborate to help
readers picture your story, show what your story is really about, write an ending for your story.”

How I got my pistachio and gave him purpose.

On a school day which landed on a Wednesday I was heading to my next class after 1st hour. My next
class was ASL1. In that class we were working on a word search after the word search we had done an activity
for the class to get to know each other. During that time I was talking alot, so Mrs. Bentley made me sit next to
her during the whole duration of the activity, sadly she made me go first. After the activity when the class was
ending Mrs. Bentley let the class have a snack because most of us were hungry anyway I had grabbed 3 snacks
which were a bag of chips, cookies, and pistachios. After the bell rang and it was time to head to the next class I
was on my way to math. While I was sitting in the class waiting for the class to start on of my very good friends
Mossi comes and sits in his seat next to me. Anyways class starts and our teacher Mrs. Johnson talks about what
we are going to do today the main assignments that we were gonna do after lunch. After lunch the class starts
working on the two assignments and me and Mossi start to mess around while we both were trying to get work
done. After we both finish I show him the snacks I got in 3rd hour. When I show him he pops the bag of chips
and we both share the rest of the bag, after I open up the cookies which we shared as well.

When class ended we both started to walk to our last class of the day, my next class was english I don't
know what his class was because I didn't bother to ask. While in the beginning of class I open up a tiny bag of
pistachio’s which I only eat one and put the rest away. After I eat the pistachio class starts and Mrs. Henshaw
talks about what we are going to today. Today she wanted us to finish an assignment from yesterday and start
working on an essay today. While she explains the essay she asked us to draw a little map with possible
interesta for an essay, mine were Football, Gaming, Meeting family after moving, Moving to Kansas, Pistachio,
Paper, Universal Studios, and Disney Land. Of course I choose the logical choice and choose pistachio. After
the map I used the shells from the pistachio and colored on them with two different personality’s between the
two, which hence the title, “How I got my Pistachio and gave him purpose.”

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